posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 11:25 AM
indeed,the cover up itself is disinfo,what better way to create an illusion that to perpitrate a cover up of information,that way you have everyone
believe the information you are covering up is the correct information.
for example,i want to pretend im a purple monkey.
what do i do?,i get all information regarding purple monkeys classified,whilst at the same time spreading information about purple monkeys
everywhere,result?,everyone will believe and be aware of purple monkeys cos its classified and being covered up.
if you cover somehing up people will automaticly believe its true.
now apply this to the "alien" situation,its being heavily covered up,at the same time aliens are apparently contacting people,showing themselves to
folks,telling us things about doesnt make sense.......someone wants us to believe in aliens as a disguIse for who and what they
really Are,perhaps the future holds the answers.