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Bill Deagle is a killer and the biggest fraud ever

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posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 01:47 AM

Originally posted by snowen20
reply to post by OzWeatherman

I see your point, There was another guy who was making the same claim not to long ago. I forgot his name and I cant find the site to referrence sorry.
Any way this other guy was claiming to be one of the two prophets the bible speaks about and that his wife was the other.
Seems to be alot of this going around these days and consequently the other guy was wrong, then changed his story a little.

Lol, as they do

Saying that, he also said he had regular visitation from the archangel Gabriel, but then contradicts everything by saying that Jesus was a product of the Luciferian church. So how does that work

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 01:51 AM

Originally posted by snowen20
reply to post by MorningStar8741

Well I can vouch for some of that because it also happened to me.
The day before 9/11 I was in the philippines and I felt really bad and didnt know why. I couldnt put my finger on it but I felt like I needed to make sure my father was ok so I called him slightly disturbed and asked him just off the wall,"Is everything ok there?" He told me everything was fine and asked me why I jst told him I felt like somthing was wrong there.

Ofcourse the next night I was watching everything unfold. coincidence, who knows?

Ok, think about what you just said. I am not going to call you a liar, or honest, I do not know but for the sake of argument, let's say you are telling the truth. You know the truth anyway, that is what matters. So that day, you had a feeling that something bad might be looming, that a loved one should be checked on.

Compare that to someone later claiming.."I had some sharp pains that morning."

I am far more willing to listen to your prophecies that someone who had some sharp pains.

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 02:01 AM
reply to post by MorningStar8741

Well Im not lying and thats the only time such an even occured with me so strongly EVER. So thats why it left an impression with me.
But yeah I feel ya on your point. Slight emotional disturbance feelings of dread and the notion that somthing is worng VS SHARP PAIN.

Sharp pain wins. What Im getting at is that if I felt somthing then to me that does lend some credibility to what Dr. D says.
Actually A whole lot of credibility.

[edit on 7-10-2008 by snowen20]

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 02:03 AM

Originally posted by snowen20
[Sharp pain wins. What Im getting at is that if I felt somthing then to me that does lend some credibility to what Dr. D says.

In my opinion it doesnt, and you seem more credible

Because you never insisted you had been part of every major conspiracy theory for the last 20 years

A sharp pain does not, by the way, indicate that you have psychic abilities

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 02:11 AM

Originally posted by snowen20
reply to post by MorningStar8741

Well Im not lying and thats the only time such an even occured with me so strongly EVER. So thats why it left an impression with me.
But yeah I feel ya on your point. Slight emotional disturbance feelings of dread and the notion that somthing is worng VS SHARP PAIN.

Sharp pain wins. What Im getting at is that if I felt somthing then to me that does lend some credibility to what Dr. D says.
Actually A whole lot of credibility.

[edit on 7-10-2008 by snowen20]

Actually, my point was that it lends YOU credibility and if you really want to share what you feel is a personal connection to a greater sense of being to someone who LATER claims they had sharp pains that morning, then come down here. I would like to walk you through the hospital and show you lots of people that had pains that morning.

My point is that what you say makes you a prophet far and above what he says in the very least. It is not an attack on you. I just think it if it were me, and I felt something was happening that day, a real gut feeling, and some nutjob who has already glommed onto every other conspiracy and disaster he could reach tells me that he is the same or better because he had some sharp pains that morning...If I were you, I would punch him in the face. Ask him what that sharp pain in the face is a premonission of.

I am just saying, I do not doubt you, i believe lots of people had a feeling, a genuine feeling that day. I do not believe someone who has tried to cash in on this very type of thing before and before and before and could not even keep the job he was trained for..MD, cannot substantiate this prediction, and claims it was based on a sharp pain. It just seems silly.

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 02:11 AM
reply to post by OzWeatherman

Well then now you see my skepticism..

Because for me it doesnt discredit or really lend credibility, Like wise feeling wierd before 9/11 doesnt make me psychic either. Im just saying easier to believe a story when you have a similar experience.
But the HARD pill to swallow is his envolvment with every conspiracy imaginable. I remembered that from the video I watched a few months ago.
Well A lot of conspiracies never the less.

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 02:57 AM
could he be working for the PTB and his main purpose is to generate even more fear so that when and if these types of events begin happen he'll have played the part of stirring up a bunch of fear in the people on this end of the spectrum, while everyone who listened to his predictions will be very willing and ready to listen to whatever he has to suggest that everyone do...then they'll really have all their bases covered.

i have no idea...just speculating.

