posted on Jul, 2 2016 @ 09:53 AM
I for one have not released any notion that the earth is simply a solid ball, floating in space, or, a hollow sphere, floating in space. And simply
put, what ever is down there within our planet, factually, is unknown, or is not known publicly.
Sure, many theories exist that try to fill the void of ignorance concerning the content of the planet. But upon final examination, all, are formed
from assumptions. We stand on the surface of our planet with two primary directions for exploration, above, and below, the firmament.
Does Google Earth show the openings? No. Google Earth for what ever reason paints out, or "Fogs" out certain areas. Most of this is done for
"Security" reasons ,and some are for obvious reasons as in blotting out peoples faces.
So does that mean someone who is really interested in locating the opening is stopped? No. You must use other resources to find it. If, that is, it