posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 05:50 PM
Deal 'sweeteners'. I'm livid right now so please bear with Me. I just found out about these little things called 'sweeteners' that were added
above and beyond the 700 billion dollars Our govt plans on spending for the bail-out.
First, a little background info. on the situation. Over the last 18 months My husband has been laid off 3 times and had work hours cut on a
regular basis. The company is supposedly losing business and has to cut back majorly in it's production. Since the company's union contract was up
for negotiation We've lost most of Our medical benefits. The company has laid off almost 7oo people but brought back 1/2 of them recently, just to
lay them off again after 1 week of being back at work. These people have to wait another 2 weeks for their unemployment to kick back in-their
unemployment that barely makes ends meet as it is. We've recently decided to sell Our home to pay off all of Our debt and have some 'emergency'
money available because We're so concerned with the situation at hand. I love My home. We're lucky, My husband still has a job so I shouldn't
complain, but I will. This company just compared itself financially to Microsoft and recently bought out itself a nice company overseas for 14o
million, after paying off their 40 million $ debt. This company was also given an 8.3 BILLION tax credit, along with Microsoft, Citi-bank and others,
including a Virgin Island rum company and some company that makes kids wooden arrows. WTF! Deal sweeteners. They screw over those who've
busted their ass most of their life making those companies what they are today. There is definitely something wrong with America when there are hungry
and homeless families while fat cats get their 8.3 billion $$ a yr. 'sweetener.' Dis-gust-ing.
BTW- That 'company' is Harley Davidson.
Peace. K*