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Galactic Federation of Light or Project Blue Beam and the Nephilim?

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posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 02:19 AM
For all of you who like to read the Bible and actually believe in this phenomenon called the Galactic Federation of Light, I would like to present you with this verse quoted from Genesis.

Genesis 6

1 And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them,

2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.

3 And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.

4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

5 And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

6 And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.

7 And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them.

8 But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.

Now this is kind of a trick question, but the Bible is open to interpretation so I am interested to know what your interpretations of this verse are and how it reflects your beliefs, and why or why not you believe in the "Galactic Federation of Light"

I am not looking to create contreversy, just an intelligent debate.

The key passages I want you to pay close attention to are 4-8.

And discuss....

[edit on 8-10-2008 by 12.21.12]

[edit on 8-10-2008 by 12.21.12]

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 02:31 AM
you left out an option........"or big pile of steaming horse s# with about as much truth to it as a politician under interegation for fraud"

no need to thank me

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 02:35 AM
Well I have my own interpretation, but I don't want to tell you just yet. Lets just say I don't think that this Galactic Federation is here to spread love and light, and I agree with you about the other part, but I will explain that later.

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 02:39 AM
As a follow up to my original post. The GFL is coming to save humanity from itself or is it here for other reasons?

I also forgot to mention Project Blue Beam, but I imagine that will come up sooner or later, just wondering what others think about it.

And on one further note, there is a reason I bring up the subject of a government project, Extraterrestrials and the Bible all in the same thread which I have yet to reveal, but I'm sure some of you will be able to figure it out.

[edit on 8-10-2008 by 12.21.12]

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 02:45 AM
I think it's more likley to be project blue beam than aliens,should anything at all happen,but nothings going to happen,so it's ok.

I'll be delighted if I'm wrong.

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 02:47 AM
I totally agree with you.

Seems like it's all the rage lately, so I made this thread!

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 03:06 AM
It does seem to be the bandwagon of the moment. Shuft up,I'm climbing aboard.

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 03:16 AM
I was a devoted christian for a few years up till recently, though I still attend church, I truly believe in Theism but I'm a bit agnostic about all religion.

I'm curious, does the Bible logically claim that the whole book us untouched and unchanged (as much as it seams so that it is) or is it only creditable to say that the book of Revelation was the only one claiming to be untouched?

I've gotten to the point where I see the bible now as a guide to using your own powers, such as prayer, law of attraction, healing, and spirituality in general, but It's labeling the credibility completely to God, when we are really using our own 'supernatural' powers in reality.

I believe that the bible has been tweaked and the book of genesis describes the creation of man but its been warped to near gibberish.

ULTIMATELY, I will make my final decision possibly on the 14th if the Fed of Light really comes.

And my theory, and deep inside, this is what I'm piecing together as my own Truth. This whole thoery is composed of several different sources, molded together in a way that it makes a lot of sense.

-God is real, in fact God is everything, ENERGY is God, a rock is made up of God, and a plant likewise, the difference between a rock and plant is that plant has life, this has much more of Gods creation energy. And that animals and humans likewise are made up of Gods energy, though the difference between an a plant and animal, is the same difference between that rock and the plant. See where I'm going?

A rock is to a plant, as a plant is to a person.

Angels are reality as well, ultimately existing on the Astral plane, and also neutral and evil entities or demons likewise.

Where aliens come into the mix I believe? I'm not sure how to put it, I believe that they are fully spiritual awake, they are both telepathic and can move a crossed the astral plane by soul/astral body at will. Angels claim to be in direct contact/will with the lord, as if their consciousness is the same?

Either the aliens are other physical creations like us, OR they are literally angels, and their spiritual awareness would explain their abilities.


I remember a book, of someone who was an atheist, whos stomach out of no ware bursted, after several hours without proper medical treatment, he died in the hospital, first he had an OBE in the room he died in (OBE's are a reality, can't shun that) after tourment from evil entities and listening to Christs words, he was saved. After explaining A LOT, including future predictions and how the U.S. would not participate in a WW3 and the U.S.'s time for helping foreign countries with expire and we would lose it, and explaining that eventualy people will be killing over a cup of gasoline (this was written in the 80's early 90s btw) that the U.S. would pretty much perish.

(Yeah, seams like what this country is starting to conclude to huh.)

