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Buzz Aldrin on the Moon - STAGED!

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posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 09:46 AM

Originally posted by blupblup

Originally posted by scubagravy
BTW, where is the shadow for the flag in the 1st picture, it almost looks as if the flag was inserted later.

If you notice, the shadow of the flag goes in the opposite direction to all the other shadows...

Flag goes right to left...all others left to right...

Fake photo perhaps?

[edit on 9/10/08 by blupblup]

ok this might be tough for you to spot. you may have to look at the photo for more than 5 seconds. you can clearly see the many footprints around the flagpole disturbing the soil quite a bit. if you look at the hi-res pic he linked to, you can make out the shadow on the ridges of the disturbed ground. the shadow is going the SAME direction as all the others.

to everyone that says how could they possibly make it to the moon in such a flimsy spacecraft:

it was a space RACE! Not a "who can get to the moon with the most stable craft" contest. it was so flimsy because they wanted to get to the moon in the quickest time possible. they sacrificed a LOT of safety to make it before the russians. i personally wouldn't have allowed that but hey, im not nasa.

posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 10:52 PM

Originally posted by Phage
Lunar Laser Ranging. It's not just NASA, or even just the US who continues to use the reflectors.

But you don't want to hear any of this, so you won't.

[edit on 9-10-2008 by Phage]

Allow me to chirp in on this one. You are assuming that the astronauts put the mirrors there. We do know that there had been robotic/remote probes sent in the mean time, before and after by both sides. It could've been any of those dropping the mirror on the surface at the precise location.

My common sense tells me that if something has been done 50 years ago without a glitch, today you could###... should be able to do it better, faster, safer and more precise. And yet...

There's really no way to know for you and me, unless we take a trip there and see for ourselves. Otherwise we are blindly believing what we are being served and are no better than the parrots repeating the word they hear.

In retrospect, the only fact I recognize upon using common sense is that there is really no proof whatsoever they ever went to the Moon. Photos are not the proof, they can be doctored (as well as the video). Testimonies are not proof - people can be made to lie. Rocks are not the proof, they could've been brought remotely, or fabricated from fallen meteors.

Which all warrants, and opens an avenue, for investigation. Unfortunately common people do not have the resources to send probes to the Moon and the available data to us has been regurgitated so many times, I am not putting that into my mouth.

In my mind this constitutes an impasse and only some creative, out of the box thinking can resolve the predicament we are in...predicament of a possible snowball effect it could cause if Moon landing is proven to have never occurred. Or looking at it from another angle, imagine the possibilities that would open. I suppose it's really a matter of perspective.

posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 11:57 PM

Originally posted by amigo

Allow me to chirp in on this one. You are assuming that the astronauts put the mirrors there. We do know that there had been robotic/remote probes sent in the mean time, before and after by both sides. It could've been any of those dropping the mirror on the surface at the precise location.

The Surveyor probes were not mobile and had a scoop but no means of placing anything on the surface.

My common sense tells me that if something has been done 50 years ago without a glitch, today you could###... should be able to do it better, faster, safer and more precise. And yet...

"Common sense" is often a source of ignorance and error. And it was 39 years ago. Does Apollo 1 mean anything to you? How about Apollo 13? "Without a hitch?" Hardly. The development of the Apollo program; from Mercury to Gemini to Apollo encountered and dealt with innumerable problems. It's a pretty amazing story. A wild combination of genius, luck, dedication, bravery, and sweat. Can it be done better? Probably, and maybe we'll get a chance to see. Faster? Not really. Safer? Hopefully. More precisely? I don't know, Apollo actually did a pretty good job.

In retrospect, the only fact I recognize upon using common sense is that there is really no proof whatsoever they ever went to the Moon. Photos are not the proof, they can be doctored (as well as the video). Testimonies are not proof - people can be made to lie. Rocks are not the proof, they could've been brought remotely, or fabricated from fallen meteors.

Classic. There is no proof because all the evidence could be fake, they could have lied about it all. They could have fabricated everything.

[edit on 11-10-2008 by Phage]

posted on Oct, 11 2008 @ 04:28 PM

With all due respect you are just blindly believing what you are being told as truth, without any question. I suppose that's what they have been teaching in schools anyway for the past few decades - don't question anything and the better you recollect it the higher your grade. It's a De facto standard for "achievement" in this Society and that's how people are classified by.

