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Bill Deagle is a killer and the biggest fraud ever

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posted on Oct, 25 2008 @ 04:41 PM
Hey Oz the weatherman. I just really thought that you might find this interesting.

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 12:09 AM
Please let me preface this by saying that I do agree that the world bankers are definately scheming against the world population and have been for hundreds of years striving for an endgame of world domination of all governments that they are damn close to acheiving. I've done 15+ years of research into anthropology, palentology, geology, ancient history, ancient civilizations, politics, ufo's, pre civilzation techonology...ect... BUT I do have a big bone to pick with Dr Deagle. He has brought to light some rather profound insights to those willing to listen. BUT all the same he (much like the NWO) uses fear for profit. His radio show on the Genesis Radio Network is comprised primarily of endorsements of miracle remedies for everything from cell phone radiation to heart muscle tissue destroying prescription drugs. I don't disagree with either of those concepts but I do disagree with profiting from fear, thats the modus operandi of the American Fed Govt....which I HATE! He may be 100% pure in his intentions for all i know, but from my experience, where money is changing hands corruption is involved, and the more money involved and the more public the voice the higher the level of corruption. If i am wrong about Dr. Deagle, I am very sorry, but honsetly, as an average guy, theres no way for me to know.

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 09:13 AM
reply to post by SASAlbertino

The better question would be to ask you why you defend a charlatan and an obviously mentally ill person?

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 07:36 PM
reply to post by MorningStar8741

Dr. Deagle was never 'convicted' of anything. Most of what is said about him on this thread is pure rumour and non-sense. One mus wonder about those who repeat this slanderous non-sense.

He never had his licence taken from him--it was suspended for 2 weeks pending investigation, and then returned to him. That is all. The patient died from an overdose of a medication given to him by the psychiatrist, not from Dr. Deagle. There were no charges laid against them, let alone a conviction. Had he been 'convicted', common sense would tell us that he would have spent jailtime. But he did not.

I agree that Dr. Deagle is a bit of an egomaniac (as are many doctors and lawyers) and says some unsupported things, but he also has a great amount of medical knowledge. He just gets carried away with his own ego and imagination at times.

From my experience, Dr. Deagle was one of the few doctors in Colorado who would really spend a long time with each patient and take care of their needs without concern if he would lose money thereby. There were always long lines at his office. Most doctors try to push their patients through in minimum time to make maximum profit. Not so with Dr. Deagle.

- Matthew

posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 03:38 PM
reply to post by OzWeatherman

ice ages only really affect higher latitudes anyway. the lowest point that the laurentide ice sheet reached in the last ice age was hudson bay. also, increased precipitation could cause greatly increased ocean volumes (along with the melting of polar ice caps) and in turn cause a shutdown of the thermohaline conveyor that circulates heat through all of the world's oceans. this would prevent heat energy being transported from the tropics to higher latitudes via the ocean currents and climatic patterns, triggering an ice age... but the tropics and equator would probably be even hotter than they are today due to an accumulation of uncirculated thermal energy.

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 12:56 AM
Bill Deagle is obviously called to help, maybe he quotes some other scientists and their way off theories. It could be a fault of his to some degree, and other things do happen like bad data and false accusations in some rough games in that type of arena. It's hard to say what lawsuits and people after money are telling all the truth about.
Basically I would say the space aliens are after the elite, and they keep them in line with bad dreams to make sure they stay on the job they are qualified for on earth.
I think they know everything Bill Deagle did, and they do want him working on the things of this nature, and scare him so much he has to.
I got bad dreams of disaster that were so scary like Bill Deagle. I was called to learn about the issue but I had so little data and the guy that said my dreams were just stress, well he's no longer of this world, he was wrong and is gone. Bill Deagle is telling people some things they need to hear. Like there really are a lot of underground bases and it's amazing how many people were duped into thinking there was no such thing in existence. The military and gov had their own agenda, all by themselves. Once hired to protect people, they turned into all agenda to save their job and claim to save the earth and no longer the citizens individually or their own (it's defined in other ways than countries against each other with the aliens involved. So, should they all be fired as they have no reason to be called protectors of the USA or the people. They are not military, they are space researchers, and scientists and travelers, and keep everyone else busy with bull# compared to what they have. I think Bill Deagle was on the gov secret side and they threw him away, and this is the result and how we get a whistle blower. So, yes he was bad and admitted it already, but I think he's taken his path to what he's supposed to be doing.

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 08:18 PM

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 09:50 PM
reply to post by MorningStar8741

It is perfectly relevant. Do you trust a doctor that poisoned three people because he cannot prescribe...sell you medication? Herbal remedies can be every bit as fatal as prescription drugs. He already killed one person and made two others extrememely sick and now you trust him to sell medication online?

