posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 06:11 AM
You all make it sound like the "forces" behind the scenes are still interested in the american people and what their beliefs are. Make no mistake,
they are NOT. They could care less about the roughly estimated 300 mill americans. Why should they care, they are in the biggest franchise plot of all
times, they just move the progressing technologies etc, to another location if needed. The US can dance around in their own misery for centuries, they
don't care. It's not their country, their people. No decision has ever been made with concern towards human relations, it is
always about the
dough, and you know it. So just stop acting like you don't know, and face the reality. Look at it from outside the US, worlds most powerful nation,
falling apart, world historys biggest failure is about to happen. Like so many times before.
If I wanted money or wanted to believe in freedom and justice for my kids, BELIEVE, that United States of Great Britain would be one of the last
places for me to look. Let the trend spread. And if you are an american citizen, and you don't have dual citizenship in Israel, my condolences, I
truly am sorry for you. The end has begun.
Coffee, anyone?