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Palin: Obama Is ‘Palling Around With Terrorists’

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posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 10:13 PM
The double standard on this site is appalling. If McCain or Palin had associated with an unrepentant abortion clinic bomber, the same people who defend William Ayers would be outraged and wouldn't let it go.:shk:

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 10:21 PM
reply to post by jsobecky

A convicted abortion clinic bomber, yes. Ayers was never convicted of anything. Had he been, this would be a different debate, and I would be siding with you. If Berg is correct in Berg v. Obama, this will be a mute debate as he will no longer be a candidate. Then we will have to move on to Hillary. We will know very soon. Obama must produce the documents proving his 'natural born citizen' status by Wednesday.

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 12:38 AM
reply to post by David9176

If I bought the vote I bet they'd be happy. If I went out and gave money to the people they'd vote for me. It doesn't mean they support me it just means they want more money.

JSO, A convicted murderer? You're saying if McCain was best friends with say, Ted Bundy, a republican worker, we'd be up in arms? Well duh. But Ayers never never killed anyone. THE FBI AGREES! AYERS IS NOT A DOMESTIC TERRORIST OR THEY WOULD HAVE GOTTEN HIM BY NOW! And how can you STILL ignore that Sarah Palin TOLD A GROUP OF TERRORISTS THAT THEY WERE DOING GOOD WORK AND KEEP IT UP!

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 02:53 AM
reply to post by jsobecky

1. Right. Who knows? Since we don't know that information, we don't have a complete picture of why Palin's popularity index is in the gutter.

2. Who cares about MSNBC or Keith Olberman. The topic is Sarah Palin's popularity decline. One of the contributing factors possibly being conservative journalists who do not support her or McCain.

3. No smarty pants, you're wrong, yet again. The Alaskan legislature is another possible factor in the erosion of Palin's feel good to the masses. After all, the Alaskan Legislative Council was made up of 8 Republicans and 4 Democrats at the time it voted to hire independent investigation into Troopergate; a vote that tallied 12-0 in favor of an investigation.

4. With the McCain's campaign having the Palin family locked away out of the media spotlight, one couldn't possibly know if they were candidates for Arkham Asylum or not.

Maybe the privileged jsobecky has had access to the Palin family? How else would you imagine a smear campaign?

5. Your opinion disgorges fact in every post you make.

I could have pointed to son of William F. Buckley, Jr., and National Review columnist Chris T. Buckley's endorsement of Barack Obama. Or Michelle Malkin's angry post where she lambastes John McCain for being a supporter of ACORN in connection with his immigration reform promotion in 2006; when John McCain currently is attacking Barack Obama for having an association with ACORN. Or Bill Kristol's rant speculating that the McCain/Palin campaign might be doomed, and suggesting that their campaign be fired. Or David Brooks declaring that Sarah Palin "represents a fatal cancer to the Republican party." Or the story about 1500 - 1700 people who showed up to the "Alaskan Women Reject Sarah Palin" rally that was held on September 13, 2008 in Anchorage Alaska. Or a story about Alaskan Republicans who questioned Sarah Palin's fitness for Vice President, some of those Republicans quoted as saying outright that she is not qualified; an article which disputes the 80% approval rating by saying that it was actually 65% to begin with.

I could have done that, but what difference would it have made? You make conscious decisions to distort nearly everything I say. You don't seem to take the time to comprehend or read between the lines. You just seem to like breaking dishes over stones. Who am I to argue or speculate from sources, when you never pay attention anyway? I feel like Edith Bunker talking to you.

Nevertheless the fact remains that I do speak from my standpoint. Speaking from my perspective means that there should not be any conflict with your perspective. I do not speak for you. You shouldn't have a problem with that.

If things seem a certain way that means that time and change are taken into consideration. What was true yesterday might not be true today.

But I don't expect you to understand any of that.

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 03:13 AM

Originally posted by JaxonRoberts
reply to post by jsobecky

A convicted abortion clinic bomber, yes. Ayers was never convicted of anything. Had he been, this would be a different debate, and I would be siding with you.

You can't be serious. You're using that as an argument? The fact that he was never convicted?

"Guilty as hell. Free as a bird. What a country!". Remember that?


[edit on 14-10-2008 by jsobecky]

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 03:22 AM
reply to post by Areal51

Originally posted by Areal51
reply to post by jsobecky

1. Right. Who knows? Since we don't know that information, we don't have a complete picture of why Palin's popularity index is in the gutter.

