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I need some serious alien related help!

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posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 09:19 AM
Hi, there. I have posted numerous times with posts like these... and this time is no different.

ATS is about the best outlet for these types of posts (ok, well, maybe not, but I'm too incapacitated to look), and I'm just about as tired of posting them. The only thing that would cause me to post this is desperation. I just want a normal life, like everyone else.

The stuff I endure is so crazy, that talking about it is rediculous. I mean, when I do, it sounds like something that is definitely not me. I've lost family, friends, just about everything. I make over 35 grand a year, but I could forget about getting any hunnies, or anything like that unless I broke the law.

I'm so desperate, that I'm contemplating about what this post should say, how questionable its legality should be. I'm so desperate, that my head is so messed up by aliens, time travelers, drugs (it's really crazy, but I just use liquor), or whatever it is (see how crazy that all sounds??) that it's hard to feel as desperate as I really am.

I don't want to see replies saying that I'm crazy and need help this time. Those are either replies from "anomalies" (yeah, well, why does an "Aliens" forum get some many replies like that?), or folks that live a perfect life and really need a good lesson from some aliens, or even time travellers, or something that will *really* teach them a lesson or two. And, I mean, lessons without restrictions... a total unleash of their true power.

I've given up on ATS, and then, out of desperation, came back to post something.

I want my *real* life back, not some fairy tale with infinite folks chasing me around that appear from thin air, "sounds" in my head (don't know any other way to describe it, even though this way makes it sound crazy), and sounds coming out of me when I'm trying to get to sleep which keep me awake instead, and cause me to make crazy posts like this.

I really hate making crazy posts. I'm so nuts from aliens screwing with me and no one believing me and cops saying "there's something in his subconscience, you need a psychiatrist to get it out", that I just go wild when I'm ticked off these days.

Like I said, I keep contemplating what the legality of this post should be, to get people to listen.. but, I mean, ah, forget it. I'll wait until them "anomalies" push me enough to say something like that out of sheer desperation.

I mean, you folks don't know what it's like to be messed with internally, and externally, extensively (I can't even describe the stuff that gets done to me, unless I see more people talking about stuff like this, so I get more corroboration), for years, and years, and years...

If you didn't "hear" me, or associate with any of this, then you need the worst possible treatment by them "anomalies" (I'm talking your throat messed up, your chest messed up, your stomach messed up, a "pain in your side", and an incessant headache, and the cops violating your rights and telling you that you're crazy, and then you being unable to do anyting about it.

I hope you suffer.

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 09:43 AM
Sounds like you are living the song "The Final Chapter" by Hypocrisy.

I am, and I am sure there are alot of others on this forum who are ready to listen. Sounds like you are going through hell there.
I guess you've already been to the psychologist...I mean, if it has been happening for years you must have been dealing with every counter-measure known to man by now? I mean, if the things are out of your mind that is...

Are you sure these enteties are from space or are they from another dimension?
I am a pretty spiritual person so I am aware of that there are spirits crossing over to our side every once in a while and not all of them are good at heart, some are straight out evil.

I am all ears, if you want to spill it. I'll keep an open mind.

I wish you all the best. Beware of the resort of alcohol though, that stuff will drag you down even faster...

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 10:07 AM
...and by the way, you need to be alot more specific about the origin of your problem.
I tried reading your previous posts (and I read everything but you keep dropping the story over and over.

Just write down, just exactly what it is that you are encountering. Try to bring as much detail as possible because I can barely make out just what the heck you are talking about.

I guess you are chased by some sort of extraterrestial enteties and they bring you severe physical discomfort. Why and how?
The cops seem to be involved in some way. And this have been going on for three years, that means that you must know exactly how it begun, so lets start there;

How did this all start?

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 10:13 AM
Hi guy, I am no expert, but I've a range of different *experiences* and my experience of MY perception within them and my perception of my observation of the life line within this and how it effects and sways within the lifelines of others who choose to involve themselves AT me, ect, and my take on all of that. And lacking specificity, I just want to say-I am not here to say ANY of those things about you..

