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Man shot for wearing Obama T-shirt

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posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 01:47 PM

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 01:50 PM

Originally posted by Sublime620
reply to post by FlyersFan

I don't see how it should be of any consequence to anyone if people outside of the US are choosing favorites. Unless they start asking to vote, last time I checked, we promote freedom of speech. It's their right to speculate.

I think the UK should be allowed to vote in the US presidential elections....After all, you guys didn't manage to do such a good job the last time around!

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 01:50 PM

Originally posted by Sublime620

How nice!

And how in violation of the T&C a post like this is.

My theory on the "shooter" is that he must be one of those misguided middle-Americans clinging to their guns and religion that Obama tried to put down - until he realized he needed their votes, too.

[edit on 10/7/2008 by centurion1211]

Mod Edit - removed quoted material that was deleted.

[edit on 8-10-2008 by elevatedone]

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 01:51 PM
reply to post by mopusvindictus

Now which part of that post wasn't complete speculation?

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 01:55 PM
There are ball baring guns that fire BB's close to 3/4 inch in diameter.

They are typically intended for hunting purposes. I used to own one, until the CO2 pressure line burst inside of it.
You certainly do NOT want to get hit by one of these. I was warned by some that the hunting class BB gun I had could break clean through the bone of your skull... so I tested it out various animal bones. They were right... some of the bones it clean passed indicated to me that a shot to the head from this thing is indeed a fatal blow.

So the term BB gun can imply lots of things. The ones your parents let you use as a child were those tiny brass or plastic BB's. Typically you would have had a pump action BB gun, or a small CO2 canister version. These can't do anything more than give you a small welt... or blind you.

But there are BB guns out there that are indeed purpose built to kill.

So don't get misled by the term Ball Baring gun, we don't know what gauge or pressure level it was.

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 01:57 PM

Originally posted by Sublime620

For the rest of the civilized world

Ah yes. The civilized world like New Haven, CT where a 10 year old boy playing football with the neighborhood kids gets gang-raped by those kids. Where the city is overrun with gang shootings and drugs. Maybe civilized like Boston, MA overrun by gangs and drugs and suffering a corrupt police force. How about Philadelphia, PA or Chicago, IL? Wonderful that "civilized" world is. A bastion of tolerance and victimhood.

Most of us do not carry around handguns in public.

This is entirely relative. Where I am most people indeed are armed in public. If not carrying openly or concealed they have a rifle in their vehicle. The proverbial "truck gun." An alderman in St. Louis just suggested all of his constituents arm themselves and learn to use their firearms in response to out of control crime. There are more than a few towns across this country that actually mandate gun ownership.

As far as racially charged shootings go I suggest those who would be victims arm themselves. It's no coincidence the first "gun control" in this country was pushed by bigots to disarm non-whites. Recently gun control has opted for a more classist discrimination but the hatefilled spirit of the legislation remains.

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 01:58 PM

Originally posted by Sublime620
For the rest of the civilized world the reality of being chased by a crazed man with a pit bull and a BB gun would suck. That's great for you that you don't have to worry, but please don't push your ideals around as if it represents all of America.

Most of us do not carry around handguns in public.

(And yes, let's be proud that most "radically charged" shootings take place with real guns. That's a real great sticker to wear.

See, that's part of the problem right there. The 2nd Amendmant grants all Americans the RIGHT to carry a handgun and, therefore, it isn't just "my ideal." Maybe if more Americans started recognizing it as a right and started rejecting the bullcrap about it being such a threat and something only important to "rednecks", etc, the crime rate in this country would drop and people wouldn't have to worry about being chased by dogs or being shot by a BB gun.

A sticker to wear? Hell man, I have "Radically Charged Shootings Require Real Guns" on a beautiful needlepoint hanging in my den courtesy of dear old mom & her calloused cross stitiching fingers. What in the world are you even talking about?

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 02:01 PM
I live in Georgia (the south of the south) and I'm seeing more and more hatred toward Obama. I word at a Pet Smart distribution center and a truck came in with "Obama is a queer" on the back. I pointed it out to the truck driver and he jokingly said "yeah...I wrote that!"

It's only going to get worse. Obama is going to get bombarded with hateful comments up until the election.

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 02:07 PM
reply to post by Sublime620

It's 100% speculation!!!

But also so obvious and from a standpoint of those who witness first hand in here every day exactly how extreme viewpoints and polarizing arguments can arise a bet I'd take 10-1 odds on of being correct about

and I'm not taking a side

My statement is simply... some topics are sensitive, you should save some topics for the appropriate time and place, your opinion isn't so important to put yourself in conflict for, there are places to be heard, safely discreetly or protected if publcly

emotions run high

I have trouble seeing this as a mugging and am almost sure, the Obama fan mouthed back and an escalation occoured, because the man didn't just cap him with the bb gun..therwe was obviously interaction of some kind

Yes... likely initiated by the Hooligan of the two...

But which comes first? the Chicken or the Egg? he was sporting the shirt...

It's a statement, it's a communication have to face the reality you might run into some one pasionately oppossed to your ideas on the street... doesn't make his actions right, but it doesn't deal with the realities of life either


I have to say, politics ARE important, but not cool... I'll never be caught dead in a Mccain T-shirt lol... I Never wore a kennedy T-shirt and I can't imagine how odd i'd look in either a Palin or McCain T-shirt...

I just...would never do it myself, even If I was an Obama fan...I don't want some guys mug on my chest, it's kind of... a sad statement of personality in many ways to me...


It's London for crying out loud, you can't fail to see the silliness of both these individuals and the sheer lack of personal identity in both

They are politicians, they are all CREEPS anyway, Liars, self promoters...

