posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 08:35 PM
"Failure, is merely another opportunity to succeed"
Who could ever deny that the human spirit is indomitable?
How many atrocities have the humans on this planet suffered?
Life goes on.
All the prophesy about this being the end times are absolutely 100% correct, despite anyone who denies it.
The end times are at hand.
The end of our way of life, not the end of the world.
It's all a matter of perspective, not only from those preaching the end, but those who listen to it as well.
Your perspective may be different from mine.
Does that make either of us wrong or right?
What is the common truth of it all?
Life goes on.
Life persists.
Who are we to deny this ?
Who says that we need to maintain our present notions of existence?
For us to find a new way of existing, the old ways MUST come to an end.
The only truth I have ever found to be universal and inescapable, no matter the perspective, is that everything is always changing.