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 03:00 AM

Originally posted by seeker11
could he be working for the PTB and his main purpose is to generate even more fear so that when and if these types of events begin happen he'll have played the part of stirring up a bunch of fear in the people on this end of the spectrum, while everyone who listened to his predictions will be very willing and ready to listen to whatever he has to suggest that everyone do...then they'll really have all their bases covered.

i have no idea...just speculating.

Lol, I dont see why that wouldnt be possible. Its a bit lest spectacular than most of his claims

In my opinion he's just an attention seeker, with something against the USA because he had his medical license stripped for over prescribing pain killers resulting in death

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 05:03 AM
i watched a presentation of his last night and amongst other things he said that within the next five years the following will transpire or has already:

Ice age
Martial law
Planet x hitting earth
Moon bases / Mars bases
Avian flu
Nuke event Europe / America
Complete takeover by the new world order.

Twin towers demolished By micro nukes
Oklahoma bombing / micro nukes
Scientist's growing dinosaurs

I'm sorry but this guy is full of BS he just taking every possible scenario and spewing it out as insider information.

I'm unconvinced

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 05:39 AM
reply to post by OzWeatherman

brilliant work!!! My profs would be proud of you.

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 06:43 AM
I have it from the highest authority (my own delusional mind) that Billie D is in fact correct in all of his predictions...Just look at his track record...He predicts famine and I get hungry!!!!! He gets a @#$% cramp and the towers fall!!! I even have it from a friend of a friend that has a cousin that spent 3yrs with this girl in college that walked by Billie one day that he was actually "W's" adviser!!! He predicted that there were WMD'S in Iraq....wait a min....there weren't any....
...Ok he's a fraud.

edit for spelling and other such stupid things you do when you've been up for around 30hrs.

[edit on 7-10-2008 by Combatmed1]

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 07:03 AM
Nothing is going to happen, and after the 7th, the reason he will give for nothing happening, will be all because of him, he will say as he did in the telephone conversation, that prophets are given the information, so they can share it, and then people who hear it will do things to prevent them happening.

What a load of crap, Prophets are not given visions to help prevent events from happening, and for a self proclaimed Prophet to say such a thing is the biggest cop out ever.

I could easily sit here and type, that on Thursday, an attempt will be made on the life of a presidential candidate, but if it doesn't happen, it is because i told everyone, and it played on the minds of people so much, they did things a little different and prevented it from happening, so much so that those responsible, decided not to bother that day because the cat was out of the bag.

How about a Prophecy, with no way out, no way to stop it, just the facts of what will happen 100%.

I believe in Prophecy, i don't need people to say things to change my mind or call me stupid for thinking that way, i just don't believe as many others that Humans are the be and end all of everything, we are not as important as we think on the grand scale of things, in fact i believe that because we think that way as a race, this is what will bring about our own destruction.

We don't need help from anyone to destroy ourselves, we seem to have the need to scare the living daylights out of the vulnerable, and get pleasure from the despair we bring to other peoples fragile emotions.

Every day we see people getting pleasure from, scaring the life out of anyone who worries about the future, especially those who have a lot of feelings for others, people who do that deliberately are the ones with the problem as far as i can see, so insecure in their own lives, they have to make anyone who will listen, uncomfortable and insecure, which then spills over into their real lives, because they have to share with others, just to stop them going insane, sadly this has a knock on effect, because those who they tell think they have mental heath issues, when all the time its down to a few sad individuals, who get their kicks from promoting doom.

It is those individuals who make our lives unbearable sometimes, by creating stress and worry, and IMO anyone who goes out of their way to create a situation of fear, by promoting doom and gloom, and directing it at the vulnerable and weak, well i have zero time for you or your petty crap, stop abusing peoples minds for your own pleasure, you tred too close to disaster, and im referring to those who can't cope with it, and try and hurt themselves and their families because they became convinced life is not worth living anymore.

Shame on the likes of Deagle and those who promote this kind of pathetic attention seeking at the expense of others, try becoming part of the solution, rather than the cause of misery.

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 07:49 AM
I think he is a pathological liar and possibly insane.

He may actually believe the stuff that he says.

I really feel bad for the few real facts and small chunks of knowledge that somehow got lost in the talks he gives... He does it give himself some credibility, so when he gets called a fraud he can point to those few examples and say "nuh uh! See! I cover serious issues!" and then continue to talk about how angels talk to him.

