posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 02:25 PM
reply to post by Sator
It was a very hard decision for me to dip out. I've been wanting to stay out in the wilderness for an extended period of time since I was in middle
school, maybe just a year to experience all the seasons, but it was only a recent turn of financial and legal events in my life that finally made me
say "screw this" and start actually preparing to do it. I severely overdrafted in both of my checking accounts, money I couldn't pay back even if
I wanted, just for this special occasion. So I don't plan on going back.
Telling family and friends is the worst of it, but most of my friends were actually understanding and many of them also told me they were envious. A
lot of others are bewildered and absolutely cannot grasp what I am doing, which is hard for me since these are people I've known for years, but
we're still on good terms and I know I'll still see them from time to time. If you ditch out you will deeply disappoint anyone who still values
"the system," ie "get a good job" and "make a lot of money," etc. etc., never-ending sleaze-fest that is American society. After I was sure of
my decision, I felt a little better, especially at the new range of possibilities opening up before me. It will be a long, long time before I ever
have to wake up to an annoying alarm clock heralding the onslaught of the daily grind. On the other hand, it will also be very cold this winter,
lol. But if I can make it through winter I can make it year-round. I'll keep posting here from libraries, too.