posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 07:17 PM
First let me say that regarding write-ins, if the person has not been qualified as a write-in in your State the vote is not even recorded. Ron Paul
was I believe qualified in some states by his supporters, but this brings me to the most important point.
Some of the third party candidates are not choices in every state. I am still trying to confirm who is. The best I can gather at this stage is that
Barr is on the most if not all state ballots.
The reason I bring this up is because the only way to make a statement to the Major Parties now, who have totally spit in our faces, is to show a
unified front against the system - period. Personally, I made a promise to all my Representatives over the bailout - sell us out and you will not get
my vote, vote against the bailout and you will. I'm sticking to that (rewarding my Congressman), but now, even though I have always considered a
third party candidate a throw away vote, both Senators ignored the majority of their constiuents and voted for the bailout. I CANNOT give either of
them my vote for President.
Now, if the majority of the people stand together and keep to what they said, that their votes will be based on the bailout, there just might be a
real surprise in November. Is it too late to get the word out on this? There are enough people out there, if unified to really send a message, but you
have to pick a candidate that has the most presence on the ballots from State to State, and like it or not, it's Barr, so he's getting my vote.
(Even though it's going to be pretty hard for me to do it.)
It just doesn't matter anymore what they stand for, this election is about not taking it anymore, and since they've already ruined our Country for
generations to come, we have to take a stand against the spit in the face attitude (as evidenced by the votes on the bailout bill), because it
doesn't even matter who wins now, what matters is they clearly know we expect them to respond to their constituents - or we have nothing left.
You can find a Roll Call Vote posted by LOAM in the Global Meltdown Forum if you need to see how someone on your ballot in Congress or the Senate
voted on the bailout. I was happy to see my Congressman actually earned my vote. I am also saving this list for the future, because I intend for it to
be my guide next time around too for those not facing the ballot till later. I WILL NOT FORGET!