There are approx 170,000 physicians in the US.......
they report 120,000 accidental deaths per year......
thats almost 1 death per physician on average....

I guess by these numbers, it means that the ENTIRE Staff of US Physicians
are all Killers and the Biggest Frauds ever.....

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 11:39 PM
reply to post by Maya432

There are approx 170,000 physicians in the US.......
they report 120,000 accidental deaths per year......
thats almost 1 death per physician on average....

I guess by these numbers, it means that the ENTIRE Staff of US Physicians
are all Killers and the Biggest Frauds ever.....

If all those accidental deaths are due to physician malpractice, then yes, they would all be killers. There are lots of ways to die accidentally.

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 07:02 PM
Dr. Bill Deagle is the profit of the son of God! You will all be dropped into the firey pits of plannet X when alien Christ returns as punishment for your blasphemy.

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 07:14 PM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
[but the tropics and equator would probably be even hotter than they are today due to an accumulation of uncirculated thermal energy.

Actually no they wouldnt.

Take into account the reflectivity of ice, the more ice, the more sunlight reflected, the more sunlight reflected, the cooler the earth is. This is why contrail increase (with regards to air travel) is a concern, due to the increase moistuire content being refected by ice crystals

posted on Mar, 1 2009 @ 02:03 AM
I dont beleive he is a profit but he does have contacts his info is right on.I think hes controled by aliens that feed his dilusion.Check out sherry shrinner,the bible codes are relveiling is a new ager read the book the hidden dangers of the rainbow.hes a government project likly.

posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 03:27 AM
link the camelot interview (part 3) he says that there will be a flu pandemic very soon...this interview was in october 08..

does anyone know when the flu scare started?..could he have known?

apart from that...he comes across as being a person desperately in need and in search of attention..hes been everywhere..done incredibly intelligent also a prophet AND related to moses...

whats the saying..if your gonna lie make it a big one..

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 11:46 PM
nm, old thread, no need to dig it up. nothing to see here, folks.

[edit on 6-3-2010 by bigfatfurrytexan]

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 12:01 AM
reply to post by MorningStar8741

How come your username is in red. And how come you do not have a registration date?

posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 07:01 PM
reply to post by Mr Headshot

Ah David Wilcock another prophet... be careful, we don't want Oz starting on Wilcock next...

Wether Deagle's is right or not, that's for you to work out. I like the fact he gives good info on a lot of topics.

The great challenge people face once they are awake to the world issues is to decide which info in disinformation and what is true, but for you to be able to work that out, first you need all sides of the argument.

Wether you like or believe the man, he says some bloody interesting things... But, let's test him out... He says that Europe will be in an ice age shortly due to the oil in the gulf stopping the warm water currents from the gulf that go to Europe... We will soon find out the truth in regards to this matter...

But everyone needs an open mind when looking at information to ensure the info they are reading is correct or is just disinformation...

I really wonder on the history behind some of the ATS members and what their own agenda is!!

This site has been infiltrated for sure..!!
You'd be a fool to think otherwise

posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 07:06 PM
reply to post by OzWeatherman

Contrails disappear after a short while due to evaperation...
CHEMTRAILS last in the sky in some cases all day!!

See the simple difference mate... So your the OZweatherman... Well i'm in OZ, What's Your history, Agenda? Where's your OWN science? Are you a weather expert?

Mate your quick to say everything is a joke but you have NO proof of your own argument...!!

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 11:33 AM
To prove something to all the people all the time is never going to happen. There will always be the nay sayer no matter what the issue. I first put on a uniform in 1973 because of the FLQ crisis I lived through in Quebec. You will never learn the truth about this mess in the media, concentrated far more in Canada than in the USA. It took me decades to discover the real reason for it. "It was to steal water from Canada and divert it into the states". Not one person in a million understands this, since they simply cannot get access to the truth on the issue. People don't have the contacts to the persons who lived in the right place and time, or the background knowledge of related issues that would convince them that this statement is the truth. Now add in, having the skills and resources to research every aspect of the issue and investigate the statements of those reporting this with what claiments say is legitimate documentation to back it up. My point bloggers, is that you happen to be wrong about Dr. Deagle.
There are a great number of people out there who believe he is exactly who and what he says he is, because they meet the above criteria. Beyond that....still others have none of the above, but have either the spiritual maturity to see eye to eye with what he reports, or simply well developed intuitive insight.
In some cases, those who believe him on a particular point have all of the above cryteria, admittedly I don't have all the answers since I fall short on things myself too. There are some things in life that require simplicity and faith. Frankly from what I've read against him here and elsewhere, the writer in some cases hasn't the listening skills to gain credability in the first place. The next time you want to stand toe to toe with MR. Spock, I suggest you do a great deal of homework, or pray for guidance and then do your homework. In any case I will not debate any further about the credability of this man. I already know...not think, he is exactly who he says he is. Period. Oh and by the way, I have been underground as a military intelligence operative many years ago,(which has a much larger population that one would imagine), before I ever came across DR Deagle. Good ole compartmentalization you know.

posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 11:14 AM

Originally posted by OzWeatherman
Another member stated that I am ignorant and not capable of an intellectual discussion because of some startling information I found on William Deagle. So lets see shall we.