In the gutter?

You know not of what you speak.

Originally posted by Areal51
2. Who cares about MSNBC or Keith Olberman. The topic is Sarah Palin's popularity decline. One of the contributing factors possibly being conservative journalists who do not support her or McCain.

No, the topic is Obama palling around with terrorists.

Maybe that is why you are confused. You can't stay on topic and try to derail it. Now it's becoming clearer to me...

Originally posted by Areal51

4. With the McCain's campaign having the Palin family locked away out of the media spotlight, one couldn't possibly know if they were candidates for Arkham Asylum or not.

By your own candidate's admission, families should be left out of the debate. But you seem to want to drag them into your pit of mud. Shame on you.

Originally posted by Areal51

5. Your opinion disgorges fact in every post you make.

I could have pointed to....

And I could have pointed to just as many liberals who have sided with McCain/Palin. So what?

Once again, you're deflecting.

Originally posted by Areal51
But I don't expect you to understand any of that.

No I don't, but that's because I use logic, reason and facts in my thinking.

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 03:26 AM

Originally posted by jsobecky

Originally posted by JaxonRoberts
reply to post by jsobecky

You can't be serious. You're using that as an argument? The fact that he was never convicted?


You're using the arguement that since Ayers was never convicted of anything, the FBI doesn't consider him a threat, nor do the police that he's a criminal. But If the shoe was on the other foot and McCain was going out with Ted Bundy killing women with him that you'd be defending McCain still.

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 03:28 AM
reply to post by jsobecky

As usual, you have determined that you have zero comprehension. You can't even remember two posts back that I responded to a post that YOU made about Sarah Palin's approval rating.

Whatever. I'll just ignore your nonsense from now on. I'll gladly be Edith Bunker when it comes to you.

Originally posted by jsobecky
... I use logic, reason and facts in my thinking.

That's a good one!

[edit on 14-10-2008 by Areal51]

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 11:25 AM
McCain is obviuosly in his own little world!

He'll tell any kind of lie he has to in order to make himself more appealing, or at least less unappealing to the public!

Now he's saying that HE has been called a terrorist and a traitor at Obama's campaign rallies!

McCain Claims Obama Rally Crowds Call Him Terrorist, Traitor

Blatant lies don't bother this guy at all!

Just seems like he has no problem making things up as he goes along!

I truly believe the man is just a pathological liar!

[edit on 10/14/2008 by Keyhole]

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 01:23 PM
reply to post by Keyhole

Yeah, well, at least McCain is sticking to his guns. Give him credit for lying consistently.

Nothing says honesty like integrity.

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 02:58 PM
You don't believe this? I find it hard to believe that every single person at an Obama rally is a free loving individual. Give me a break. The hate for McCain is out there just like it is on these boards. The hypocrisy and double standards exhibited by people in this is almost funny. I've seen pictures of of Obama supporters wearing shirts that say. "Palin is a C***." Yep, the C word. Or how about John Lewis comparing McCain to George Wallace? Why doesn't Obama denounce this?

Some of you are no better than the people you complain against. Hell, i've been called a racist for not liking Obama. It's freakin ridiculous. So many of you don't even bother to try to look at it the other way. Some of you probably don't even know why you love Obama so greatly.

What is it that Obama is going to do for this country that some of you go to great lengths to defend? All i see is more spending and programs that will make the country even worse than it already is. Yeah, lets raise corporate taxes so even more jobs leave the country. What good is a tax cut for the middle class if they lose their jobs???

He's not going to go after corruption in our government because democrats rule the majority. The corruption of ACORN is going to help him get elected and he doesn't denounce it even though it's completely illegal and violates every person's right to vote.

As i type this i know that i'll get the inevitable reply of....well Palin did this...McCain did this....and that's great...but that doesn't change anything i stated, it will only prove it.

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 03:21 PM

Originally posted by David9176
What is it that Obama is going to do for this country that some of you go to great lengths to defend?

a) I trust him more to not start another moronic war like what happened in Bush/Cheney/McCain era
b) my calculations show that our family's tax liability won't go up under Obama's plan (especially if you include the health insurance bit), and they will under McCain's.

It's a no-brainer.

