reply to post by Pockets
Hi thank you for your reply and comments.
Its hard to be brief on why I believe Al Quaeda did not comit 9/11.
You can start with - what did they gain? A war? Access to more oil? Spread of the Islamic faith? If Saddam was involved,,, which I do not believe he
was... what did he gain... loss of power? death?
There wasnt just one piece of information that tipped me, it was a sickening realisation..... and then the more I read,,, the more I watched.. I knew
it had to be murder committed by the people in power, in a black op designed to influence the people of America to go to war.
The Arabs would have shouted to heaven itself that they did it...... but instead they denied it.
I was in the middle east when it happened.... not one muslim/arabic person I spoke to,, believed it was Osama,,, they were shocked and scared, because
they knew the US would attack them for this.
Who is the agressor in the world now? Is it really Osama bin laden,,,,friend of the CIA and Bush family?
As regards Diana...... my research uncovered witness testimonies that never came to light in the inquest. Why they never called them who knows.
I believe Diana stepped into a dangerous game, against powers who made money from the sale of landmines.... to enemies of Al Fayed...... and powers
who knew what lay ahead..... an English Princess who says to the world.... she accepted a Muslim man..... at at time when they were planning a war !
She would have stood as an advocate for peace and humanity....... and for that she had to die. I also believed the Establishment of the UK...wanted a
way for Charles to remarry.
How did they do it...I believe Trevor Rees Jones knows,,, why did he have his seat belt on and not Diana....or couldnt she fasten it? There are many
ways they could have caused that car to crash.
Al Fayed may not be whiter than white..... I think he did more harm to the inquest than good with his rantings.......... but he put his money where is
mouth was to try to find the truth.
Did James Anderson commit suicide or was he shot in head and his car set on fire....because he was in the tunnel that night and was now blabbing he
had pics.
Sorry i could go on and on. I lost my faith in England when I realised that they could kill such a lovely woman...... and so I left.
How many Americans will feel the same bout 9/11?
Thank you all for your kind comments...I hope to learn more on here.
By the way,,, I am quite sane and normal......I think!!
Love PVR