After explaining these things, there were many other worlds out there, and that he has visited each of these worlds, 'Jesus' words were "I have visited each of these worlds, some excepted with open arms, others were just as stubborn as your world"

There were some other very interesting 'predictions' or 'future truth' that was discussed by Jesus, comparing it all to this time and taking in the fact that this was all said 20 years ago, that it may be very much true.

So this is where the confusions sets in for me, possible that Jesus is the cliche God Child we view him as, or is he an alien entity 'sent by God'.

Oh yeah, book scource My Decent into Death if i remember correctly.

And ultimately, mabey it would make sense that the aliens created live on earth as we know it, from their gene pools and modifying genes so they are adapted. Is it logicaly possible that they called themselves the Children of God because they were spiritualy awakened and possibly of Love, and this is how they could possibly be in direct communication with God and God's will?

Deny Ignorance

[edit on 8-10-2008 by Scarcer]

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 03:32 AM


Ya who knows I hope some # goes down, although Im pretty content where I'm at in life and am fairly lazy

Will this mean I have to walk anywhere oct 14?

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 03:37 AM
You left the bit out at the end that says...

"To my darling Candy,

All characters portrayed within this book are fictitious and any resemblance to person's living or dead is purely coincidental."

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 08:36 AM

Originally posted by Kryties
You left the bit out at the end that says...

"To my darling Candy,

All characters portrayed within this book are fictitious and any resemblance to person's living or dead is purely coincidental."

Any chance you can supply any meat on that bone?

Also for Project Blue Beam, I believed that could be what would happen for a while now but after reading that 'it would require several nuclear plants worth of energy to run', i'm not so sure now. Satellites in space I believe don't have that kind of energy available. Plus I believe a mass use of this would result in storms, earthquakes apon use, plus telling the difference between an image and real object shouldnt be so hard.

It's been said the same technology used in PBB used on a large scale can cause storms when the ions or w/e are projected into the atmosphere, thus creating earthquaks or storms where desired..... Such as the Gulf?

[edit on 8-10-2008 by Scarcer]

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 01:03 PM
Thanks all for your replies. Yes a good portion of the Bible has been changed, left out added in etc, which will become very clear later on in this thread. But it still holds alot of truth to it. There are still stories in the Bible that have been documented in history.

There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men

So the sons of god or angels or giants, whatever you want to call them cam and saw that the daughter of man, was fair and they had children with them.

Well we all should know that in the days of Ancient Egyypt, the children of men were mostly slaves. When the sons of God (Nephilim) saw that these women possessed desirable genetic qualities they traded for them like any slave master would trade one slave for another and so on. So these children of men were basically traded into bondage and slavery for the purpose of slavery and modidfied genetically.

the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

So these sons of God were of old but they would go down in history as mighty, powerful men and would be famous for thousands of years to come.

These are people that seemed to be like Kings and worshipped like Gods because of their power. People like the pharoahs.

So now life has given birth to the ruling class. Remember that the Bible tells us that the earth was at piece at one time. But now we are seeing the rise of Empires, Pharoahs, Kings and Prophets on earth and at the same time earth is no longer at peace.

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 01:41 PM
its all one grand deception perpitrated from our own future who fear us thus are eliminating us as a threat.

project bluebeam is the mass depopulation of earth disguised by a pseudo alien invasion and a fake anti christ whos appearance obviously brings about an armageddon,which will be created with high tech such as scalar waves and haarp ionospheric rapture.

the machines are using the armageddon prophecies as cover for the events that will take place,as cover for thier agression.

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 07:18 PM

Originally posted by welivefortheson
its all one grand deception perpitrated from our own future who fear us thus are eliminating us as a threat.

project bluebeam is the mass depopulation of earth disguised by a pseudo alien invasion and a fake anti christ whos appearance obviously brings about an armageddon,which will be created with high tech such as scalar waves and haarp ionospheric rapture.

the machines are using the armageddon prophecies as cover for the events that will take place,as cover for thier agression.

Would make sense but I have to look at this strictly as theory, as there has been a lot of detail on this subject but i have seen NO evidence. In order to do such events it should take massive amounts of energy, talking several nuclear plants channeled into one operation. Not to say that it isnt possible though. And by doing this, it would make sense that the ions/w.e you want to call them, would cause a huge climate unbalance around the earth. But i'm no super scientist. If this is the case, then we need 'evidence', other wise let us run around like blind along each possibility until the time comes, either till it does happen or we conclude that it's not possible.

