posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 07:11 AM
reply to post by WISHADOW
predictions depend as much on the question as on the interpretation. a prediction is a bit of knowledge of the future, the one thing that is timeless
is the soul of one, as for that, it is the only one thing that can see into the future. the trustworthiness of the message depends the manifestation
grade of the peoples soles who are populating that database.
our common soul (in fact the parts where overlap) creates the all we perceive and know in 3D and time (witch has been firmly locked since the
measurement of time). in fact any revelation is a revelation in our selves.
many of us believes that ones soul is a small entity and finite in nature, in fact is the one thing that is capable of keep one busy for all eternity.
technically, if you have all the knowledge of the 3D material world, you get another dimension (it is "easier" to perceive another dimension first
and knowledge follows) and in this you know everything that there was and will be(in the past 3D), so you can make a prediction. of course you have to
converge with the consciousness of others somewhere in the future to trace back something that is valid for all human.
if you stay there, you ascend, if you come back, you loose everything, except for a few blurry "pictures".
to consciously manipulate yr soul to deliver the knowledge you are hopeing for, is almost impossible, because we have a divided consciousness and 3 or
more is too much of a step to walk, or merge, and many of us have even forgotten that they have a soul. the other way round happens all the time, in
fact existence itself is defined by it.
(if you ascend you have to take hold of the next dimensions: 5,6,.. , and so on for all eternity)
thisone is true:
for "civilization" you get:
"civilization is a pyramid scheme these travel programs are typically controlled by the scheme and has no editorial control on the decision making"