Originally posted by violetOf course there will be EQ's or tremours occuring within this time frame anyways, but the way she puts it,
is it would be unusual in that it would "cause alarm" to those not having read her message.
Its been my experience that the only ones who show alarm at Earthquake activity is those who accidentally stumble on some daily readings and suddenly
discover just how many there are in a single day around the planet.
Here is the list for the 12th and 13th above 4.0
13-OCT-2008 17:35:41 38.24 70.03 4.2 10.0 AFGHANISTAN-TAJIKISTAN BORD REG.
13-OCT-2008 17:16:10 38.54 70.34 5.3 10.0 AFGHANISTAN-TAJIKISTAN BORD REG.
13-OCT-2008 16:05:25 39.53 73.84 5.3 39.9 TAJIKISTAN-XINJIANG BORDER REG.
13-OCT-2008 15:56:51 -20.69 -178.91 4.8 577.1 FIJI ISLANDS REGION
13-OCT-2008 12:07:48 -21.20 -174.66 5.1 46.4 TONGA ISLANDS
13-OCT-2008 09:25:40 39.53 73.92 5.1 35.6 TAJIKISTAN-XINJIANG BORDER REG.
13-OCT-2008 09:23:35 39.61 73.84 5.1 35.0 TAJIKISTAN-XINJIANG BORDER REG.
13-OCT-2008 08:07:43 36.20 71.00 5.2 109.3 AFGHANISTAN-TAJIKISTAN BORD REG.
13-OCT-2008 04:10:09 39.25 21.44 4.0 38.0 GREECE
13-OCT-2008 03:03:58 -11.43 162.30 4.9 69.2 SOLOMON ISLANDS
12-OCT-2008 20:55:34 -20.15 -64.91 5.8 283.2 SOUTHERN BOLIVIA
12-OCT-2008 19:05:56 34.84 25.27 4.4 37.8 CRETE
12-OCT-2008 17:27:19 -3.35 81.65 4.9 10.0 SOUTH INDIAN OCEAN
12-OCT-2008 09:03:43 -41.32 -88.74 4.6 10.0 WEST CHILE RISE
12-OCT-2008 09:01:22 43.53 46.29 4.1 10.0 EASTERN CAUCASUS
12-OCT-2008 08:30:48 13.44 120.53 4.8 74.9 MINDORO, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS
12-OCT-2008 07:44:55 50.17 12.41 4.0 10.0 GERMANY
12-OCT-2008 06:33:33 11.55 141.04 4.9 68.0 WESTERN CAROLINE ISLANDS
12-OCT-2008 00:39:52 -20.14 -178.27 4.8 558.3 FIJI ISLANDS REGION
Okay you can panic now....
Errr wait... the hills are doing the shaking... close to the ocean you will get the tsunamis... Flat land? errr nope that's cracking open too...
Well just forget about it
Your all DOOMED