Originally posted by Clearskies
reply to post by TeslaandLyne
Thanks Tesla!
That's the kind of stuff I was thinking.
You can catch this stuff if you have old tapes or remember an old
viewing and bounce them off new theories and research.
That is one I remember and stems from some of Lyne's stuff.
If you can plug in a reasonable story opposed to the Illuminati
US UK Intel that been in control since they hid Hitler, you might
find another history to get where we are today.
This is one I did not verify. I get these things passed my way and
its too very secret to find out more.
You won't believe this from Discover Channel.
This was recent and I remember seeing the TV listing.
There is an extended bit I'll mention later.
Well the Japan drop of the A bomb was looked at under new light
as new film from the air crew would be used and training to maneuver
the plane in a Immilman to drop the bomb.
Well I was always interested in the film crew that took all the pictures.
Aren't the planes up high enough to avoid the cloud.
So I didn't get this new documentary purpose.
Will something be slipped in as a new attempt at mis information.
That would be a good conspiracy beauty contest.
Awarded with the best mis information documentaries of the year.
So this thing aired for whatever reason.. as these have to be cleared
by Intel.
I hear that Nazi writing was seen on the bombs as a member
of the air crew took his own movies. Is this a slip through rookie
Intel that never knew what to look out for.
The secret of Nazi bombs so good that Intel had no clue.
Well it will be cut for cure as you don't much unless the marking
was up close. Unless I was told a good conspiracy tale.
So Mr Lyne knew an Air Force pilot that said he trained in the B-29
Immilman A bomb drop and so agrees with this story.
I didn't see the documentary and do not know if this Immilman
was ever shown. I doubt it if the was secret as well.
Well this story goes with the Germany had A bombs and what happened
to them conspiracy story.
So what was happening at Los Alamos and filmed in the air.
I might go with the fast use of Nazi bombs but using such
a maneuver when not required seems a stretch.
Then I get a good Intel story from a supposed filming detail.
Now all the WWII Intel films had to put together a good A bomb story
if things happened differently.
I checked on the net for the director of "ClockWork Orange" who
spent time in an interview at or about Los Alamos for some reason.
Most likely to support this wild story of the first three atomic bomb explosions.
Lets see if I can get all the details:
This is related by a decendent of the Intel film crew in chase planes
that filmed the explosion.
Now the explosion always looked right on the ground and not at
some altitude always stated.
The plutonium bomb was so big it stuck out of the B-29.
So the altitude detonation was always suspect.
According to this tale: All bombs were the simple uranium type.
Even Trinity Site. (Is this the case of a lie make it a big one.)
The core was painted orange. (Was this the color of Nazi ordinance?)
The bombs were clock triggered and sent off in a parachute.
Now these are first time events and most were on the ground until atmospheric testing (like what was that all about).
So it may have crashed on the ground until boom.
Yeah that would have to be a secret.
And as the tale teller says these bombs were called "clockwork orange".
Strange as it may seem did I ever hear this before.
The Nazi origin was not revealed in the clock story and was routinely
routed as imaginary tail.
I didn't see the Discover or History Channel documentary or
"Clock Work Orange" that has nothing to do with the A bomb.