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9/11: Attack On The Pentagon Now Public on Google

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posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 05:36 PM

Originally posted by ipsedixit

Originally posted by jthomas
FALSE. There is NO official story and you know that, Ranke, so stop lying to us. There is only the evidence and you are unable to refute any of it.

This is the ultimate corollary of the "Bush Doctrine".

Don't be upset that your canard of the "official story" doesn't work. Give up your Official 9/11 Truth Movement Fairy Tale and decide to join the real world of truth and reason.

You'll feel a lot better.

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 05:43 PM

Originally posted by Craig Ranke CIT

Originally posted by exponent

Tell me Craig, do you think that this is my typical debate style? Do you think I often lie?

I would have said no yesterday but this is a rather egregious example that throws your credibility completely in doubt moving forward.

Unless of course you were to own up to it and at least admit that you can now see how it was not a fair statement on your part.

But you've done the opposite and proceeded to defend it as if it was a perfectly reasonable or legitimate statement.

That demonstrates dishonesty even worse than the initial false statement imo.

You enagae in the worst form of intellectual dishonesty in refusing to present evidence for the last 2 years for your claims that AA77 flew over the Pentagon, despite being repeatedly asked to obey the rules of evidence and answer the questions about your claims.

You have nothing, you know it, and you abuse this and other forums to perpetuate utter nonsense.

What do you call that, Craig Ranke?

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 06:01 PM
here are the top things I find weird about the pentagon raid on reflection from this vid:

1: What the hell does the government have to hide? Clearly they suppressed the footage of the plane hitting the Pentagon and removed frames from the public release. Why won't they show this, even if a missile hit the Pentagon. I have seen better security footage from Walmart! Why not show us?

2: The light poles; If the approach was over the Annex what the hell is the deal with those light poles? We have to assume something hit them or caused them to pop out the ground.

3: No markings on lawn, even though the plane went straight into the lower floors meaning it must of been only inches above ground level! The angle is just too unreal.

4: Aluminum plane punching through 3 rings of the Pentagon?

5: Very stubborn fire! The reporters from the Pentagon on 9/11 seemed shocked the fires were still burning and for so long, very suspicious indeed.

6: The accuracy of the hit

7. The lack of plane debris

8. The overall skepticism from so many people about what really happened at the Pentagon says a lot for the governments explanation.

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 06:17 PM
reply to post by jthomas

I never thought I'd say it, but you do make a good point. There is no official story. What truthers designate as the official story are pronouncements emanating from that fountainhead of Republican flatulence, George W. Bush, and the gaggle of demons made flesh who support him and work with him. It would be more accurate to refer to official stories.

By the way, have you heard that the administration is looking for Osama bin Laden? Here's an update on their progress.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 09:02 AM

Originally posted by jthomas

Originally posted by saturnsrings
reply to post by ashamedamerican

There is no public outcry because the sheeple, just want to live in their own little corner of the world. They don't want to even think that our own government, could murder thousands of their citizens, to aid their agenda.

If you can't provide any evidence after seven years, then we have to believe you are deluding yourself that the government was behind 9/11.

Perhaps you find comfort in the Official 9/11 Truth Movement Fairy Tale.

I love it when people do this, it just shows their ignorance.
It also shows how one brainwashed sheep will start frothing at the mouth and shaking anytime anyone says anything against their mighty infallible government...

The "quote" you thought you were so elegantly ripping apart wasn't even mine... It was me quoting saturnsrings's post... But you would know that if you had read this thread, and hadn't just instantly started frothing at the mouth and shaking anytime anyone says anything against your mighty infallible government...

"If you can't provide any evidence after seven years, then we have to believe you are deluding yourself that the government was behind 9/11"
No what we have to believe is that the government did a damn fine job of lying to us and covering up any evidence.
Roswell happened in 1947, we still can't PROVE it happened, yet anyone with an I.Q. higher than that of a bowl of jell-o can tell you it happened.
The lack of evidence is not in itself evidence.

I want to thank you for proving my point that some people are SO brainwashed that they will sing the national anthem and wave their flag while covering their eyes and ears and marching off the cliff like good little lemmings...
All because they actually think our government could never do anything to harm an innocent person.
Please educate yourself before you run off at the mouth under the impression that you must be right because CNN told you so...