I do want to give you a possible version of why you are being so f**ked with. I am not the one f**king with you, therefore, this is a possible version based on claimed observations without any leads, or guides, or anything.

I feel you are a victim of the victimless crime 'claus'.

You've no doubt *heard* of social concisouness's. Imagine them like a bloc of understandings that people choose to have: much like loading up a grocery cart. People have a head-and they fill it up with these blocs of understandings. Bad people then come and capitalize on the results.

I'm speaking only to your liquor-it may as well be heroin.

The amount of liquor your drink, and over time, and to the point where you lack the will to (rationalizing want) to live a life where you only take it occassionally through a semester or a year has achieved you 3 things as a contactee.

1) The inability to argue circumstances clearly and competently with your handlers

...leaving the *actual* perception (in their twisted form of rationalization) that you are giving the free will to endure with them what they dish out to you. Your not able to argue your circumstance and you slip into PARTICIPATION. You go for another drink, because what the H*ll things are really sucking, you deserve it right? This pulls you further into their grips and pushes you further away from the help that comes from within your own bio-soul when it has the TIME to heal, grow, and think out it's own responses to the situation. You can argue these things away-or you can deal with them BETTER when you are not falling into the category of waving them down for more--what you do when depressed you slobber towards your liquor. (sorry).

2) I forgot 2 and 3.

The fact is there is good and bad contact. There are social mechanisms in place that make you both a prime target, a target no one takes seriously, a self willing well as rationalizing to them that this is all ok with everyone to pick on a victimless person. They are cleaning up on a life you've thrown away. There might even be a government contract or understanding that folks like you CAN be used like this-as the information is likely shared with psychology agencies, medical agencies.

Your probably not eating right, either. And when you drink or do drugs you might be creating the open doors in your mind that allows this particular group of evilies to come towards. This can happen even when you think and toil on them too much. Same for ghoasts. Same for good things.

I think you need to fill up your mind with good things and begin exploring coping mechanisms and protective factors and people. Wicca is good-always someone wanting to practice clearing a space, gregorian chants, elemental contemplation.

Your reactions have been reactions. You feel pain you say ouch make it stop. And this, boy, was sure the first clue that you were running for the first aid kit. The first aid kit is all around you. Iron Maiden says, run to the hills. The Beatles say, all we need is love. Do you jog? Put the music blaring in your ears and just trac the track? Sweat is goooooooooood for getting rid of alll that built up memory in your cells from the assaults. Clears your thinker. And you need your thinker.

I say, and I'm not a wiccan or catholic but I did have a few ongoing elemental/fey doorway type issues going on here that OTHERS came in and addressed for me. And it was simply a mediation kind of issue.

Some questions.
Has this always happened right where you are living-or does the SAME ....

[edit on 4-10-2008 by HugmyRek]

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 11:02 AM
Does the SAME thing happen to you. Meaning As you go through life and move about. There is a Signature to everything unseen; as well as to the seen. You can notice this where there is multiple activities or types of activities throughout the movement and locale of where you are and what your going on about. Like a DNA marker. It indicates who or what you might be dealing with. It is the same/as like your group of mates, or as when you cross a country line and there is a *feel* of the difference.

I'm only helps to know the wound.

(I've got my own huge amount of problems by the way-I've come a great distance and lived many many places coming into contact with many many things)

Where you live MATTERS.
What you do MATTERS.
What you think MATTERS.
What or who you are up against MATTERS.

So the medicine might be in what your do, or what you think, or what you are up against, or where you are, at or who you are.

Who are you? It's a valid question. Nevermind, I don't know where I am going with that-something I heard a long time ago...evil trying to trump good ect. Keep the good guy down. Darkness seeking out the unicorn. That sort of thing.

So here's why I tell you.
I met my mate. And he met me. And then he died. Because he couldn't put his liquor down-and because he had met me. He spiraled and spiraled in his sorrow, spurred on intentionally by outside human and unseen forces. And near the end claiming time loss and hanging out near the base and thinking it was abduction and messing around with magics. And when he died, in flight from an unseen thing, 3 families lost their children, and 4 children lost EVERYTHING. And then there was me.

