81 was a rotten year.
Glad to see you back on line, Dee.
I don't know *anything* about quantum psyics-at all, but a little about time travel--I kind of answered my own question while you were away.
Hey! would you check out my halloween short tale?---> it is here
HugmyReks Story
No one else will read it....so.......maybe you can relate.
About time travel and reptillians....and illinois and the river and mating ceremonies and winged reptillians and california and mexico....
*a personal neccessity* For Dee and Quark
When my dad came round and handed me my brain back I came up with an interesting memory about some other than reptiles overlaying a hologram of sorts
onto one of theirs and filiming this ritual in the center of the river; but when the girl came out she was taken over to the side and eaten* and
left-but don't know the year due to the nature of things when it occurred.
Then the memory goes to 2 places. An underground living arrangement only to what I can say was North of mexico--with some subversion happening there
under guise of friendship; and then after to a publically concealed place there in mexico but not too far from the border, as a means to reveal the
hidden population.
It may be nothing~false memories or something. (it's called political correctness)
Pass that to Quark will you. No really. I am fed up and I can't take it anymore.
To dRek as well, if you know him. He gets killed in a cemetary in Orleans/LA. in this memory. Same crowd-lots of trouble, but fake trouble,
holigraphically fake, to get him to reveal his identity. dRek, as you know, is irreplaceable to his station. I smelled him recently, so in this
scenario I hope he was smarter than his competition and holigraphed his response.
The people in the western housing community of california (ie north of mexico) (honestly could have been oregon or idaho--but not sd) were all right
in the affair. No one got hurt in mexico, not mexico city mexico, but coastal--but they got revealed-by their 2 timer *friends*. Again~not sure past
present or future due to the nature of things at the time. And I'm not willing to risk it is tomorrow, due to some of unrelated datas coming up now
and proving true.
Someone with technology and a space grudge was hitting at the Reps (amoung others) since 44 or so~same peeps-and in this memory...they were your
friends, rather, a human female's human friends-I don't know you from Eve :-). But it all turned out ok. Almost like the crew had a heads up.
OK. neccesary strangeness aside.
I have no further questions.
Qustion 1: Well I sort of do. I looked up and into ancient eyes staring hard at me the other day--and I couldn't remember *preciscely* where I knew
him from. Ancient, like he's been seeing the world for 742 years in a 44 year old body. Is that what reptiles look like in human form? Because, I've
only ever seen one, of your type, that I recall at the moment, change after seeing him close up--and it wasn't him. The one before, I did shake hands
with. But it was before the change. So..the cold hands...well that's not so odd. Great smile. I wonder why he did that. Change I mean.
This non changing experience more recently.
It was...I wished I had better manners with myself-and all I could think of afterwards was how rude for me not to look into those eyes longer. (And
in the pnw? Talk about too cold...)
Question 2: This is for Quark. Is there some special type of person or device that makes the heart pain as near heart attack when in distance of a
reptile, grey, or keeper (that's not the word I'm seeking)--as possibly a restraint measure on the catelogging of suspicious humans; as I had that
experience recently. Could this have been a reptile and subconsiously I am so filled with guilt over the things I've seen that possibly took place in
the 70s that I subconciously recognized a member and freaked out? I thought maybe you'd be up to date on developments.
Nice person. Very respectful. Well worlded. Linguistically (dialetically) multifunctioned- I didn't fear a thing. My body only had the reaction as he
walked towards me to concern a family matter, so I am left with the question as to why as hopelessly fragile and built for the absence of self
initiated violence, as I am, that I would be made to sit.
heard of this?
sorry for the long windedness. and the crazy talk. thanks for making yourselves available.
Could you answer the question about the females birthing cycles, please?
Willing and well cared for Surrogates were used in dReks population. But, I don't think the babies were 'of' his population. Because word was he
was his last. So I figured the only ones in distance left--eggs births, would be the scathes and you. Rotten thing about the facility, the surrogate,
and the offspring; as well as the scathes. (the babies didn't do that to the surrogate) Don't know the year. That was another one meant framed up on
you terrestrials. The logistical problem for them in setting up this off the cuff set up, was something to do with you guys only being able to travel
3mins out before having to return or un-(Dee calls it 'smoke'?), and the sceduling of flights. They wanted it to look like 'those big bad evil
maneaters'-but they couldn't. The scene looked that way-but it wasn't. Is any of this old news?
I got to get off this thread.
Got to have the babies born off world for the veil, right?
[edit on 27-10-2008 by HugmyRek]