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 09:18 AM
reply to post by ashamedamerican
Excellent post ashamedamerican.

I love that jthomas doesn't think that releasing video of the alleged 757 at the pentagon would prove anything. To the contrary, it would prove the governments theory true, that he/she can't see that is confounding at the very least.

The wool has been firmly pulled over his/her eyes. Hope he/she takes the meds he/she clearly needs to calm down, I could read the anger that was being spewed, because someone disagrees with his/her theory.

Again, 1 unedited video of a 757 hitting the pentagon will do it for me. I'll then come on here and apologize to jthomas and all the other debunkers here. If there is 1 video there has to be dozens, show us the definitive proof.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 09:44 AM

posted by saturnsrings
Excellent post ashamedamerican.

I love that jthomas doesn't think that releasing video of the alleged 757 at the pentagon would prove anything. To the contrary, it would prove the governments theory true, that he/she can't see that is confounding at the very least.

The wool has been firmly pulled over his/her eyes. Hope he/she takes the meds he/she clearly needs to calm down, I could read the anger that was being spewed, because someone disagrees with his/her theory.

Again, 1 unedited video of a 757 hitting the pentagon will do it for me. I'll then come on here and apologize to jthomas and all the other debunkers here. If there is 1 video there has to be dozens, show us the definitive proof.

As you both probably already realize, jthomas is a very well trained disinformation specialist. Note that he never admits to anything, never provides the evidence he brags about, never approves of anything which would improve the government position such as releasing the 85+ confiscated and censored Pentagon area videos. It would appear that jthomas has access to these videos and other evidence and knows exactly what the Bush Regime has and does not have.

You will never receive an unedited video. That event is just not possible. The videos they did release were all edited. By now it should be self-evident to all open-minded persons in the world from the reactions of the Bush Regime government and their retinue of apologists and faithful believers, that their supply of evidence will never become stronger, and will always continue to evaporate until it is completely gone. They daily grow weaker as the evidence against them grows stronger. They wish to only delay the inevitable.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 10:45 AM

Originally posted by ipsedixit
reply to post by jthomas

I never thought I'd say it, but you do make a good point. There is no official story. What truthers designate as the official story are pronouncements emanating from that fountainhead of Republican flatulence, George W. Bush, and the gaggle of demons made flesh who support him and work with him. It would be more accurate to refer to official stories.

Too bad for you that it is irrelevant ant what Bush says or does not say about 9/11. It's also too bad that you don't have the capacity to understand that whether you are for against Bush (I'm not) it has absolutely no bearing on the totality of the evidence of what happened on 9/11 - that very evidence that you are so determined to deny.

It really is sad that you truthers are so utterly confused.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 10:55 AM

Originally posted by ashamedamerican

Originally posted by jthomas

Originally posted by saturnsrings
reply to post by ashamedamerican

There is no public outcry because the sheeple, just want to live in their own little corner of the world. They don't want to even think that our own government, could murder thousands of their citizens, to aid their agenda.

If you can't provide any evidence after seven years, then we have to believe you are deluding yourself that the government was behind 9/11.

Perhaps you find comfort in the Official 9/11 Truth Movement Fairy Tale.

I love it when people do this, it just shows their ignorance.
It also shows how one brainwashed sheep will start frothing at the mouth and shaking anytime anyone says anything against their mighty infallible government...

The "quote" you thought you were so elegantly ripping apart wasn't even mine... It was me quoting saturnsrings's post... But you would know that if you had read this thread, and hadn't just instantly started frothing at the mouth and shaking anytime anyone says anything against your mighty infallible government...

My statement applies to YOU, regardless. You're too brainwashed to understand that no rational person has to rely on the "government" to know and understand that the massive and independent evidence of what happened on 9/11 never came from the government nor was controlled by it to begin with. Talk about truther "sheeple" who can't fathom even the most fundamental of facts about 9/11.

Of course, you MUST rely on that silly, debunked canard to hold up your house of cards.

"If you can't provide any evidence after seven years, then we have to believe you are deluding yourself that the government was behind 9/11"
No what we have to believe is that the government did a damn fine job of lying to us and covering up any evidence.

Roswell happened in 1947, we still can't PROVE it happened, yet anyone with an I.Q. higher than that of a bowl of jell-o can tell you it happened. The lack of evidence is not in itself evidence.