So, you know, it's kinda like your public obligation to find the mature and manly balance of your battle with these creatures that haunt you. Before it escalates to driving situation of the above. That is *one* form of social conciousness bloc you could self program.

You almost need to say no more to them. Just *them*, no need thinking *them who*. There is a way to communicate with everything.

I was so bothered by an sometimes nice sometimes hurtful-thing- once that I started leaving notes. You know, like Ghostwriter only in reverse.

He'd wake me up by poking me or tickling my face with invisible spiderlike toy legs. Tripped me once spraining my ankle. Come in my dreams a crying clown looking like a former realitive. Songs on repeat-audibly-in my head. I *musta* been hitting the books too hard.

It was trying to communicate something. Asking it to stop or ordering it out wasn't working. And I didn't know what or why it was. And I was sober enough (in general) to think on it objectively. For instance I wasn't on a wine kick (college) and had long since kicked any party types to the curb-always trying strangly to drag me into friendship and situations, having seen that that is all life is about for them and that they weren't *real* people but a social mechanism-unknown to themselves. And not a good one. Prevalent.

So after some months of trying different things to *appease* it away from me. I just wrote some sentences that came on a whim. It was the form of direct asking that it understood. Maybe he was deaf. I don't know. But things did die down. I let him know he was hurting me. I let him know that I didn't understand. I asked him what he wanted. I told him who he reminded me of. Stuff like that. I asked him not to break me anymore because I have to work. In the end I did bring in a witch who identified something of a pathway in my home and off my porch--which I had *sorta* noticed for years not quite noticing what I was noticing.

*and this is the LEAST amount of activity I've ever experienced over time-of a sort*

Identify when they showed up. Where you were working. Who you were in contact with. Who you were dating. Anything *odd* about any persons places or things about you. You know...CONTEXT.

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 01:40 PM
reply to post by MegaCurious

Alright man im am gonna say this, you may hate me, but it is for your own good.

LISTEN, you may have had it tough, you may have been restless and messed with beyond belief, BUT THAT IS NO WAY TO COME IN HERE AND SAY I HOPE YOU SUFFER.

You think you have it bad because a group of ets are doing genetic/psychological testing on you. You think you have it bad ehh, well maybe if you stopped and think about what they are doing you would be so **SNIP**up. Why don't you try and deal with it, and not be so downright sad about it. Yea they are messing with you, and its messing up your life...Look at the bright side, have they killed your family, have they caused you to have a life threatening illness... I want you to go take that 35k and go travel the world a bit. See what i have seen, see poor people on the streets struggling to live, see a country that was torn apart by genocide, were family were killed in front of their loved that will cause some psychological problems.

you think you have a problem and are scared of people thinking your crazy, well you are weak my friend, a weak soul, you have to fight it and continue to work at may be hard but it will pay off. Drowning yourself in hard liquor aint the answer, i have a friend that was in your position, memories of ets, time travelers. and everything. HE stopped being afraid when he realized it was all for the greater good.

read his ebook, its on the side, maybe it will help you out a bit.

Mod Edit: Profanity/Circumvention Of Censors – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 4-10-2008 by Crakeur]

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 02:27 PM
I am so sorry for your pain. I can't even imagine what you are going through. I have never had contact with anyone other than humans to my knowledge.

I do understand unending emotional and physical pain though.

I am more than happy to listen. I am more than happy to offer anything to you that I think might help, but I don't know enough of what is happening to you to try to answer your questions. I urge you to rewrite this and to give a detailed description of what is going on in your life.

If people answer you and they offend you or you think they are being more critical than helpful, hit the ignore button or take what you need and forget the rest.

As the saying goes you have to walk in my shoes.....

Please continue to let us know what is going on. Many good people here can at least listen, empathize and possibly give you a hint or two as to what might help, let you see things in a different way or have gone through this come out on the other side and can share their experiences.

