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Wanna know where that 700 billion went?

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posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 05:50 PM
Deal 'sweeteners'. I'm livid right now so please bear with Me. I just found out about these little things called 'sweeteners' that were added above and beyond the 700 billion dollars Our govt plans on spending for the bail-out.
First, a little background info. on the situation. Over the last 18 months My husband has been laid off 3 times and had work hours cut on a regular basis. The company is supposedly losing business and has to cut back majorly in it's production. Since the company's union contract was up for negotiation We've lost most of Our medical benefits. The company has laid off almost 7oo people but brought back 1/2 of them recently, just to lay them off again after 1 week of being back at work. These people have to wait another 2 weeks for their unemployment to kick back in-their unemployment that barely makes ends meet as it is. We've recently decided to sell Our home to pay off all of Our debt and have some 'emergency' money available because We're so concerned with the situation at hand. I love My home. We're lucky, My husband still has a job so I shouldn't complain, but I will. This company just compared itself financially to Microsoft and recently bought out itself a nice company overseas for 14o million, after paying off their 40 million $ debt. This company was also given an 8.3 BILLION tax credit, along with Microsoft, Citi-bank and others, including a Virgin Island rum company and some company that makes kids wooden arrows. WTF! Deal sweeteners. They screw over those who've busted their ass most of their life making those companies what they are today. There is definitely something wrong with America when there are hungry and homeless families while fat cats get their 8.3 billion $$ a yr. 'sweetener.' Dis-gust-ing.

BTW- That 'company' is Harley Davidson.

Peace. K*

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 06:34 PM
This right here is the problem with this country. The government lets these corporations abuse the system to maximize profits whatever the cost. They when the fit hits the shan, they take their golden parachutes to Hawaii and leave the hard working citizens out to dry. What happened to "for the people"? We are the backbone of this country and they won't even give us a proper healthcare or education system? I am getting really sick of this paradigm.

Hang in there K

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 10:24 PM
reply to post by Demetre
Agreed, I starred you.

I don't trust anyone who supported this. I still want Obama to win, but only because I see him as the lessor of available evils.

And you know that the Federal Reserve quietly handed over another $630 billion quietly, while the bill was first being considered? So It's $14,000 billion + those sweeteners + other grants that were already given out.

I believe the crisis was pre-arranged, in order to force politicians to agree to this money being spent, by a small group of powerful traitors who will control this money themselves.

They will use it for their own companies, ruin and buy up the rest, and end up owning America between them.

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 10:34 PM
reply to post by Demetre

Saturday Night Live had a skit, now banned but here it is:

For once SNL got something right and put the most of the blame for the present financial debacle on democrats. The skit is humerous about a very serious subject and right on with perhaps the exception of the George Soros part. That was just funny!

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 10:51 PM
I love how Lehman brothers are still holding out their hand for a cookie crying 'where's my cookies'.
They should have let them ALL fail and start from scratch.

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 11:20 PM
Don't forget the 100 billion that was set aside for "presidential discretion".

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 11:46 PM

Originally posted by Karlhungis
Don't forget the 100 billion that was set aside for "presidential discretion".

Bloody hell ...

Thanks for the info.

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 11:57 PM
This bill was the last straw for me. I lost all faith in the President and Congress. They swore up and down for 10 days how we were going into the Apocalypse if we didn't pass this bill with the ludicrous price tag. If we were on the verge on falling back to the economic stone age, how did they have the time to fatten this pig to the 451 pages mark?!?! They played politics while preaching Armageddon to the people, putting in global warming and green initiative pork.

It even showed how corrupt it is when McCain, notorious for opposing pork, still voted on it, and never complained about it. Congress no longer represents the people.

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 12:04 AM
Want to know why these people are smiling so happily as they hold a signed copy of the bailout bill? would you be so happy holding that piece of garbage? do they know something we don't?
They sure look proud of themselves don't they?

Pelosi, Barney Frank, Jim Clyburn, Steny Hoyer, and some other Democrat, and they just got the biggest smiles on their face, and there's not a Republican to be seen. She's taking questions from the press, and they've got the bill in a big blue box, open to the signature page. They're passing it around. They're showing each other the passed, signed version of the bill, and they're just yucking it up like you can't believe.

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 12:36 AM
Sorry to be a fun buster here but you post is important however, you must realize that the USA is in fact a Fascist Country as is most of the West. Before you fob this statement off as pure dribble just google 14 tenets of fascism and you will see that the USA has most of those tenets.

Now the fact Corporations and CEO's are like pigs at the trough and have a different set of rules for themself brings the "Fascism" theme to light. Corporations and Companies are basically making the Laws and Legislation by lobbying with lots of cash the right people to institute sweetner deals like you stated.

The use of private contractors by the Government isn't by chance it shows you exactly what has happened right in front of your face but most people can't see it. The line is blurred between Government and Corporations now hence the benefits they get over and above you and the tax paying peons.

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 02:29 AM
reply to post by Fathom

Pelosi, Barney and the others are laughing because they think they have convinced the American people that the conservatives and Bush will be held accountable for the financial debacle that they caused. Almost like peeing while wearing a dark suit. A nice warm feeling and noone notices till reality clicks in!

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