posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 03:56 PM
I posted this in another thread where I was told I was like Jim Carey in the movie 23 which makes sense but here is my reply...
reply to post by MoonMine
I am obsessed to a degree. I spend a little time each day on this stuff. It doesn't take me long. Plus I know for a fact that I am being monitered by
who knows who but somebody with power. Too many things have happened to me on the computer and on the phone for me to believe otherwize.
I am not only obsessed with the numbber 137 but also 37,73,74,174 and the biggest one 273.
Charles Fleischer does use psuedo science but thats the catch. I don't believe that all things are moleeds but it was something fictitious that led
to something very real.
If there is ONE thread anyone should pay attention to on this site it is without a doubt this one if your into knowing the truth about aliens,
christianity,NWO, UFO's, Washington DC, and etymology.
This thread here covers all of that.
The perfect ending to an almost perfect story.
You know I almost gave up on this whole thing about getting the message out and thought to myself" I rest my case" and a BELL rang and I did the
gematria for that phrase KNOWING it would be 137 and I was right. It's the perfect ending but I'm far from done.
In 10 minutes today I came up with a HOST of more 137's that I will be listing later that have to do with magic, bible and aliens.