Does make sense though in revelation when saying that many Christians will be mislead/tricked. And what about this rapture thing? I have heard no details on it what so ever.

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 10:25 PM

Originally posted by Scarcer

Originally posted by welivefortheson
its all one grand deception perpitrated from our own future who fear us thus are eliminating us as a threat.

project bluebeam is the mass depopulation of earth disguised by a pseudo alien invasion and a fake anti christ whos appearance obviously brings about an armageddon,which will be created with high tech such as scalar waves and haarp ionospheric rapture.

the machines are using the armageddon prophecies as cover for the events that will take place,as cover for thier agression.

Would make sense but I have to look at this strictly as theory, as there has been a lot of detail on this subject but i have seen NO evidence. In order to do such events it should take massive amounts of energy, talking several nuclear plants channeled into one operation. Not to say that it isnt possible though. And by doing this, it would make sense that the ions/w.e you want to call them, would cause a huge climate unbalance around the earth. But i'm no super scientist. If this is the case, then we need 'evidence', other wise let us run around like blind along each possibility until the time comes, either till it does happen or we conclude that it's not possible.

Does make sense though in revelation when saying that many Christians will be mislead/tricked. And what about this rapture thing? I have heard no details on it what so ever.

theres lots of evidence out there.

the earth is being electrified,heavy metals with high conductivity are being emmited into our atmosphere and onto the earth

2. Dumping tons of particulate matter from aircraft has geo-engineered our planetary atmosphere into a highly charged, electrically-conductive plasma useful for military projects.8 The air we breathe is laden with asbestos-sized synthetic fibers and toxic metals, including barium salts, aluminum, and reportedly, radioactive thorium.9 These materials act as electrolytes to enhance conductivity of military radar and radio waves.10 Poisonous on par with arsenic and a proven suppressant of the human immune system,11 atmospheric barium weakens human muscles, including those of the heart.12 Inhaled aluminum goes directly to the brain and medical specialists confirm that it causes oxidative stress within brain tissue, leading to formation of Alzheimer's like neurofibrillary tangles.13 Radioactive thorium is known to cause leukemia and other cancers. "

so are humans,

It should be noted that "Anna" experienced urine samples of having an extremely high conductivity of 20-21 value while a non-Morgellon's patient would have less than "zero" and an individual drinking Excellosphere Water3 would have a conductivity of 1 to 3 values.

and the earth

now this is the clincher,

The general description of the white-thin filaments, which look like spider webs as described by Dr. Zamengo in his report entitled, "Preliminary Characterization of Filament Deposition Near Venice" dated November 10, 2007 does appear to match the description of Chemtrail Samples from Texas as described by Dr. Hildegarde Staninger. In this weeks issue of MRS Website- Materials News scientists have identified the genes, and determined the DNA sequences for two key proteins in the "dragline silk" of the black widow spider ­ an advance that may lead to a variety of new materials for industrial, medical and military uses. The black widow spider's dragline silk is a standout compared to other spider silks because of its superior strength and extensibility, a combination which enables black widow dragline silk to absorb enormous amounts of energy

thats black widow spider silk being engineered into humans biological systems on a nano scale,black widow spider slik absorbs massive ammounts of electrical energy.

so add that to the earth as a whole being permeated with electrolytes,that is substances which increase electrical conductivity,

you may be able to deduce that above us is the ionosphere,and tesla 100 years ago managed to bring its current down to earth,say if the ionosphere we to be pulled down on mass to an appropriate altitude where only those who have spider silk woven into them would survive,and the rest who have been electified would be can play god,who lives and who dies.

as jfk said just before he died "my god thier going to kill us all",he wasnt talking about humans there folks....but machines,disguised as humans.

the great depopulation agenda is in full swing,only 500million places up for grabs,which side will you be on?,stop it from happening or hope you get lucky?.theres no gray area here,oh wait there is....51!

oh and america will be the first to go,despite what people are lead to believe that the usa doing it,its not the usa, its the machines whove infiltrated it and hold no allegiance to it or anything human...

