posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 08:19 AM
Most of you who listened to Bill Deagles audio, with the prediction of doom to be triggered on 0ct 7 are probably thinking that he was just an
attention seeking idiot, because as far as you can tell, nothing of any obvious consequence was unleashed on tues,
wrong! the dow had a major drop for the SECOND day STRAIGHT falling 508 points, and causing a downward spiral in markets around the world..
'so what', you may be thinking.. the markets have been shaky for ages, whats the big deal about the last couple of days?
Well now for the first time we are seeing 'CO-ORDINATED' global interest rate cuts as can be seen
Any one with discernment can this has been the plan all along. To create a GLOBAL crisis, to bring about a GLOBAL solution.. a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT.
But they still have work to do.. ww3 will follow the collapse of the economy in quick procession, which is where Bill Deagles prediction of nukes
going off in citys will come in.
So to reiterate my point... I believe Deagles vision predicting events escalating after a major event occuring on Oct 7 was correct, as for a second
day straight, the Dow Jones took a massive tumble, which is now escalating into some pretty New World Order style rhetoric from global leaders.
Here is the
audio of Bill Deagles vision.
[edit on 8-10-2008 by savetimerushonline]