So how can you people believe someone claiming to be a prophet, government insider/ whistleblower and one of the 2 witnesses described in the book of revelations?

I mean the guy is so far out, he claims to have been part of every single conspiracy theory for the last 20 odd years, and he had his medical license revoked for killing one of his former patients and seriously injuring two others.

Why did Dr. Deagle really leave Denver? After a woman named Debra Darnell died under his care, her family complained that he had over-prescribed medications (102 of them in 9 months). In March 2004 Deagle's license was temporarily suspended for over-prescribing drugs to three of his patients; one died from combined effects of the various meds, one suffered withdrawal and had to be hospitalized, and the third landed in the ER in a discombobulated state.

And to prove Im not lying about this, as I have already been accused of here's a link

After reading this why would anyone still think this guy is a hero and martyr? He is in fact a pathetic excuse for a human being praying on peoples gullibility and promoting his books and alleged "miracle cure" products on his website

Some other not so convinving facts about deagle:

1.Deagle attributes his superior intelligence to the fact that his mom smoked while pregnant. This increased his neural pathways. Also, aliens interested in his superior intellect observed him closely throughout his childhood.

2.He is a GP, and variously claims to be a microbiologist, a physicist, and a toxicologist.

3.In 1980 he met his current wife, Michelle, and they left their spouses to marry each other. They then embarked on a spiritual quest that led them in and out of many churches that one acquaintance described as "extremist". (3) In 1988 they founded Clay and Iron Ministries. Dr. Deagle declared himself a prophet and gave lectures for The Prophecy Club. They had children, and in the mid-'90s settled in Denver.

4. He claims to be on a government hitlist, which is why he now lives in Canada. Great place to hide
, and constantly tells everyone in the public forum he holds (credibility people)

5. He has apparently spoken to Gabriel on numerous occasions

6. He was a medical practioner at Columbine Massacre, the Oklahmoma Bombing and 9/11 (wow what a coincidence :@@

6. He claims Christ was a product of the Luciferian church (sure to upset some)

7. He was approached by reptilian leader PIndar (who apparently disguises himself as Prince Charles), to be his understudy

8. Was apporached by the US millitary to create the AIDS virus

9. He also claimed "I know information that's well beyond that of the Buddhists'

10. Force-5 hurricanes are caused by Planet X ("Nibiru"), a dwarf star (yeah my favorite, lol)

11. He claims Ice ages are from increased rainfall? (impossible)

12. He also said "The avian flu was created by the CDC with a bioengine, using gene fragments from deceased miners in Alaska. Essentially, it was created out of thin air. "We know the names of the scientists involved" (so who are these scientists then Bill?)

13. He claims "That in ten years, humans will only be produced in labs. Those with genetic abnormalities will be killed, and we will all be programmed to die "like lightbulbs".

14. He is so intelligent that he graduated med school in 5 months (and he killed a lady and severely injured 2? Yeah nice try)

15. He produced and worked on wonderful things such as Iridium satellites, devices that create scalar holographic induction morphogenic fields to induce anti-aging, star wars defense system, he helped run bioterrorism simulations and he also treated special ops personnel

How can this guy be trusted?

[edit on 6/10/2008 by OzWeatherman]

[edit on 6/10/2008 by OzWeatherman]

Might I add:

This guy pedals his fear in California, then lives in Nova Scotia, so he doesn't have to take any 'heat' when nothing happens! DUH!

posted on Jan, 11 2012 @ 05:32 PM
Nothing the poster said was proven at all. I saw the revocation form of his license. But did you ever think that he was setup? He is a man that is watched or was being watched because of extraordinary claims. People like him drop off the planet left and right.

I'm not pro-Bill Deagle or against. I think it is all fascinating. But I think it's silly to try to discredit someone because you think they are going overboard. What is overboard anymore? It all seems far-fetched until it is reality and everyone on this board obviously doesn't think the reality we live in is real.

I just wanted to point that out because I get sick of "debunkers". If you are here for the knowledge and the insight, take what you can from it and move on spiritually.

And to all you Wilcockers out there, come on, what has he really brought to the table except claiming to be a reincarnation of Edgar Casey? I follow him the least out of everyone. He doesn't interest me at all.

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