posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 02:06 PM
There are many ideas that Zeitgeist flirts with that are within your immediate control and power. They do not require a forced movement.
Remember, the word 'zeitgeist' refers to a collective consciousness. If people understand certain things to be commonplace, good, beneficial, or
desired, then those things will likely go unchallenged. And when they are challenged, the culture will swell in opposition to the agitator.
The current problem is that bad things are deemed good, and are going unchallenged. Pick any political candidate, senator, or even house member, and
explain how they help mankind and the earth. That is my challenge to any of you out there, just think it through in your head.
In my opinion, even the massive support for Ron Paul isn't enough AT ALL. People are sitting in their computer chairs expecting their own opinions
to be enough. It will not be enough. You cannot email your congresspeople and expect jack #. It is not enough to switch paper money to a
gold/silver base. It is not enough if we do not challenge the ideas that do not currently work. It is not enough to simply abolish the IRS or
Federal Reserve.
Preservation of the earth and careful use of its resources ought to the first thing taught to any human being on this planet from the time they start
learning to mouth their first words.
For many decades, people have protested destructive corporate interest and we haven't gotten anywhere. Why? Lots of armchair debate. Lots of
protest signs. Not enough 'doing' / 'being'.
1) Grow your own food. There is a wealth of information out there about this subject. Start small, but ultimately do it with heart and the
intention to try to supplement/supplant your current food sources.
2) Move. Research where you live, find a place with quality land and water. Utilize this land/water efficiently and with care. give back to the
land/water. give back to the animals that aid you in its sustenance.
3) Find like-minded people. This can help & hurt you. Recognize when it is hurting you. Change the topic of conservation. Do activities.
Encourage the act of 'thinking' whenever and however possible.
4) Recognize your innate faults/strengths. Human beings are not perfect. You cannot be totally independent. You have to instead seek the most
optimal dependencies.
5) Energy. Getting off the grid doesn't mean taking all your electronics with you. Cull your collection. Excise the unnecessary. Cut out the
waste. Re-purpose the old.
6) Create. You cannot destroy anything. You cannot destroy CNN, you cannot destroy McDonalds, you cannot destroy the government. You can only
create. Design and implement your own solar-powered WiFi access point. Install a solar panel. Build a compost bin. Share your creations with your
roommates, neighbors, family, friends. Encourage them to participate.
7) Share positive information. Avoid phrasing things negatively. Avoid "not", "don't", "isn't", "no", "doesn't", etc. Instead of
talking about how bad the government is, talk about how good a different solution could be, and why. Discuss specifics. Forget the generalities,
you're probably wrong anyway and probably making mistakes or assumptions. Talk about the benefits of growing food, talk about the benefits of zero
pesticides, mention the amount of energy saved by using your solar panel. TALK ABOUT THE GOOD YOU WISH TO SEE. This is the best way to cultivate
the ideas in our culture. Be an example, don't just talk. Let someone try a tomato or pepper from your garden. Remind them how real food is
supposed to taste.
Negative talk is lazy, ineffective, self-destructive.
This documentary isn't perfect. You aren't either. At some level, accept it. On another level, ask yourself why. None of this is about right or
wrong. It's about proper balance. Things are out of whack for very concrete reasons. Identify them, and challenge them in your own life little by