posted on Oct, 11 2008 @ 12:56 PM
When he says, " Their are no nations " and then says, " Your nations are IBM, ITT, AT&T, Union Carbide, Exxon ". Ralph Nader would agree to
How well does that hit home today? The end where there is a world with no need, where boredom is amused, and every man is a shareholder.
A mixed message to be sure. Further watching of his other videos on youtube carry an additional perspective. The brainwashing of America through the
TV, and our lack of reading books. Yet I find it interesting, that the nation that did not read , has become the birth of the information age.
A balance to be sure. The dehumanizing of mankind, or the unification of humanity. Does unification lead to the death of democracy, or does
individuality and singularity keep it alive? Just what is opinion as a people versus a people of a like mind?
Is democracy the method we use to achieve altruism, or is it the single largest obstacle?
[edit on 11-10-2008 by HIFIGUY]