This tells us all we need about your sad lack of critical thinking skills, the number one deficiency of ALL 9/11 Truthers - accept for their leaders like David Ray Griffin - probably one of the most immoral and dishonest people of the 9/11 Denial Movement - who know how to use you for their own ends.

Imagine someone stupid enough to believe "Roswell happened" and claiming there is no evidence that it did not and no evidence that it did.

Listen, sonny, you need to get out in the real world and crack some books on critical thinking and logic to understand how much you do not know what you do not know.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 11:16 AM

Originally posted by saturnsrings
reply to post by ashamedamerican
Excellent post ashamedamerican.

I love that jthomas doesn't think that releasing video of the alleged 757 at the pentagon would prove anything. To the contrary, it would prove the governments theory true, that he/she can't see that is confounding at the very least.

I always marvel at 9/11 Deniers' lack of reading comprehension skills. If you actually tried to understand what I wrote, I was quite clear in stating that one does not need ANY video to know that AA77 hit the Pentagon.

It is just as irrelevant as the fact that we did not need video or pictures of the Titanic sinking to KNOW that it hit an iceberg and sank. Get real - stop pretending that there is NO other evidence!

This preposterous 9/11 Denier notion that unless you have a video of AA77 hitting the Pentagon, then there is NO proof it did is perhaps the most funny and best illustration of the lack of critical thinking skills that infests your 9/11 Denial Movement like the plague.

This is why critical thinkers can only shake our heads in amazement at how illogical 9/11 Truthers are and why they are so easily taken advantage of by frauds like David Ray Griffin.

(Note: there is some encouraging news that some adamant truthers are beginning to realize how DRG has used them all these years and are beginning to drive him out of the 9/11 Truth Movement.)

You gullible Truthers have been led to believe absolutely ridiculous and unscientific notions that unless you have a video, no other evidence counts. Now, tell me, how bizarre is that?

Get a grip and give up your 9/11 Denial nonsense. It failed in 2002 and no manner of trying to shore it up with cards is going to prevent its final collapse.

Micahel Shermer (yes, I know a critical thinker, which means you all consider him a suspect) stated words you should heed:

"The mistaken belief that a handful of unexplained anomalies can undermine a well-established theory lies at the heart of all conspiratorial thinking (as well as creationism, Holocaust denial and the various crank theories of physics). All the "evidence" for a 9/11 conspiracy falls under the rubric of this fallacy. Such notions are easily refuted by noting that scientific theories are not built on single facts alone but on a convergence of evidence assembled from multiple lines of inquiry."

(Bolding mine.)

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 11:32 AM
a good presentation by the P4T. good enough to get jthomas frothing, again.

there IS an official story. there are very few 'facts', but here is a list of some:

blackbox data is inconsistent with official flight path, too high by several hundred feet.

blackboxes are considered to be nearly infallible, but this one was 'psychic' in that it decided to fail 6 seconds before the plane was allegedly destroyed.

five lightpoles were knocked down. they didn't mar the lawn on impact, and some had rust around the breakpoint.

a taxi has it's windshield smashed, allegedly by a lightpole. the rest of the car was completely unmarred.

the official flightpath 'changed' to one more consistent with recent eyewitness testimony.
the eyewitness testimony is consistent. EVERY witness describes a flight path north of citgo.

the last ground contact with the aircraft placed it too far away to hit at the claimed impact time, IF it was on the southside path. the northside path, however, is consistent.

there is no public video of the impact, nor a still picture, despite almost one hundred cameras recording the area 24/7.

cameras from the hotel and gas station were confiscated within minutes of the impact. (this is so fishy, you can taste it)

jthomas and the usual suspects will not stop trying to whitewash the facts, and turn them into speculation and 'unknowns'. he will try and fuzzify what is clear, and will label people 'intellectually dishonest' as an 'argument'.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 11:32 AM

Originally posted by SPreston

posted by saturnsrings
Excellent post ashamedamerican.

I love that jthomas doesn't think that releasing video of the alleged 757 at the pentagon would prove anything. To the contrary, it would prove the governments theory true, that he/she can't see that is confounding at the very least.

The wool has been firmly pulled over his/her eyes. Hope he/she takes the meds he/she clearly needs to calm down, I could read the anger that was being spewed, because someone disagrees with his/her theory.

