posted on Mar, 25 2004 @ 05:05 PM
When the Heavens Gate mass suicide happened it really shook up the City.
Especially since it happen in a very "Upscale" neighborhood full of Million dollar homes.
Then this whole UFO thing, about hitching a ride. Everyone just thought they were a crazy cult.
It was about four days ago when I saw the above link about Hale-Bopps "UFO".
I thought OMG! there was a UFO with Hale-Bopp!!
I NEVER new that!
Maybe the Cult were on to something. How would they know?
I'm not sure what to think. I honestly don't think that
they hitched a ride on this thing...but who knows!!
After hanging out here at ATS, Sounds like almost anything is possible!
I thought it was interesting. I was just wonering if
anyone made the connection....Looks like you have!.