posted on Mar, 24 2004 @ 08:12 AM
This Great Lie and Deception was started around 1948. Several things happened around that time. Israel became a Nation again, A World War, The Roswell
Crash, The First of a series of Movies about Travel to other Planets that continue to this day and reinforce the idea of Aliens and UFOs. It has been
Fifty-Six(56) years since the Roswell Crash and to this date there is no one that can produce "one" photo that you can look at and say "Yep It's A
UFO". Nor can anyone provide you with "ONE" peice of evidence from any UFO ANYWHERE in the World. Further, the famous ALIEN AUTOPSY has been proven
to be a Lie and Deception. The most anyone has seen that seemed to be a UFO is experimental military aircraft, the others are liars that get paid for
coming up with Alien and UFO stories and this is why their is absolutely no hard proof anywhere. The question becomes , why are they trying to make us
believe that there is life on other planets and that "we have been visited" what a joke. Here is the TRUTH. In 1948 when Isreal became a nation
again, satan knew his time would be short, he knew that in this next generation Jesus would return to the earth as "King of Kings and Lord of Lords"
He knew that he would be given one last period of 3 1/2 years to rule over man as god and establish his Kingdom here on earth, just like Jesus comes
back to set up his "Eternal Kingdom" satan hates man and if not for the grace of God he would destroy us all. He has put into play his last and
greatest deception of them all "The Great Lie" the UFO Hoax (2 Thessalonians 2: 8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall
consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:
9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,
10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness) Here is how it all will work out. it will happen
in middle of the seven year tribulation period, the Rapture of the Church will take place, millions of people will disappear and then, he shall come
forth "The Anti-Christ" with all signs and "Lying Wonders" He shall tell this Great Lie, that he has sent all the Christians to another planet
where they can serve their God their way, for the Christians had been trying to destroy the system that the Anti-Christ was putting in place for World
Peace and Prosperity. The IFOs (identified flying objects)that are built at area 51 will be in the skies above and will help to back up the
Anti-Christ claim to be God. This is why the people will say "Who is able to make War with the Beast" and the whole world "Wondered" after the
Beast. with all the confusion surrounding the Rapture of the Church the Beast with the use of computers, will quickly restore order and get all
systems back up and running and then shall put forth an order that everyone be given a mark(digital angel chip) in their right hand or forehead, and
that No Man, woman will be able to buy or sell without this mark. with the use of the cameras that are now being placed everywhere, in homes,
business's, city streets, IN satellite recievers, IN cable boxes, IN phone connected computer devices, IN the "PITS" Public Internet Terminals
which can pan, tilt, zoom and have thermal imaging capibilities that can look through buildings and everywhere else, The Anti-Christ will be able to
monitor all the movement of the people. There will be nowhere to hide. These cameras are what I call "The Eyes Of The Anti-Christ" They are satans
version of the "All Seeing Eye Of God" satan can only be one place at any given time but with the use of cameras he will be able to see everything
everywhere from one location Sadly, most of those that miss the rapture will fall for this LIE. Presently over half the population believe in the
possibility of UFOs and Aliens so his plan is working fairly well at this point. "Don't Believe The LIE" This is the way it will happen and
everything is in place for it to begin at any time.
[Edited on 24-3-2004 by Lastday Prophet]
[Edited on 24-3-2004 by Lastday Prophet]
[Edited on 24-3-2004 by Lastday Prophet]