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Could the stage be set tonight? (Is this our 'false flag'???)

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posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 04:53 PM

Originally posted by Seeker Mom
There's a bigger chance of Sarah Palin being shot than Barack Obama. He's been protected by the Secret Service since summer of '07. He's probably the most protected candidate or president we've ever had in this country. He would only be taken out if the behind-the-scene leaders decide he needs to go. No random assassin will get near him -- ever.

Did you read the article on how the secret service told the police to 'step down' and stop searching people for weapons?

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 04:56 PM

Originally posted by edgecrusher2199
I just had another revelation. An attempt at assassination has already happened back in mid to late August.

That even adds to the theory. Add this with the secret service telling the police in Dallas to step down. It's almost as if they were working out the kinks. In the article, the police questioned the move. I wonder if Nashville police would ask the same questions? Not to assume at all that they are all racist, but I wonder if they would question the order as much? I dunno. Again, these are just a lot of really weird coincidences and I'd hate to see it unfold like this.

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 05:03 PM
Well, if so...

I think they will bomb both candidates (just to avoid too much conspiracy theories) and use a bomb like in Pakistan recently.

By doing so they could blame Pakistany fundamentalists for it, Bush can declare himself as dictator of the USA and take out the nukes in Pakistan.


[edit on 7-10-2008 by Terrapop]

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 05:07 PM
reply to post by Terrapop

It's an interesting idea as well. I have a hard time thinking they'd take out McCain for some reason, but hey, you never know.

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 05:11 PM
reply to post by Terrapop

My thoughts exactley. If anyone dies it will not be from a single shot at one person but a single blast taking many out... instilling so much fear that we will all do what we are told. Shell shock.

I hope to relax one of these days and look back at my days of paranoia and laugh. I hope.

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 05:16 PM

Originally posted by tenfly
And do you remember this article where the police (in Dallas, TX) were told (by the secret service - which they later denied every giving such an order) to stop screening for weapons about an hour before the rally and just allow people in back in February?

I remember that. I was so, so, so, pissed about the implication of what was planned. Beyond the fact that they were apparently planning to kill him--my city and state have already been villified as president killers once and it does not have to happen again.

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 05:24 PM
Its just not healthy to speculate on the what ifs. All you can do is to foucus on your own life and unless you are an activist, keep your feet firmly planted in the ground and your head out of the clouds.

Be cautious with your spending, love your family and friends and really feel appreciation for the small things in life that matter most to you.

We all have been unfairly placed in this no win situation, our Nation may have been the catalyst, yet no man is an island as they say and so goes for the world being spared the agony of the last ditch efforts of the NWO to redesign the old world ways.

EDIT: To say, OBAMA is NO JFK. Ask Marilyn...

[edit on 7-10-2008 by antar]

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 05:51 PM
If you can remember the riots after the assassination of MLK, You can just imagine the riots that would occur after the assassination of Obama. We would actually need an army on the streets to restore order.

Guess what? The government just put the army on the streets.

Just speculation on my part, but it's still a scary time to be alive. Fascinating, but scary.

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 06:55 PM
Of course I am reading WAY TOO DEEP on this, but interesting thing I found:

Accident leaves driver dead, traffic stuck for hours

At least 14 vehicles in pileup near Nashville

Perhaps closing off exit routes, or delaying the time the audience and others arrive in order to "just pass the viewers through" (with no security check)

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 07:08 PM
Let's all meet back here after the debate and ignore the fact that yet another series of projections were proven wrong.

Then we can start speculating as to when the next terror attack will occur and how horrible it will be.

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 07:17 PM

Originally posted by Night Watchman
Let's all meet back here after the debate and ignore the fact that yet another series of projections were proven wrong.

Then we can start speculating as to when the next terror attack will occur and how horrible it will be.

That sounds like fun. Please bring some hot chocolate and popcorn. Some pop too if you wouldn't mind.

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 07:23 PM
I for one hope the predictions come true, not because i want people dead but to show there we were right, that we actually knew it was going to happen.

that we can stop this in the future if we TRY (keyword there TRY)

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 07:31 PM

Originally posted by tenfly

Originally posted by Seeker Mom
There's a bigger chance of Sarah Palin being shot than Barack Obama. He's been protected by the Secret Service since summer of '07. He's probably the most protected candidate or president we've ever had in this country. He would only be taken out if the behind-the-scene leaders decide he needs to go. No random assassin will get near him -- ever.

Did you read the article on how the secret service told the police to 'step down' and stop searching people for weapons?

If you're referring to the incident in PA, they were told to do that because what they were doing was considered illegal search and seizure under the law.

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 07:32 PM
I'm not saying it would be tonight nor making a prediction...

But I will say, this is NOT ordinary prediction making that goes on in here.

The forces that could benefit from this are many and mighty, those who have what to gain both from within and from beyond our borders make this not a prediction, but rather something to be very waty of.

We have Isreal... who is unhappy with an Obama in office with a potential Nuclear Iran, The mossad is arguably perhaps the best intelligence organization in the world.

There is Bush, and perhaps a desire to remain in power as a possibility

There are Islamic Fundamenmtalists who... if they were real or not prior to our attacks NOW have a vested interest in chaos in America, we occupy many countries, a civil war brings the troops home, that's a lot of motivation, Taliban, Iraqis

We have homegrown racists, public outcrys of Kill Obama, isolationists, constitutionalist all of whom are unhappy, then we have Millions of ordinary Americans going broke and loosing thier homes... wing nuts are a real factor! Religous devotees on the Christian fundamentalists

The add the odd ball factors of who would benefit by a US troop withdrawal and internal chaos...

Lets add to this list of possibilities, China, Iran, Pakistan, Russia all of home would Love to see the USA leave the Oil behind

So who might wish to see a Bomb go off at this Debate?

Thats... a few Billion People who would like to see this happen and lol

Our President in Office might be one of them

This is no theory, this is a pray it doesn't happen situation

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 07:39 PM
reply to post by angrysniper

No, Dallas.

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 07:57 PM
reply to post by Curious_Agnostic

Your avatar just made me LOL hahaha !!!!

I just wanted to tell you this

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 07:59 PM
What if...??????

I certainly hope nothing detrimental happens because this would definatly be the go ahead for Martial Law.

Not to mention the calamity of it all, but also the consequences!!!

I look forward to watching the true colors again- and - i certainly hope McCain LOOKS at Obama tonight....if he doesnt, he's done. (not that i care about McCain), but its certainly detrimental to him not to look at Obama.

What ever happened to Diplomacy?

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 08:03 PM
here we go then.

tuning in from new zealand and hoping nothing happens to any of these people at this debate.

that said ... i don't believe the web bot predictions have lived up to their hype either.

ps - go obama!

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 09:31 PM
Well it's 6:30 PM now in Alaska and the debate is about to end and nothing out of the ordinary has happened yet besides the Dow dropping 509 points today. I say yet because maybe someone gets shot walking out the door after the debate so who knows. I am hoping nothing happens but we'll see...

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 10:27 PM
This was something I had mentioned in one of the Oct 7 threads. Seems nothing happened today, although I just cannot shake a "feeling" that "something" like you mentioned can happen before election day. Interesting thread. I have an uneasy feeling that somehow the election will not go on as planned.

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