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UFOs and Aliens, Satans Greatest Deception

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posted on Mar, 27 2004 @ 12:24 AM
Where is "ONE" photo, no one yet has posted " ONE" photo, all this talk and not "ONE" photo that is clear, not this dust on a camera lens. If you guys can't produce a good photo, I rest my case. I don't want to hear anymore Excuses as to why there are no good photo's or diversions into other subjects.

posted on Mar, 27 2004 @ 12:41 AM
Lastday prophet... you are a misled extremist

posted on Mar, 27 2004 @ 01:06 AM

Originally posted by Lastday Prophet
PhycosRus, firstly if you do not beleive in the bible sobeit, thats your choice actually I could care less what you believe. I choose to use the bible because it can be proven to be true and has proven itself to be true to me personally. you do not know me from adam, so let's quit the name calling. You do not have to believe what I do but the name calling is unecessarry. I will not waste my time looking through thousands of photos taken from miles away to form a conclusion. If you do, than help yourself, to me it is all a total Lie. all of like thinking as yours can wait for the Aliens. There is much information available from reliable sources that show this all to be a deception, if you want I can give you links. all this time and no proof " Forget about It"

name calling? WTF! Waddaya talking about?
look I asked quite simply for evidence of the bibles truth!
prophet YOU said that anyone who has seen a UFO was either seeing secret test aircraft or plain just lying!
I think you need to take a much closer look at the origins of christianity and look at the way the church has used the name of christ/god to murder and persecute possibly millions of people for hundreds of years,

posted on Mar, 27 2004 @ 03:33 PM
all religion is used as tools of control.

posted on Mar, 29 2004 @ 06:37 AM
I asked LastDayProphet to show some proof of any diety without having to go to the bible. He couldn't do it.

Case closed.

posted on Apr, 6 2004 @ 06:29 AM
People like you LDP create the Wars� you even create wars on the board. Sure you believe in the bible but do you think about other people than yourself? When I look at your writings I get a strong sense that you believe you are way above all humans (do you think you are under work of GOD? Or something?) well if that�s the case God must be the Devil.?

posted on Apr, 6 2004 @ 10:37 AM
I don't see any reason why this thread should continue.

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