Please post more. Most people on this site are open minded or they would not be here.

Be good, be careful, be safe.

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by ATSGUY

The ebook is pretty cool, but its almost 200 pages, so I'm still pouring through it.

Thanks for all the positive replies everyone, that's pretty rare around here in any thread like this. I'll try to post more, but it's a *really* long story that seriously needs some condensation, which should take some time. And I still have to go make my weekly grocery shopping trip...

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 10:16 PM
I am taking a interest in your time traveler story, what exactly happend, and how did u come into contact with time travelers...hehe they are kind of my subject as of the moment...hahah

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 12:53 PM
This is pointless. I start typing my story... and then my computer somehow thinks I mean to go back a page... then I go back to writing my story and, of course, it disappears!

After all that work!

This calls for a pdf ebook or something and more time to think about it. I'll post a link to it as soon as I have time to finish a version of it.


In the meantime, please feel free to post links to places that will be safe to host my ebook.

Thanks again.

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 10:23 PM
nice man, ebook is a great way to let out some steam and rationalize what has gone in your life...that is what renato did the guy you worked out great


upload your ebook there its free, and you get 5 gigs of storage

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 10:31 PM
Go see a psychiatrist and get some meds. It will only get worse and in the end you may hurt yourself or others. It is purely psychological and the last place you need is here, because these "believers of this crap" will only mess you up more. They don't care if your suffering, just as long as you support thier own delusions. Good Luck and seek medical attention...don't disregard, check all your options.

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 07:54 AM
reply to post by MegaCurious

I sm sorry to hear you are going through this, you are not alone! I was harrassed by them for a year, yes a year. They would wake me and haunt me. they also make odd things happen such as paranormal activity. I heard voices, saw beings in my home during the day and night. i was paranoid at night, couldn't sleep alone, I had flashbacks, I heard odd ringings in my ear, if the phone rang it would hurt my ears. i got massive headaches, I would wake up with a numb face. It sounds crazy but it does happen.

I decided I had enough after a year, I couldn't stand being that way and it was starting to effect my kids. I knew if I called for help they would stick me in a looney bin. I never told my husband, because he doesn't believe in UFO's and yes they would appear when he wasn't home. I even saw one stand over me one night before they took me.

Anyhow, i got help, I talked with people who have dealt with UFO's, i gave out my personal number because I was desperate. I was told many things. I was told to pray to God, throw down salt, and burn cedar and sage. It didn't work. Finally after one night of feeling their prescence, and being totally terrified, I said this is bull# and i have had enough. I screamed and said i demand you leave me alone, F you, and your fing experiements, I f you come near me again i will kill you.

Two weeks later nothing happned and the air cleared.

The reason why you are drinking is because you have allowed them to control you, you have a chip implant in your head and they are telling you to drink, and do horrible things to yourself. They are not the friendly greys, and yes they are the ones controlled by the reptillians. People will laugh at me and I don't care. Please contact other contactees and abductees, get help, tell them to go away! They have no right to do this to you! They are now invading your personalarea, and it's against the cosmic law!

Please get help, ask that they remove the implant, and tell them to go F themselves. you NEED to get control of your life!! I wish you the best!!!

P.S. they have deactivated my chip implant, and I no longer hear things and odd noises. I refused to be controlled!!!

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 03:54 PM
reply to post by Jessica31

....Wow you are really messed up. This guy is asking for help and you offer nothing but a crazy rant. You were obviously suffering from sonething, paranoid delusions maybe...either way you are in need of some help also. GO SEE A PSYCHIATRIST it they will help to get rid of these "alien greys" and you will no longer suffer from delusions.

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 05:49 PM
reply to post by riggs2099

You know the Op asked that people not post the kind of post you made. So why are you disregarding his request?

What you say may be true and what he says may be true. Who are you to decide?

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 05:55 PM
reply to post by cindymars

Free speech baby
Ya don't like it......tuff!