Critical thinking is an important part of the psyche because it lets you evaluate concepts and evolve. Even the concepts you have accepted as true need to be constantly scrutinized because there are no absolutes - everything is possible. Existence is a dynamic system always changing, adapting, and so must we.

Common sense is what appears to be lacking among many people, as well. Though I tie that deficiency with the docility that has been artificially induced into population through various bio-chem-electrical means for the good part of the 20th Century (and still going on). But I guess you just like to put common sense in the same category as "conspiracy theory" and call it quits, right?

Here's an example of arrogance that these people "in the know", the so-called scientists have because the rest are too docile or dumbed down to tell them to shove it up where the Sun doesn't shine.

You are aware of the Quantum THEORY (my emphasis on theory because some people think it's God's written word in stone ie. "Quantum THEORY tells us...")?

The claim is that it is very difficult for normal people to understand it and that they lack necessary knowledge of physics and mathematics to comprehend it, which is stopping the theory from being widely accepted.

Well I have another word for the Quantum THEORY and that is horse #. And guess what, I can see horse # clearly on the road if it happens to be there.

Quantum THEORY being a conglomeration of mumbo-jumbo from several disciplines that arm-chair scientists have put together in an effort to make it look complex thus exclusive only to those who "understand" it and have "knowledge of" it - themselves. Suffice to say they really do not know or understand jack-all, but nobody else in the scientific community dares to say that "emperor has no clothes on" for fear of being ostracized.

Further more, they base their Quantum THEORY from the absurd point of not caring how it works but that it just does, and then build it up on a series of assumptions hoping that the rest of the World will swallow it because "it is too hard for us to understand therefore, it must be correct".

And yet nobody is asking them to clarify why is it like that or how it really works and actually *prove* it - it's a theory after all and all theories must be proven before they become facts, or at least that's what I was taught in school.

To make it even worse, each time they cannot explain something they invent a new particle, or a new therm, or something else to balance the "equations".

I'm sorry to have gone off on a tangent here, but I felt it was necessary to picture an example so clear as the Quantum THEORY is of non-sense, instead of common sense, in science, and life.

posted on Oct, 11 2008 @ 06:41 PM

Originally posted by scobro
reply to post by blupblup


I have got to agree with you about the flag!

Any takers?

Not me. That is clearly a shadow from something out of frame as the shadow does not connect to the flag pole's base. The area where the flags shadow is is very 'rocky' and thus will not produce a nice clean shadow like the area in front of the flag does. Also the flag appears to be pointed directly at the sun thus further minimizing its shadow.

posted on Oct, 11 2008 @ 06:55 PM
To amigo,

two pages and we get quantum already? By the fact the you bolded the word 'theory' so many times I take it you do not know what that word means. Gravity is still a theory.

To those who believe that the apollo mission flew to space in a flimsy spaceship (or washing machine) I have a few points for you. That flimsy space ship you CTers like to point to is actually the Lunar Lander. It spent the ride to the moon tucked inside the top portion of a saturn V rocket. The astronauts spent their ride in the nose cone, or command module, nice and snug. A Saturn five rocket can reach speeds of up to mach 34 and is hardly a flimsy spaceship or washing machine.

As for those photos, it looks like wear and tear to me or perhaps you doctored them? I mean if you believe the entire apollo program was faked then its not unreasonable for me to believe you would fabricate evidence against something I believe occurred.

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 08:01 AM

Originally posted by Biscuit
To amigo,

two pages and we get quantum already? By the fact the you bolded the word 'theory' so many times I take it you do not know what that word means. Gravity is still a theory.

What is gravity, really? Well, it's just a word. The word is associated with a theory, and the theory tries to describe an apparent pattern in the way the universe works. The universe, of course, does not care about mathematics and science. It continues functioning in the same way it always has.

If the concept of "down" exists, then there is obviously something there causing one direction to be preferred over all others. We name it "gravity". The equation g = G * m / r^2 describes the gravitational field around an object.