Again, 1 unedited video of a 757 hitting the pentagon will do it for me. I'll then come on here and apologize to jthomas and all the other debunkers here. If there is 1 video there has to be dozens, show us the definitive proof.

As you both probably already realize, jthomas is a very well trained disinformation specialist. Note that he never admits to anything, never provides the evidence he brags about, never approves of anything which would improve the government position such as releasing the 85+ confiscated and censored Pentagon area videos. It would appear that jthomas has access to these videos and other evidence and knows exactly what the Bush Regime has and does not have.

You will never receive an unedited video. That event is just not possible. The videos they did release were all edited. By now it should be self-evident to all open-minded persons in the world from the reactions of the Bush Regime government and their retinue of apologists and faithful believers, that their supply of evidence will never become stronger, and will always continue to evaporate until it is completely gone. They daily grow weaker as the evidence against them grows stronger. They wish to only delay the inevitable.

We all take note how SPreston illustrates my case for me. Imagine making claims that he cannot support and then refusing to provide evidence to back up those claims.

Tell us, SPreston, why do you continue to evade providing any eyewitnesses from the other side of the Pentagon if you continue to claim AA77 flew over the Pentagon?

How long do you think you will get away with intellectual dishonesty in not backing up your claims?

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 11:38 AM

Originally posted by billybob
a good presentation by the P4T. good enough to get jthomas frothing, again.

there IS an official story. there are very few 'facts', but here is a list of some:

blackbox data is inconsistent with official flight path, too high by several hundred feet.

blackboxes are considered to be nearly infallible, but this one was 'psychic' in that it decided to fail 6 seconds before the plane was allegedly destroyed.

five lightpoles were knocked down. they didn't mar the lawn on impact, and some had rust around the breakpoint.

a taxi has it's windshield smashed, allegedly by a lightpole. the rest of the car was completely unmarred.

the official flightpath 'changed' to one more consistent with recent eyewitness testimony.
the eyewitness testimony is consistent. EVERY witness describes a flight path north of citgo.

the last ground contact with the aircraft placed it too far away to hit at the claimed impact time, IF it was on the southside path. the northside path, however, is consistent.

there is no public video of the impact, nor a still picture, despite almost one hundred cameras recording the area 24/7.

cameras from the hotel and gas station were confiscated within minutes of the impact. (this is so fishy, you can taste it)

jthomas and the usual suspects will not stop trying to whitewash the facts, and turn them into speculation and 'unknowns'. he will try and fuzzify what is clear, and will label people 'intellectually dishonest' as an 'argument'.

Billybob, you were already debunked.

But in classic good form, you illustrate the case that no manner of facts and evidence can deter you from your devoted, religious belief in the Official 9/11 Truth Movement Fairy Tale.

Keep up that ole 9/11 Denial, billybob! It keeps us laughing while your 9/11 Denial Movement ship is sinking.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 01:50 PM

Originally posted by jthomas

Billybob, you were already debunked.

But in classic good form, you illustrate the case that no manner of facts and evidence can deter you from your devoted, religious belief in the Official 9/11 Truth Movement Fairy Tale.

Keep up that ole 9/11 Denial, billybob! It keeps us laughing while your 9/11 Denial Movement ship is sinking.

there is no official truth movement fairy tale. there is a truth movement.

you would be hard put to find to conspiracy observers who agree on what DID happen, but ALL 'troofers' agree that the official story is a COMPLETE fabrication.

and regarding this:

Billybob, you were already debunked.

i'm rubber, you're glue, bounces off me and sticks to you.

na na na na na.

[edit on 15-10-2008 by billybob]

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 09:02 AM
reply to post by jthomas
jthomas, yes I misquoted you, and for that I apologize.

Here's the deal, you say they shouldn't have to show videos of the alleged plane hitting the pentagon? Then I'll ask you why? If it was a 757 then it's case closed, but since they refuse to show us definitive proof that a video would provide, then they are hiding something, and I'm sorry for you that you can not see that.

You still live in a fantasy world where our government can do no wrong, I live in reality where the government will stop at nothing to further their agenda.

Bush telling people to not pay attention to conspiracy theories? Please, why would he even broach the topic of conspiracies?

