posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 01:00 PM
4/23 my birthday, 23 letter in my full name, 100123 my id number in school, phone 223-123, william shakespear same b-day, 23 Enigma, The Number 23
movie with jim carrey, last quote in shakespear's greatest work romeo and juliet has 23 vouls, always being picked as the 23rd person, seeing 23
everywhere, the list is endless. 2 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 9 + 11 = 23, also 9/11 is my sister's bithday. just so happens my sister and i are born in the same
family with her birthday 9/11 and mine with the number 23. Just creepy. in our school elections votes, Obama won over McCain by 23 votes, every year
on birthday i wake up at 1:23 am everymorning, not on purpose plus when i go back to sleep alwasy seem to wake up again at 6:23 am and can't seem to
tell why.... there are 2 churches near my house and 3 churches in town.
Now tell me u don't believe....
oh and i forgot to mention all my pets have died on a 23rd of a month plus shakespear died on his birthday..... also being my birthday