posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 11:03 AM
reply to post by Pinktip
Absolutely ! Even more so, democracy is merely a guise to appease the commoners. The Monarchical families of Europe didn't just go away after the
French Revolution in the 18th century. They have always owned the banks and controlled finance in the world.For example, who funded the exploration of
North America by Christopher Columbus ? Queen Isabella.
It is no different today. Just look at the controlling interest of the Federal Reserve.
The wealthy families of the world own the Banks, who own the Corporations that own the Politicians.
Its pretty apparent whenever the bipartisan party system has been threatened by the likes of Ross Perot or Ron Paul. Ron Paul has voiced his
opposition to the Fed and the Feds collection agency the IRS and was quickly silenced. All of these threats to the system are essentially eliminated
from the running and cast as kooks by the corporate owned media.
Voting out the Congress and the House members would be a major start. But they're owned by corporate America as well. As long as the puppet president
has the power to Veto , the wealthy elitists generally end up getting their way. Just look at the recent Bailout...what scam !
The internet is our salvation. I feel that via the 'net, as with ATS here, provides a means for people to openly voice their feelings in an open
forum. This is really the only way we'll be able to break the status quo and begin to educate the masses with the truth and hopefully a paradigm
shift away from the historical financial servitude to the wealthy elitist families who OWN each and every one of us.
[edit on 9-10-2008 by nh_ee]