posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 04:27 AM
Wow, thanks for derailing the thread, guys. Can't you take it to PMs?
Anyway, to the OP: That's a pretty amazing story. It could be real or factual a well written story, but who am I to say? I'd rather keep an open
mind and take it for what it is. After all, anything is possible.
I have had similar occurances, though, in regards to the weakness that you felt. In fact, just recently I've been waking up from a full night's
sleep (No, I don't do drugs) feeling completely sapped of energy and emotionally not myself. This could be as simple as some natural cause, illness
or diet change but it's happened on and off and after I've had strange vivid dreams that were, to me, disturbing.
I've always had what I think are paranormal experiences right down to seeing a full on shadow apparition in my apartment. My fiance and I both saw
it. My cat had his hackles raised and wouldn't go into that area of the house and was literally having a stand off in the hallway, obviously knowing
something was there and not wanting to go over to it. On and off we heard this buzzing noise kind of like a swarm of insects at a distance. The
experience was pretty shocking. With this kind of stuff you can never be sure.. I tend to move on and forget about it until something else strange
happens and reminds me that this world isn't as simple as we all think.
Anyway, thanks for sharing.
[edit on 4-10-2008 by Ripperella]