Obama worship i think is the biggest turn off about the guy, he takes a crap in the morning just like me... and McCain does fact somebody probably has to help him

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 02:07 PM

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 02:09 PM

Originally posted by burdman30ott6
Hell man, I have "Radically Charged Shootings Require Real Guns" on a beautiful needlepoint hanging in my den courtesy of dear old mom & her calloused cross stitiching fingers. What in the world are you even talking about?

I guess that about sums it up right there.

And you are correct, we have the right to bear arms, though some believe we means the state militias (but that's a whole different debate). We have the right, not the duty. Not everyone owns a firearm. Not everyone who owns one, walks around in public with it (nor can most of us).

So quit acting like in America we all carry guns. People get attacked all the time in America. It's not some lowly trait of the British.

I don't even know what you are trying to say on this thread? Can you clarify your point? Is it this:

People who use BB guns are sissies. Anyone who gets chased by a dog and shot with a BB gun deserved it for not having a firearm on them. All heated disputes should be settled by barrel point.

That about sum it up?

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 02:12 PM
reply to post by SectionEight

Though you basically just derailed the thread, can you please substantiate your claim that Obama is somehow tied to all of these people in Nevada?

[edit on 7-10-2008 by Sublime620]

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 02:19 PM

Originally posted by Sublime620

I don't even know what you are trying to say on this thread? Can you clarify your point? Is it this:

People who use BB guns are sissies. Anyone who gets chased by a dog and shot with a BB gun deserved it for not having a firearm on them. All heated disputes should be settled by barrel point.

That about sum it up?

No, my point was that had the Obama shirt wearer had a handgun on himself, after asking himself exactly what the hell a gun owner was doing supporting the anti-gun Barack Obama, he could have defended himself and this story wouldn't have ended with him being shot in the face with pellets like he was on a bird hunting trip with Dick Cheney. He did not "deserve" it. As for your last comment, that somewhat fits, though you certainly made the statement ridiculously simplistic. Replace "heated disputes" with "physical assaults" and add "the potential victim using" between 'by' and 'barrel point' and you have a more accurate view on my position.

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 02:20 PM

Originally posted by burdman30ott6

LOL, I was thinking the exact same thing as I read his post, man. All that talk about chasing with a pit bull and shooting with a BB gun.
.357 Mag > BB Gun, .357 Mag > pit bull, .357 Mag = Thank God I live in the USA.

You know, if your answer to everything is the fact that you carry this gun, then I'm glad you live in the USA too.

I think it's fascinating how much of this thread has devolved into this pathetic machismo about how BB guns aren't 'real' guns (although, it's not like they're not going to blind anyone when shot point-blank in the face, is it?
). I'm surprised someone didn't post 'Staffordshire bull-terrier? That's not a real dog, back home we have dogs that kill tigers' or some other weird, macho nonsense.

The real story is that some people seemed to have an issue with Obama and some of his supporters solely on the colour of his skin and are willing to act on it. There's no 'he has no experience' or 'is he really American?' 'or 'he'll tax us 'til Tuesday!' - this was an example of why some people really have an issue with Obama and some of his supporters.

What I also find weird is that apparently weapons are the solution to the problem in the news story: 'my particular chunk of steel would have killed him before he'd have even looked at me'. If this guy is the idiot he appears to be, what makes you think that he wouldn't have pulled a 'real' gun on Egwuatu if he'd have had the opportunity to? The possibility that Egwuatu might have had a bigger gun? That's a 50/50 argument and again, if the guy who attacked Egwuatu is as much an idiot as he appears to be, I can't see those odds deterring him.

Whereas some are crowing that a 'real' gun would have stopped this, all I'm seeing is the difference between Egwuatu getting hit in the face with a BB gun and being lucky he wasn't blinded as opposed to just losing his face completely as well as his life. If those .357 Mag are as good as your suggesting, I'm pretty sure that Egwuatu wouldn't be around to be giving a quote to the reporter.

[edit on 7-10-2008 by Merriman Weir]

[edit on 7-10-2008 by Merriman Weir]

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 02:24 PM
LOL Sublime must of had a bad incident with a BB gun,good question why a Brit would be wearing a shirt of an American Presidential candidate,sounds like might be some rednecks in the UK

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 02:24 PM
Mod Note: Courtesy Is Mandatory – Please Review This Link.

Let's keep the conversation civil, please!

Oh, and stick to the topic at hand.


posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 02:29 PM
Regardless of whether or not the press sensationalized's still horrific. This man is lucky he only got shot with a BB gun. I'm guessing since the confrontation started in a store, the criminal must've had the BB gun on his person and not run home for it. What if he'd had a real gun...I'm betting he would've used it. And that he's walking around carrying a BB gun and then used it on someone for their opinion shows you what kind of idiots are in this world. Perhaps if he hadn't run into a guy with a t-shirt he didn't agree with, he might've used it some other poor innocent bystander.


posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 02:29 PM
Come on guys, this is serious. If he's not careful hecould get a bad infection from the bb. I'm retty sure I still have one stuck in my leg somewhere. It's not a big deal. Man attacked for wearing Obama shirt would have been more appropriate for a headline tho.

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 02:30 PM

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 02:30 PM
Ok, the title was a little sensational but at the same time... BB gun pellets HURT.

Also, imagine for a second you replace the victim in this news story with a woman, a child, a mentally handicapped person, etc. Or replace the perpetrator with a cop (for you all you antidisestablishmentarians out there) on his day off.

Would your opinions then change from 'Pfft' to 'OMG!'

Something to think about.

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