If the equation predicted a certain gravitational field, and we did an experiment to test it, we would be very surprised if we didn't get the result predicted by theory. The theory matches reality so perfectly that we may as well call it a law.

Originally posted by Biscuit
To those who believe that the apollo mission flew to space in a flimsy spaceship (or washing machine) I have a few points for you. That flimsy space ship you CTers like to point to is actually the Lunar Lander. It spent the ride to the moon tucked inside the top portion of a saturn V rocket

The name Lunar Lander is a generic name that most countries use.

The one to which i think your referring is the "lunar module Eagle"

Lunar spacecraft are made up of 2 parts. The command and service module and the part which lands on the moon, the Module. The other part remains in orbit.

All the parts together, including the Saturn 5 rocket, were collectively known as the Apollo Spacecraft.

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 08:56 AM
Hah, I see I got pegged as a "conspiracy theorist". And for what, preaching critical thinking and common sense? Thanks fellas'

It seems to me that the previous two posters would also be in agreement with the W. when he said "Either you're with us, or you're with the terrorists".

And you know what follows that, don't you - The Inquisition. Just a modern one, posts above being a nice example of perpetuation of a scientific dogma where anything dogmatic being questioned or anyone questioning it will be ridiculed and marginalized.

Regarding the "dishwasher" incident, we are told that the Space is a very harsh environment, filled with Solar radiation and Cosmic Rays. The space suits or the "dishwasher" could not have protected the astronauts outside the Van Alan belt on their trip to the Moon. Otherwise we would be using similarly built "dishwasher" and space suits here on the Earth to clean up radiation spills and accidents all the time.

Either that, or the Space is NOT a very harsh environment and you can go bearskin (not literally but almost) through it without any fears of endangering your life.

So which one is it ? (perhaps common sense could be applied here?

Saturn V is just a big V-2 rocket from the WW2 days that the NASA (more precisely Nazis at the helm there) re-suited for a different purpose. There's nothing special about it, matter a fact it pollutes the environment so much, just like the Space Shuttle does, it should have been outlawed, "for (the sake of) all humanity".

Regarding the THEORY of Gravity, I'm sorry but scientists have stopped experimenting long time ago and taken it for granted. A presumption was made that this is how it must be (everywhere in the Universe even) and the book was closed there. That's not how scientific method works, at least not in my mind.

There was no proof of where/how gravity is made/what's causing it, why does it appear to work on such long distances, and whether gravity is a cause or an effect even. It has all been tucked under the carpet, because nobody ever looks there?!

Even if you ridicule my views and my strife for common sense and critical thinking I am ok with all of that, you are entitled to your opinion and I respect that, I'm glad we had this conversation.

[edit on 12-10-2008 by amigo]

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 09:17 AM
reply to post by Erasurehead

lol mythbusters doesn't mean #!
First of all that episode didn't prove anything but the fact that we could have done everything here on earth, so if anything, it just enforced the idea that if the mythbuster crew could do it, than most certainly the government could do it.
Second off its another televised show. You cannot believe everything you see on the television, especially if its on discovery or history. Not only that, when it touches up on any sort of conspiracy that questions the government. Then again when you think about it whenever there a theory that involves the government, its labeled conspiracy.

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 09:38 AM
It does seem odd to go to the Moon and not take a beautiful picture
of the Milky Way.

On a Summer Night to look up and see that vast amount of stars
across the sky is phenomenal.

All we see is gray dust.

Interesting black back drop but does not seem to be a curtain and
a black paper or cover with a seam must have been rejected.
Well if it worked it might have been the way to go... how long were
they working on this, ten years since Kennedy said go.

Also, the supposed space flight ability of a supposed von Braun mechanism
coming to America in 1945 and available for flight over the Capitol
Dome Washington DC in 1953... the shiny sparky saucer UFO.

One way to deposit reflectors on the Moon.

Of course these things are never considered.
If there were a ship big enough, the whole set up could be
transported to the Moon.

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 09:38 AM
There is a vast plethora of evidence to prove we did NOT go to the moon.

It would be easy to prove that we did, and yet, we do not have the technology to prove it, even though we used to be able to just stop by.

It was worth anything to the U.S. government to convince the world we made it to the moon in the face of the Red threat.