This whole chemtrail issue is related to the plan for decreasing the world population to around 450-500 million -- and starting with the US first. Why? The people of the US are the only ones with even the remotest chance of stopping this. That is, if they knew about it. That's why the US has to be the first to go. You have to understand that the world's elite covet the US for its geographic diversity - and they would love to return this country to its condition as it existed prior to Columbus setting foot here, but without the Native Americans this time of course.

i found it interesting that bush(gray) passed a law giving the american indians a record amount of territory,now we know why.

p.s,the machines being the demonic,devil like nothings they are,are fond of ripping off the bible as cover for project bluebeam,you want to remember this.........the meek shall inherit the earth.......they only want the weakest to survive for they will pose no threat to the machines,our future,who are afraid of humans.

[edit on 8-10-2008 by welivefortheson]

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 11:07 PM
Just to add to that a bit, how many times do you see the story being told in Hollywood films? Here are some examples 300, notice that the conflict mounts because there are giants upon men who create these empires and have thousands upon thousands of people supporting and plediging their allegiance to these dieties. Hell if I was thirteen feet tall I could probably pass myself off as a God too.

The movie contact was one that I thouroughly enjoyed, because it dealt with time travel and in the end there was a huge court settlement taking place where the scientist who made contact was gone for 18 hours yet the time traveling machine she was in seemed to fall straight down to the ground.

Also the movie Stargate dealt with space travel where there was a stargate found in ancient Egypt where they acitvated and travelled to a distant planet on the other side of the Univers. What they found when they got there was a so called "God" that us humans are all familiar with named Ra. Ra had captured these people from earth and transported them through a stargate to this distant alnd and made them all slaves and denied them of education and writing so that they could not pass their knowledge down to the next generation. Because he was afraid if the people found out that they were all slaves they would rebel and defeat him.

Transformers, while the idea of transformers are kind of hard to believe are real mech warriors are, and its basic mechanics. I could create a mech warrior using 3D modeling and then bring it to life using modern technology. These are laso Giants upon men. If you listen carefully to the story line and ignore the fact that the movie has little cars turining into giant blood thirst robots you will realize that this movie is telling a partiallly true story and the part of the story that isn't quite true is the part of their plan that has not been introduced to the public yet. Remember at the end of the movie the character gets away and is allowed to live his life again after defeating these giant robots in peace.

Also take not that there is very heavy NWO symbolism involved in this film. I do recall seeing things like the skull and bones logo on a sign in the desert. Not to mention that the main character in this film was toting around a cube, which lead to his salvation. Metatron's cube.

Which brings me to the Nintendo Gamecube most people should know that the Gamecube's processors are made by IBM. Most people well briefed in conspiracy theory know that in fact IBM was created by Nazi Scientists..

Their goal of course is very similar to the Nazi Empire and their goal to watch over humanity through time clocks. That is whymany of the nazi's prisoners were marked with an identification number similar to a barcode.

IBM, the Verichip and the Fourth Reich

Has anyone else noticed that Nintendo is the only game manufacturer that has a warning label that reads something like "Warning: This game may cause seizures"?

Kind of makes me think about how after World War II A=432 hertz was changed as an international standard to A=440 hertz. Because A=432 hz is a geomtetrically sound wave, basicallybreaks down to the number 8. Since World War II A=440 became the national standard which is a fraction away from 432 hz making it difficult for any guitar player to tune totune to 432 hz using the 440 hz model because it is not geometrically sound and has a margin within a step that makes the sound patterns a bit disorienting where 432 hz is a smooth pleasing sound, any good guitar player or musician however should be able to recognize 432 hz by ear because it is a wholesome sound and it sounds Good when you hear it, as well as all other notes do when tuning to A=432 hz.

Which brings me back to video games. Have you ever played Halo? Have you noticed that the whole time you are playing this game you are fighting aliens who have sought to rule over the earth? I love that game. I think it is funny when the aliens call me a heretic or a demon, because it is the same tool the media and religion use to make you conform and make you think that your life must be lived by their standards of morals and dogma.

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 02:08 AM
Ok, so, I want your opinions.

Who do you believe Jesus was? Also what do you believe the events in revelation refered to. All of this happening? or the real thing.

Also please describe to me in short how the whole spider web, bio engineered thing works.

Also when this happens. Wouldn't conductable objects also rise as when humans do?

Couldnt staying under a roof well attached to the ground keep this from happening?

Or is this going to result in us literaly disappearing and warping through space in such a sense?

