posted on Oct, 3 2008 @ 08:00 AM
I know that no one is perfect.
If you think your perfect, your going to have a rude awakening.
Perfection does not exist. Some people look for perfection in life,
but that's only because that word is basically been carved into our everyday life.
You see magazines, and television shows with these so called " perfect people " in them.
The media makes everyone think that they have to have a beautiful face, in style clothes, perfect hair and a hot body. So okay, these are some nice
features to have, but if you don't have them, it does not mean that you are not beautiful, or " worthy " .
Those people are just like you and me.
They eat, sleep, breathe, cry and they make mistakes the same as everyone else.
Just because the only way you've ever seen them is perfect, doesn't mean that they are flawless.
And all you men out there.
My god what is with you?
Some of you are so unreal.
Just because someone has blond hair, they are now a target.
Because blond's apparently sleep with everyone.
Not true. at all. Open your eyes !
Take a chance, open the book, stop judging by the cover, you'd honestly be surprised.
( and so would us women ) haha.
What I'm trying to say is You are who you are.
Why go through life hating yourself ? and Disliking everything you see when you look in the mirror.
People tell me all the time that I could be a model.
Even if I got the opportunity to be one, I would turn it down in a heartbeat.
I could never live with myself if i knew that I was contributing to the daily harassment that the media provides for all of these young girls who
think that they have to portray an image like that to be beautiful.
Yeah, well girls, the television is wrong. The magazines are wrong.
There is beauty in everything, some people just have to high of standards to find beauty in anything.
All I know is that life is so much better when you know who you are.
Don't ever pretend to be someone your not.
Don't ever let anyone tell you to something you don't want to.
Don't dress like everyone else if you don't like the style.
Don't let anyone hold you back if you know the road you want to go down, is where you should be going.
Here is something you should be telling yourself every single morning ladies :
I am strong, and I am beautiful, and I will let no one tell me different.
Sure, it sounds corny. But this is the way you should be seeing yourself.