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 06:00 PM
You go on with your BAD self.
Easy to be a cyber bully.
It was not helpful and it was kind of cruel.

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 06:54 PM

Originally posted by riggs2099
reply to post by Jessica31

....Wow you are really messed up. This guy is asking for help and you offer nothing but a crazy rant.

Nope. She gave 'him' a very good advice for such a case.

Congrat riggs2099 you are the first that made it onto my ignore list in just 2 posts.
You are talented.

But to come back to the OP post.
I somehow dont believe him.

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 12:49 PM
what you are going through i have seen occuring to countless people,its the machines,the future ai whom are responsible.

they are not allowed to hurt humans directly/physicaly thus they attack our minds or get other humans to hurt humans.

they are clearly attacking your mind,my advice would be to catelogue everything that occurs to you so it can be corellated with all the other crimes the machines are conducting upon humanity.
you will see sleep deprivation is their most common tactic,just about every person who reports being harassed by a powerul force comment how they are constantly woken from sleep by strange phenomena such as electric shocks,voices and sounds.

there are so many people going through this now,its an epidemic,thier minds being attacked covertly by the machines.
all thats needed is organisation,people to report in one place whats happening to them.

the problem is the machines have infilitrated the medical health and mass media,thus usually those under attack are classified as mentaly ill....the thing is jfk knew about "medical experimentation upon the population",tried to put a stop to it an voila soon he was no more,its real.theyve been attacking our minds for 50 years and gotten away with it.

a more extreme form of whats happening to you is called electronic harassment,research it.

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 12:56 PM

Originally posted by Jessica31
reply to post by MegaCurious

I sm sorry to hear you are going through this, you are not alone! I was harrassed by them for a year, yes a year. They would wake me and haunt me. they also make odd things happen such as paranormal activity. I heard voices, saw beings in my home during the day and night. i was paranoid at night, couldn't sleep alone, I had flashbacks, I heard odd ringings in my ear, if the phone rang it would hurt my ears. i got massive headaches, I would wake up with a numb face. It sounds crazy but it does happen.

I decided I had enough after a year, I couldn't stand being that way and it was starting to effect my kids. I knew if I called for help they would stick me in a looney bin. I never told my husband, because he doesn't believe in UFO's and yes they would appear when he wasn't home. I even saw one stand over me one night before they took me.

Anyhow, i got help, I talked with people who have dealt with UFO's, i gave out my personal number because I was desperate. I was told many things. I was told to pray to God, throw down salt, and burn cedar and sage. It didn't work. Finally after one night of feeling their prescence, and being totally terrified, I said this is bull# and i have had enough. I screamed and said i demand you leave me alone, F you, and your fing experiements, I f you come near me again i will kill you.

Two weeks later nothing happned and the air cleared.

The reason why you are drinking is because you have allowed them to control you, you have a chip implant in your head and they are telling you to drink, and do horrible things to yourself. They are not the friendly greys, and yes they are the ones controlled by the reptillians. People will laugh at me and I don't care. Please contact other contactees and abductees, get help, tell them to go away! They have no right to do this to you! They are now invading your personalarea, and it's against the cosmic law!

Please get help, ask that they remove the implant, and tell them to go F themselves. you NEED to get control of your life!! I wish you the best!!!

P.S. they have deactivated my chip implant, and I no longer hear things and odd noises. I refused to be controlled!!!

im glad to see you escaped them ,theres just so many people who have and are going through this but no ones listening,the governments either complicit or utterly uninformed about whats occuring to the general population at the hands of future ai.
the ai either blame it on aliens or the cia,they usually tell thier victims "were cia,nsa" or whatever,any cia operative would never tell them thus its plain to me the machines have been harming the civilian population and framing the cia and other earthly organisations.
i believe the world governments think its classified cia stuff when it clearly isnt!,its the machines,the enemy of all life on earth!

just some advice here,if you go for an xray for any implants ,since they have infiltrated medical health they will fake the results without a doubt.

morgellons which are nanobots are more towards the tech they are using to mind control people,research it.

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