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 06:16 PM
I wil try to answer some of your questions, I don't have all the answers, by my research has lead me closer and closer to seeing the bigger picture. God exists in all of us.

Who do you believe Jesus was? Also what do you believe the events in revelation refered to. All of this happening? or the real thing.

First of all that is a VERY VERY good question.
Let me just chip away at it a little bit.

If you take a look back into Ancient Egypt, you will notice that the ancients built these moonuments to the heavens and had a profound knowledge of the earth and astrology. For example they architects knew the exact distance to the sun from the earth.

For example the Great Pyramid has a slope ratio of 10 to 9. for every ten feet you ascend the altitude is raised by 9. By multiplying the altitude of the pyramid by 10 raised to the power of 9 you get 91,840,000 which is the exact distance from earth to the sun in miles.

The Mayans also houd a profound knowledge of astrology which the Egyptians also knew. Their caledar is an excellent exapmle of that. The ancient system was broken down into 13 months were ares is a bastardized inaccurate version only depicting 12.

Well one other important point I want to make is that the Mayans have tablets when transperant they can be set upon each other at specific angles that make new images depicting very important facts about the sun cycles and their affects on earth. They also knew that humanity has brought itself to destruction four times already (every 3,600 years or so) and at the end of the grand cycle would be an event so catastrophic that it runs a greater risk and severe changes that had the potential to bring humanity as we know it into it's final hour. Most all ancient civilizations have written down every thing they could using hieroglyphs and other forms of communication to warn future generations of the cataclysmic times to come. They mostly all seem to have been aware of the planet of the crossing (Niburu) and the exact time of the cross into center of the Milky Way, December 21, 2012. Which in my opinion may be off by several days according to our Roman Calendar, because the Roman Catholic Church always seems to find a mathematical way to screw things up and decieve people.

Anyhow, your probably asking yourself what this all has to do with Jesus right?

Well it's a long story and I will probably make several mistakes here, so please bare with me.

The last age was the age of the Ram we are presently nearing the end of the age of Pisces and nearing the reset point on the Mayan calendar 0, or otherwise known as the age of Aquarius.

The ancients were well aware of these 3,600 year cycles and what we now know as te Roman Empire used this to decieve many people in order to conquer other civilizations by decieving them using the forshadowment of apocalyptic events and religion, they use things like the Ten Commandments, love and unity to conquer and divide the people or simply make them submit to a greater force which most common people do not understand.

The Bible and alot of it's teachings are very similar to the Egyptians and their teachings. They had Ten Commandments also which are nearly identical.

Anyhow the Age of the Ram was the time when the Jewish Religion was the so called world religion, for lack of a better term. Pisces is the Age of Christianity.

So basically to sum things up, with every age there is a new messiah and those people who do not worship the new messiah are often times killed off. But not in all cases, that is why we still have Jews today for lack of a better term. So these ancients who had conquered and established their new empire in Egypt had Jewish roots and Egyptian roots but due to the conflict between these two societies they often intermarried into the other groups as a means of survival. This is the reasaon that since these empires have been established there has always been war.

OK, so I hope I didn't screw that part up too bad but that is just the way I understand it, so my apologies if some of that information is not accurate. I will probably screw this next part up even worse.

Anyways when you are looking for historical accounts of People like Jesus in history you will always run into roadblocks for often times these ancient dieties have aliases when they are referred to in the Bible. So often times you just have to map these people out and figure out there bloodlines and history by using their historical record and matching them up with their aliases by using chronological events and lifetimes described in the Bible.

So basically this is where it gets interesting. Julius Caesar died in 44 BC, he was killed by members of his own council. Don't pay much attention to the year 44 BC either casue like I saif the victors (Roman Catholic Empire) write history and they have a way of confusing things to decieve others.

So now we know that Julius Caesar died shortly before the end of the age of the Ram. What most people don't know is that Julius Caesar was married to the last Queen of that age, Cleopatra. They had a child together. After Julius Caesar was killed, Cleopatra had her first born exiled from Egypt, because he was the next in line of succession to become King. (King of Kings, Lord of Lords). During this time he was exiled, he was adopted by his new care takers, Mary and Joseph and went to Asia and became an understudy of a Buddhist monk and read directly from ancient Buddhist texts. Also during this time Cleopatra remarried and had three more children by Mark Anthony.

