reply to post by Anonymous ATS
I am a bit amazed my anonymous post was not censored, so I am going to paste the rest of what I had to say, which by the way, is always being posted
elsewhere because I have been censored so often here.
...Yes, I am telling you that all our Presidents with few exceptions were bought and paid for liars, cheats, thieves and in a few cases Mass
Sure, there are exceptions to every rule and every extreme and I am painting an extreme picture here but, there are plenty who will discount and drag
what I say back the other direction with examples, exceptions and excuses but, my goal in writing this is not about be "Fair" it is about telling
you what is and has been in the "Hearts and Minds" of the Wealthy Elite...I mean Really, and I am not talking about Donald Trump or Opra and I to
some extent am not talking about the Queen Mother, although I have no doubt that Lady Diana is dead because she went too far in mixing with the dirt
of the world. Yes, I am saying most are considered common dirt by those who really own this world. Do I know who these people are...I know some
families and have been at gathering where what was really thought about America and the world was said but, I have no interest in name dropping and if
I really knew the heart of it all and who was who, I would not be swimming in this Soup you are all so proud of, with the rest. I got myself
excommunicated years ago when I married a Russian/Belarussian and decided to "Stay Amongst Them" here in California and those in my family who would
now defend me are dead and so, I will die here with the rest of you.
But back to the point of what I am leading up to. The true Power in this world has long since decided that mankind is dirt, fodder. There are few
exceptions; White,Black, Christian, Muslim. You will note I did not mention Jew but I could have because many of the Jews are considered lost. Anyway,
if you look to the "House Of David" and their descendants, you will find many of them today do not look very Jewish, just like me with my Auburn
Hair and Green Eyes....Obama has some of the same blood...did you know? So does Bush and Chaney and Prince William but, being of the "House Of David
Bloodline" means little but, like walking through a metal detector, it is an ingredient all must have to get a chance at real power; the rest are
just tools, puppets, go-fors, minions, front-men.
I am getting off of the point I was driving for here but, I will try to get it said now.
You wanted "Equality" got it. You wanted Inter-racial got it. You wanted Gay Marriage and got it. You wanted
this Religion or That got it. You wanted a 3,000 sq ft house onm a zero lot line and a new got it. You wanted a choice for
who run your got it with the democrats or republicans. America and the Western World have gotten what they asked for and have sold their
souls to get it and now reality is coming...what you really are is going to be brought out into the light of day.
Don't be mistaken, I am sailing on this ship with the rest and if I knew a way to go back and join the other side, I would but, it is my "karma"
like the rest to sink and swim with the choices I have made. But again I am off the points I am trying to make here.
Not all but few of you when you who read this, if search you hearts, you will know that we have been living with much that in our hearts we felt were
lies. If you are a White Anglo Saxon of any breeding you know in your heart that you don't want your daughter married to a Black or Indian or
Mexican; that "Equality" is a lie, that Homosexuality is an abomination; do I need to go down the list of lies many of us have not only allowed,
lived with but in most cases embraced? Do your own list for your own reality check. We have sold our souls and integrity for cheap crap.....