posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 12:54 AM
You guys remind me of myself when I've had a few with some freinds.......Nothing wrong with letting loose and losing count once in a while.....though
I couldn't help but be concerned about ONE thing.
I kept waiting for you guys to get serious about some of the issues posted here on ATS.
When I come to this site, I come to 'attempt' to inform others what I know to bring about 'change'. I hope I'm not wasting my time here. Sure,
nothings wrong with having a good time but these are some trying times my brothers.
I found it very odd, how lighthearted you guys were the whole time on the show. It sounded like a party as if it was dot-com 1999. Hey, that was
then, this is now. I think you should know by now who was behind the 'irrational exuberance' as Greenspan so spinned it. You guys have to know by
This was the only show I've heard to date though I was surprised at how it came off. Is this site all fun and games for you guys? I've had some
great laughs at 'some' of the foolishness and ignorance that usually comes from youth and inexperience...though then again there are a few out there
that....are here for their own 'answers' if you know what I mean.
I mean you (the owners) have to be aware of whats going on here in America and the rest of the world by now?
Is the listener to just throw up their arms and say 'what the hell' the worlds all F___ed up so what can 'I' do about it. Let's party!
I have a baby coming into the world. I'm a little concerned about the lil ones fate if you know what I mean.
Am I missing something here? I have a conscience, though at times I believe I'm getting rarer by the day. Sometimes I really question the motives
behind the site. There are some really good posters, some really bad posters and some 'obvious' disinformation agents of whom have a very large
post record into the 6 digits. Some of these disinfo agents have over 100,000 points? I would think that these guys............. who have been
rebuffed time and again........... would have been banned from the site?
Am I missing something here? Some of my associates believe it may be data-mining and profiling. Some people even believe that certain posters posts
are hidden from the masses and restricted to the PTB attention (ie. NSA, CIA).
Just curious as to what the 'owners' have to say about this.
As for you other ATS'ers, stop kissing arse on this thread, no one respects it, not even the intended recipients.
It's probably best to U2U me on this one. I just want some honest explanations. I post on this site since most of the people here are still young,
not stuck in the system, in a career, kissing the brass'es ass or too disillusioned to make a difference.
Hey guys, you know as well as I how F---ed up this world is right now and how it got here. Is the careless attitude all about 2012? At least that
would make some sense though those that are prepared should survive it.
Any honest answers here would be appreciated. U2U me.
[edit on 21-10-2008 by Perseus Apex]