posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 05:58 AM
Hello everyone.
I watched this pretty cool documentary yesterday called
Cyber War.
It made me think of the "Terminator" movies with "SkyNet" and "Cyberdyne" and all that stuff.
I mean, the internet itself my not be an invention by the military alone, but early in its development, the US Airforce was involved. So there is one
paralell between the "SkyNet" and the Internet.
But in the movie, the main frame computer gets a life of its own and threatens all of humanity.
In reality, it is people, like you and me, that hijack the internet and uses it as a weapon against (in this case) the US military and goverment, and
in extension, all civilazation...
So, for all of you who fear a real life "Terminator" situation, look at this documentary and realize that the threat is sort of real, but with an
ironic twist.
Pretty pointless thread maybe, but the documentary is the main stuff, and that one is no small potatoe. It's really conserning!
Stay safe.