posted on Oct, 3 2008 @ 12:51 AM
Now, this isn't faith-based, or anything like what it might sound. This is really, really making sense to me. After reading another post, in another
thread, in another forum at ATS... I got to thinking about this.
For those of us alive today, is there a purpose for us to be alive in this trying time of the world's history? For those of us alive in this exact
point in history, is there a reason for it? This is such a hectic time.
For those of us alive in the US/England/AU/etc, in such trying times, is there a reason for it? For those of us who are alive in this point in
history, in a place in the world where maybe we CAN make a difference, is there a reason? I mean, each of us could have been born in a place like
Africa. Where we are starving to death, our voice does not matter, and is not heard.
Now, for those of us who are in a place in history, and a physical place on planet earth who has a voice, is there a reason for it? Those of us at ATS
who want to look past, and further than what the mainstream media tell us, is there a reason?? Is there a reason each of us was born in a place where
we are fortunate enough to have a voice, AND we choose to seek truth?
So many are born in impoverished nations where their leaders don't care if they have a meal to eat, much less what they know about what is going on
in the world.. or even, god forbid, what they have to say. They will never know any 'truths'. They will never see past their own hunger, much less
be able to speak their mind and make a difference in any aspect of their life.
What was it that made us fortunate enough to be able to be heard, over any other random human being? And in this trying time in history, when so many
changes are happening all around us?
Please, think about this... Why us? Why now? Do we have a purpose in the course of the earth's future?
No need to comment. Just understand.
EDIT to add: Is it all just random, the situation we fell into, and something to be thankful for, but not to the point we might use whatever 'power'
we have, that many in the world do not?
[edit on 3-10-2008 by LostNemesis]