One thing that is very difficult for people to understand is that when a government lies about ANYTHING, there is a reason for lying. Usually it is a
diversion and the more lies, the more confusion.
I agree on this one, there is a great video so please watch it. There are some good comments being made by the media.
HI, i have always heard about the government being involved in 911 i've read a few things, but still dont quite understand, do you have any good
information about this, or you personally know anything, i would like to know. My email is [email protected], id like to read some good articles or
some more concrete proof, cause i do believe we live in a currupt dishonest country.
I like the part where he reads some of the audience's responses to the news. This is old stuff I think. I hate to say it but I think the 9/11 boat
sailed a long time ago. People should never stop seeking the truth and should try to learn from the 9/11 experience, but I don't think it will be
possible to nail the perps, except maybe in the judgement of history.