Very sad case. I think he went mad from killing his patient. I've seen doctors get horrible PTSD and have to retire as they become so screwed up they lost their license, most before they harm anyone.

Edit: What the heck is up with a certain other member constantly attacking other members for their contributions, and then demanding "proof" that substantiates their opinion - you know, so he can be sure that is really how they "feel" because it somehow "lends credibility" to their opinion.

This certain member makes me very suspicious. Who asks a person for proof of an opinion they just gave you? Very suspicious behavior indeed.

[edit on 7-10-2008 by TruthTellist]

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 07:51 AM
I was suss when Deagle turns up saying, "omg I sense something terrible happening on the 7th of October". Coincidently, this was AFTER the web-bot guys started showing up on radio shows recently but they made their prediction ages ago.

And to the OP, I couldn't agree more. Good job dude. I had no idea about the people he hurt and killed! Thats F%$#@ up!

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 08:38 AM
Notice how they care SO MUCH about this thread. Oh, but not enough to post THE ACTUAL WORDS SAID. (BTW, this happens over, and over, and over)

Deagle may be a total nutjob. But I think he knows something, otherwise people wouldn't come on and try to convince us he's a total nut job.

Do people stand around the guy on the corner who is holding the "End of the world is nigh" sign saying to passersby "Hey, this guy is a nut job! Nut job over here! This guy is crazy!". If not, why not? Now, if they do it online, ask yourself why they do it.

As yourself why "MorningStar8741" seems to be against EVERY kook idea out there. Tell us Morning, which kook ideas are you in favor of? This is a CONSPIRACY site, so there must be kooky ideas that brought you here.

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 08:42 AM
reply to post by sir_chancealot

The kooky ideas that brought me here are off topic.

I do not go to the crazy man on the corner and point it out to people, because I never see a crowd gathering that wants to tell everyone that he is right and that we should listen. I think the man has been debunked more than enough. It is his fans here that have made no valid attempt at redeeming him or proving any of his psychic abilities. If someone can show something a little better than a man later claiming that he had sharp pains in the morning is the same as predicting 9/11, I am all ears. So far, all I have seen is...he said he predicted stuff. So what if he killed a person and hurt others as a doctor. That stuff does not matter because he told us what we wanted to hear. Well, I am writing this on Oct 7th am I not?

p.s. If you are going to address what I am for and against for me, please back it up with something. I guess that is two of your heros I do not believe? Either way, do not talk about what I believe in and what I do not. We are on this thread, talk about this thread. If you want to talk just about me and what I believe in, please feel free to start that thread. Do not sully someone else's by worrying about what brings me to ATS.

[edit on 10/7/08 by MorningStar8741]

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 08:48 AM
Ahhh, more fraudsters!
There's been an influx of them hasn't there? The stuff he spouts is amusing and I just listen for entertainment.

by the way

Any way this other guy was claiming to be one of the two prophets the bible speaks about and that his wife was the other.

two prophets? Ya'll have lost me, What 2 prophets?

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 08:54 AM
i dont trust anyone who calls himself a profit, he didn't fool me.

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 08:57 AM

Originally posted by sir_chancealot

Deagle may be a total nutjob. But I think he knows something, otherwise people wouldn't come on and try to convince us he's a total nut job.

Do people stand around the guy on the corner who is holding the "End of the world is nigh" sign saying to passersby "Hey, this guy is a nut job! Nut job over here! This guy is crazy!". If not, why not? Now, if they do it online, ask yourself why they do it.

The main problem I see with your argument is the fact that a lot of people that are "supporting" him do not know all of his misdeeds...Nor do they realize the blatant lunacy in most of the things he says as fact...Hence this thread.

As for the man on the corner, people need not go to such extremes to disprove someone who is OBVIOUSLY unbalanced....If you see someone holding such a sign would you point out the obvious??? No, the person holding the sign has already done this for you.

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 09:04 AM
reply to post by Chiiru

REVELATION 11:3 And I will give power to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy one thousand two hundred and sixty days, clothed in sackcloth. 4 These are the two olive trees and the two lamp stands standing before the God of the earth. 5 And if anyone wants to harm them, fire proceeds from their mouth and devours their enemies. And if anyone wants to harm them, he must be killed in this manner. 6 These have power to shut heaven, so that no rain falls in the days of their prophecy; and they have power over waters to turn them to blood, and to strike the earth with all plagues, as often as they desire.

Some believe that the 2 will be Elijah and Enoch...According to the Bible they never suffered death, but were taken away.

Hope you found this useful.

[edit on 7-10-2008 by Combatmed1]

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