People want to believe this so baddly but have yet to offer anything other than insults instead of proof.

When you have more proof we never went, could not go, and no evidence to prove that we did go...well, let's just say, everyone that has first hand knowledge of landing on the moon, stand up. Everyone else, you are choosing to believe other people no matter what you want to call it.

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 09:53 AM
reply to post by amigo

There was no proof of where/how gravity is made/what's causing it, why does it appear to work on such long distances, and whether gravity is a cause or an effect even. It has all been tucked under the carpet, because nobody ever looks there?!

Just popped in at the first page and the back.
Great new thread, didn't think the Lunar Mystery had any more life in it.

Might I say gravity is perhaps one of the worlds greatest secrets,
especially if someone has the knowledge of its workings.

I have to go the Tesla conspiracy on this one and say gravity may
have been resolved by said person and locked away.

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 10:30 AM
reply to post by Georgehairybush

If the concept of "down" exists, then there is obviously something there causing one direction to be preferred over all others. We name it "gravity". The equation g = G * m / r^2 describes the gravitational field around an object.

If the equation predicted a certain gravitational field, and we did an experiment to test it, we would be very surprised if we didn't get the result predicted by theory. The theory matches reality so perfectly that we may as well call it a law.

I never quite got that law.

There appears to be a local effect and a long range effect.

Gravity is a constant 32 ft/sec/sec on earth.

Yet we are told there is the inverse square law in effect.

Gravity measurement by satellite orbits apparently say there
is less gravity over mountains.

It is a field all it own and worthwhile to rocket scientists but
still confusing.

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 10:36 AM

Originally posted by MorningStar8741
It was worth anything to the U.S. government to convince the world we made it to the moon in the face of the Red threat.


Plus the fact that WHY O WHY there has not been a manned flight to the moon since 1972.

I wish the Chinese would hurry up... (I do not think they faked their recent spacewalk despite some oddities in the footage)


posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 12:42 PM
1. Did all the astronauts from the beginning of the program lie about going into space or the moon? (why no deathbed confessions, and wouldn't Colonel Gordon Cooper have mentioned something about it in his book "Leap of Faith"? He mentioned his UFO sightings and other phenomena.)

2. The Apollo program was called off due to monetary problems and lack of public interest.

3. Why did they fake the others when one would of did the trick? Why did Apollo 13 have its problems putting its astronauts lives in jeopardy?

4. JFK stated that we went to the moon not because it was easy but because it was hard. There is much technology we take for granted from what was created just for going to the moon.

5. They do use suits just like the space suits for nuclear and chemical clean ups. Much of the clean up technologies again came from the moon program.

6. There are two thoughts to this conspiracy theory: We did not go to the moon; and we did go to the moon but were greeted by peoples/aliens already there. Bob Hoagland believes in both of those theories to his credit as he used photographs to prove the moon landing was fake and also for structures on the moon.

Just my two cents.

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 07:28 PM

Originally posted by kidflash2008
1. Did all the astronauts from the beginning of the program lie about going into space or the moon? (why no deathbed confessions, and wouldn't Colonel Gordon Cooper have mentioned something about it in his book "Leap of Faith"? He mentioned his UFO sightings and other phenomena.)

How would you like your family going through hard times, members disappearing or dying of unknown diseases, and who knows what else?
And if that threat is not enough I am sure the NASA Nazis got more tricks up their sleeve to accommodate everyone, after all they built a pretty good record up WW2, during and after it.

2. The Apollo program was called off due to monetary problems and lack of public interest.

Perhaps, and perhaps it was because everyone had believed the hoax (public wise, Russians probably knew that it was staged anyways) and there was no reason to do it anymore. Or perhaps they have funneled enough money into secret programs from this Moon race that they could not cover for it anymore. There could be dozen more reasons...

3. Why did they fake the others when one would of did the trick? Why did Apollo 13 have its problems putting its astronauts lives in jeopardy?

I don't think there was any jeopardy with Apollo 13 whatsoever, it was a cleverly instrumented plot to bring public attention to the Space program which was suffering severe lack of attention (TV viewers) and as such funding would've been cut as well. What a better way to bring the spotlight back onto it but a disaster, people like seeing other people suffering and dying, just a pathetic human nature...