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 03:24 PM
reply to post by David9176

You don't believe this? I find it hard to believe that every single person at an Obama rally is a free loving individual. Give me a break. The hate for McCain is out there just like it is on these boards. The hypocrisy and double standards exhibited by people in this is almost funny. I've seen pictures of of Obama supporters wearing shirts that say. "Palin is a C***." Yep, the C word. Or how about John Lewis comparing McCain to George Wallace? Why doesn't Obama denounce this?

I on the other hand, will not call you a racist (I'm sure you are not)....

I will call you on your false outrage, and deflection from the issue at hand.

Firstly, people calling Palin names has NOTHING to do with the dangerous atmosphere that has been incubated by the attempts of Sarah Palin to connect Obama's terrorism(which happens to be the topic).

Second, you deflect the blame to EVERYBODY (both sides)....instead of denouncing the first accusation. You go on to pretend to harbor some deep feeling of indignation over something completely unrelated to the issue at hand.

The more people that understand these tactics (er...strategies?), the more arguments that will stay on track......and the right will inevitably lose.

Please, what are your feelings on these (misinformed, scared, used) people thinking Obama is a terrorist???

And how did they arrive at that conclusion???

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 05:11 PM
reply to post by Grafilthy

Please, what are your feelings on these (misinformed, scared, used) people thinking Obama is a terrorist???

I think they are right to question his judgement to befriending Ayers, but i don't think he's a terrorist. There is absolutely no proof of him being a terrorist and not once have i stated that he was. I question his character on his relationship with him, that is all.

They are misinformed, scared, and used....just like Obama supporters are. It's wrong on both fronts. Hillary Clinton was the first to bring this up, yet she didn't get near the amount of backlash that McCain is getting. She's standing right next to Obama now and speaking at his rallies.

I agree with you that she should not have said "Palling around with terrorist." It should have been stated in a different way, but his relationship to Ayers is still fair game just as Palin's relationship to AIP.

My reply was to the previous posts before this one calling McCain a liar because of his claims in the video. That wasn't meant to be a deflection. McCain is insulted and dragged through the mud just as much as Obama. Oh, and i'm sure he's been called a terrorist as well just like they call Bush one. I'm wondering how long before i see new "McCain is a terrorist" t-shirts alongside "Bush is a Terrorist" shirts, if it hasn't happened already.

And how did they arrive at that conclusion???

Because some people don't know anything about the election and will blindly vote based on their political affiliation, and some are gullible and believe everything they hear. There's many ways they came to that. And i'm not going to write a book about it. People are easily goes both ways. There are people out there who think McCain is the anti-christ just like others think Obama is.

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 06:08 PM

Originally posted by David9176
You don't believe this? I find it hard to believe that every single person at an Obama rally is a free loving individual. Give me a break. The hate for McCain is out there just like it is on these boards.

I did a Google using "McCain called terrorist traitor" and this is what the results.

Google results for Mccain called terrorist traitor

Check for yourself!

No mention of him EVER being called a terrorist or a traitor at an Obama rally in any kind of news outlet, blog, or anything!

Sure, some Obama supporters might hate McCain, but there is no evidence that he was EVER called this by any Obama supporter at any rally!


If evidence does show up that it has happened, I'll gladly admit I was wrong and apologize, but until then, ...

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 06:54 PM
reply to post by Keyhole

You're right. I couldn't find a single thing on the internet. I'm sure someone is searching tapes right now to find something. If nothing comes of it, then i cannot refute it.

There plenty of hate out there for McCain though, and this board proves it.

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 07:13 PM
reply to post by David9176

There plenty of hate out there for McCain though, and this board proves it.

I wouldn't call it hate (on my part anyways.....actually I used to like the guy) I would say we have.....fundamental differences in the way we see the world.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 11:40 AM
Sarah Palin telling terrorists to Keep Up the Work Destroying America. Proof she wants to destroy America.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 02:47 PM
I was hoping these were links to the terrorist acts that AIP had done. Do you have any of those links? I'm interested in this...seeing Palin's speech to AIP for the hundredth time wasn't what i was expecting.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 03:23 PM
Why, exactly, would Alaska wish to secede from the USA?

I mean, if you chop off the umbilical cord, then HOW do you imagine you'd survive, as a 'newborn' "Nation"?? Would you turn to your closest neighbor, Canada????

What kind of thought proceses go into this concept????

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