So basically after this time Julius Caesars son returned to Egypt after having these ancient texts and used his knowledge to heal people and to many he seemed to have performed miracles.

So now we have this King of Royal descent who is a perfect match for the title of the new Messiah. As we are told today he was born of a Virgin. But this son of Julius Caesar was of course born of Cleopatra and adopted by Mary and Joseph. All they have to do now is throw some stories into their old religious texts, some personal accounts of Jesus healing people and performing miracles, marry him off to his half sister (Mary Magdalene) to continue the royal bloodline stage a crucifiction and resurrection, establish that the old Roman Empire is now the "Holy Roman Empire" and the rest is history. What we now have is a new age of believers who are basically born into slavery, unaware that there new religion is nothing more than a fabricated story that was created to control societies and eventually establish a One World Government over the course of the following Age.

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 06:42 PM
As policy I'll take that all in as opinion, seams far fetched yet possible at the same time. I have failed to read through revelation all the way, but I need to. I have heared similar explanations to your's as well. (also don't worry about the 2012 and Niburu stuff, I researched on that long before I joined ATS)

So this is where I see the confusing part coming in, 1 side is that he was who he claimed to be, 2nd side is that he was a creation/planned by those we call evil, and also the possibility that its really worshiping Satan.

So. Apparently Jesus had amazing spiritual abilities, hard for many to imagine obtaining today.

Also the new testament was written amazingly, too amazing seamingly to be of human origin, but also, many 'demons' are MUCH smarter than any human.

But this is where I begin to confuse myself. When saying that Jesus mislead human kind or he wasnt who he claimed to be, then he left 'proof' of all these misleading, often this proof I witness to be mis interpreted into thinking its good by the blind eye. I mean just look at the book of revelation.

Maybe I'm rambling on about nothing but maybe someone can understand what I'm getting at and make sense out of it.

[edit on 9-10-2008 by Scarcer]

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 07:07 PM
Well I had a feeling you might ask a question or two somewhere along thos lines, thats why I left the ending of my post open to your own interpretation.

So basically the Book of Revelations comes from the New Testament and is very heavily laid out using metaphors and prophecy or is it?

In my opinion it is the plan they have for the next age all laid out there in front of us. to confuse us, also to make us think oh manit's really coming true the prohecies are all beign fulfilled.

So like i said before, makind has lead itself into destruction four times previously and the next time this happens will make five so....

This is my opinion of course and I will leave it up for you to decide. Now then, before Cleopatra there was another Goddess by the name of Isis. Both if these queens used to carry around a rod or a staff.

I am sure you are familiar with the Whore of Babylon mentioned in Revelations right?

Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters... And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH... And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, thees shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire... and the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.

(Revelation 17:1-18)

Revelation 12

1 A great sign appeared in the sky, a woman 2 clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars.
She was with child and wailed aloud in pain as she labored to give birth.

Ok so there is this woman that the Bible talks about right and she is adorned with 12 stars around her head. And she will reign over all the Kings on earth.

Rev 2:25 But that which ye have [already] hold fast till I come.

Rev 2:26 And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations:

Rev 2:27 And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father.

Rev 2:28 And I will give him the morning star.

Ok and we also have this other man who shall rule over all nations with a rod of Iron.

The Crown Adorned with 12 Stones

The Rod of Iron

These two things are both in possesion of Queen Elizabeth II today, and the rod is the same on used by Isis and Cleopatra, in fact the Queen is a direct descendant of this bloodline.

No world leader rises to power without first pledging their allegiance to the Queen. No International Laws are passed without the Queen. She is the single most wealthiest and powerful person in the world today.

And the 12 stars? Well, there are twelve rocks placed around the crown.

You see it is not prophecy it is a plan that has been strictly followed from the begining of the Age.

Blossom Goodchild is a lying to people and the next thing you know were gonna have a bunch of crazy people running around ppledging their allegiance to the greatest hoax of all time. I haven't read to much into her, but I did read somewhere that she has appointed 12 people or something, which wouldmake since because there are 12 Bloodlines who have ruled these empires since ancient times and continue to do so. The 12 Tribes are the twelve royal bloodlines and the 144,000 are the descendants of these bloodlines and the only people who will benefit from this grand deception. The great men of valo and Renown.

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