4. JFK stated that we went to the moon not because it was easy but because it was hard. There is much technology we take for granted from what was created just for going to the moon.

JFK said we *choose* to go to the Moon, not went. He died before they "got" there. Further more, perhaps he wanted to expose them for the crooks and criminals they really were/are (NASA, CIA, NSA and the rest of the alphabet gang populated by Nazis). And we know what the outcome was don't we...also refer to my point #1 again.

5. They do use suits just like the space suits for nuclear and chemical clean ups. Much of the clean up technologies again came from the moon program.

Oh really, where? Because last thing I remember reading was someone contacting the company who originally built the suits asking them whether they could be used in Chernobyl and they advised against it because it did not have radiation protection built in.

6. There are two thoughts to this conspiracy theory: We did not go to the moon; and we did go to the moon but were greeted by peoples/aliens already there. Bob Hoagland believes in both of those theories to his credit as he used photographs to prove the moon landing was fake and also for structures on the moon.

Funny because the theory has more merit than the scientific "proof" we have been offered and/or told about regarding the Moon venture.

Just my two cents.

Hope you did not mind me adding couple of more pennies of my own

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 07:36 PM

Originally posted by TeslaandLyne

Just popped in at the first page and the back.
Great new thread, didn't think the Lunar Mystery had any more life in it.

Might I say gravity is perhaps one of the worlds greatest secrets,
especially if someone has the knowledge of its workings.

I have to go the Tesla conspiracy on this one and say gravity may
have been resolved by said person and locked away.

And you would probably be more right than you know it.

I am still reading all of the Tesla's public writings I can get my hands on and he definitely had some interesting ideas after 1900s. His patent portfolio shows that as well, with a lot of focus on mechanical things rather electrical.

Granted it could've been due to the lack of proper facilities but we really do not know who had contracted him and for what during the later part of his life. It would make sense to assume they would, after all he was Nikola Tesla.

He could have had skirmish projects on contract that you would not read anywhere in public, except maybe in his personal notebook, which incidentally Otis Carr alleged to had for a period of time until it was stolen from him by an assistant.

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 09:29 AM
As with everything people believe this took place and others do not believe this took place.

For myself all I can say is I don't know. I have a problem with.... if they could do this in the sixties why is it going to take until 2025 "or whatever" to return, just use the same technology it worked before. I think people are wising up and our government needs to get there if they haven't and get the stuff up there they said they left up there or they will one day get caught with there pants down.

One thing that has always bothered me is the fact Buzz is out there for NASA doing his deed but what about our first man that walked on the Moon Neil Armstrong. After the Parade he seemed to crawl into a whole for we the people and never reaped the benefits so to say. I'm sorry but if you are the first man on the Moon I would think you would have no other choice but to be seen in Society a good bit through out your entire life...wouldn't NASA have that written into the contract or at least a hand shake on. (that is when a hand shake meant anything that is)

I want to believe but............................

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 11:10 AM

Originally posted by MoonMine


Plus the fact that WHY O WHY there has not been a manned flight to the moon since 1972.

I wish the Chinese would hurry up... (I do not think they faked their recent spacewalk despite some oddities in the footage)


Ha this looks like a not too complicated post I can add to.

A good reason to start the space program by Kennedy would be
to send money to the rocket scientists.

After all we had a well heeled nuclear fleet of sea launched ICBMs
and we had to keep the science going.

I can't find the story about an aircraft designer rejected
by the US and went to Russian to work on the Bison, Boson and
Muskrat aircraft and bomber designs.
That is kind of extreme but shows how technology can be lost.

Since 1972 the funding ebbed for some reason.

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 12:43 PM
reply to post by amigo

I don't mind more cents added. The JFK line was an error on my part. I should of said chose not went, but he did start the drive to go to the moon.

You didn't answer me on which CT of Hoagland to believe. He has two theories, the moon landing was staged, and we went there and was greeted by others.

With all the thousands of workers involved in the moon projects, why is there no leakage of memos are other paperwork stating there was a hoax?

This is one of the strangest conspiracy theories, and it is an interesting one in that it refuses to die no matter how much evidence there is to support the moon landing.

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