Bush joking that bin laden isn't under his podium? Yea, that joke was funny, at least to republicans, that follow him and Cheney blindly. Not many of those anymore though.

50 million dollars to investigate Clinton, but only 3 million, later upped to 15 million dollars to investigate the biggest crime in American history, and 411 days later? WTF? Why wouldn't Bush and Cheney testify separately and under oath? Why didn't Bush even want an investigation?

Far too many questions have yet to be answered, yet you blindly believe the official fairy tale? I know it comforts you, and you're welcome to feel that way.

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 11:40 AM

Originally posted by saturnsrings

Bush telling people to not pay attention to conspiracy theories? Please, why would he even broach the topic of conspiracies?

Because there are some extremely gullible people out there who will fall for any slick piece of manipulated BS.

Those are the types that the PfT and CIT and the others in the League of Extrordinary Morons prey on. They know they'll never get the logical thinker, the ones who will take a broad, objective look at the facts of the event and at the physical evidence and come to the correct conclusion that AA77 crashed that day into the western side of the building.

They will keep going for those who lack any sense of intellectual rigor and sit back and keep asking over and over and over again:

"Where are the videos!!!??? Huh???"
"Where are the plane parts, huh?????"
"Jamie McIntyre said a plane never hit there!"
"It was a missile!!!!"
"North of the Citgo!!! North of the Citgo!!!!!"
"Why didn't the self-defense misssiles shoot it down????"
"What plane?"
"What passangers?"
"What hole?"

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 03:26 PM

Originally posted by pinch
the ones who will take a broad, objective look at the facts of the event and at the physical evidence and come to the correct conclusion that AA77 crashed that day into the western side of the building.

Hey, pinch. I'm glad that you reminded me about the evidence issue.

How has your search been going to validate your claim that the FBI has all of the serialised part numbers of the alleged wreckage and are not releasing it?

Have you managed to find the proof yet, so that you can show me that what you stated is true?

Originally posted by pinch
The FBI had/have the piece-parts to the aircraft, including all the various serial numbers for N644AA and are not releasing the evidence as per standard ongoing-investigation procedures.

[edit on 16-10-2008 by tezzajw]

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 08:32 PM

Originally posted by billybob

...but ALL 'troofers' agree that the official story is a COMPLETE fabrication.

That's exactly what I have been saying: There is NO official story. Your 9/11 Denial Movement fabricated it specifically to hide the fact that none of you deniers can refute the massive independent evidence that AA77 hit the Pentagon, evidence that neither came from, nor was controlled by, the government.

I'm glad you finally admit you all fabricated the canard of the "official story". It's a start, billybob.

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 08:44 PM

Originally posted by saturnsrings
reply to post by jthomas
jthomas, yes I misquoted you, and for that I apologize.

Here's the deal, you say they shouldn't have to show videos of the alleged plane hitting the pentagon?

It's freaking bizarre how you continue to lack the ability to comprehend what I wrote or intentionally misrepresent it.

Then I'll ask you why? If it was a 757 then it's case closed, but since they refuse to show us definitive proof that a video would provide, then they are hiding something, and I'm sorry for you that you can not see that.

You provide an excellent example of how 9/11 Denial works. I've written quite clearly for you twice and you still can't comprehend what I clearly wrote. Why are you insisting on being in so much denial about my clearly written statement.

You still live in a fantasy world where our government can do no wrong, I live in reality where the government will stop at nothing to further their agenda.

How long do you propose to pretend not to understand the written word, saturnstring? Do you think anyone can read your replies and not wonder why you mind is on vacation and your mouth is working overtime?

Now let's try again. I'll give you one more opportunity to respond to what I actually wrote and not to what you apparently wish I wrote. If you're going to post here legitimately then you need to abide by the rules.

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 08:52 PM

Originally posted by tezzajw

How has your search been going to validate your claim that the FBI has all of the serialised part numbers of the alleged wreckage and are not releasing it?

How long does your script tell you to pretend anyone needs serial numbers to know that AA77 hit the Pentagon. After all, you know full well that canard is invalid and irrational. So, why would you intentionally repeat what you know is nonsense, tezzajw?

Are you so upset and angry that the 9/11 Truth Movement is dying because the facts and evidence always refute your Official 9/11 Truth Movement Fairy Tale that you are going to stubbornly defend it to the end, and go down with the sinking ship?

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