posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 08:39 PM
Typed in Mars Life into web-bot
answer: Mars Life held almost certain scientist cites
This one takes the cake remember during the state of the Union one of the congressman yells out to obama "You Lie"
Typed into web-bot obama lies
answer: obama lies since being in office has he done anything to show you what the real crime is that it is unfair to include Nigeria on the us list
of official terror groups though it is entirely possible that gold prices could go as high as the heavens are higher than the earth so my ways are
higher than ours brune
Typed into web-bot brune- brune family of prideaux place GB
Guess what 2 individuals have the initials GB and GB could stand for Great Britain
edit on 30-10-2010 by amari because: (no reason given)