posted on Mar, 24 2004 @ 09:05 AM
The Bush administration is being charged with not being fully aware of the Al Qaeda threat before 9-11. I don't buy that for a minute. I believe they
knew full well an attack was imminent and they let it happen. They and their cronies were the prime beneficiaries of the tragedy. Deputy Defense
Secretary Paul Wolfowitz actually said they needed a "Pearl Harbor-like event" to galvanize America behind overthrowing Saddam. How convenient
that's what they got.
If you don't believe this contention look at all the alphabet agency whistleblowers who have complained
that their investigations into Osama Bin Laden and his network were stonewalled and squashed from the highest levels. They were stopped so the
operation could proceed.
George Bush bungled the defense of America, then lied to justify invading Iraq; now all America is hearing the truth.
By Regis T. Sabol
Although trouble has been brewing for the Bush regime since the beginning of the year as former Bush aides, government insiders, and even
Congressional Republicans have debunked most of its policies and alleged achievements, the latest bombshell has struck with the force of a smart bomb
exploding on one of Saddam Hussein�s palaces.
Richard Clarke Steps Forward
What has rocked the Bush White House are allegations by former National Security Council counter-terrorism coordinator Richard A. Clarke that the Bush
team might have prevented the catastrophic terrorist attacks of 9/11 and, worse yet, that Bush and his warlords decided the day after 9/11 to use the
attacks as an excuse to invade Iraq despite abundant evidence that Saddam had nothing to do with them.