Originally posted by KaginD
reply to post by zysin5
10k wouldn't do jack for someone with massive credit card debt, car payments due, and a bad mortgage. And those are the people that I worry about.
They are our family and friends that are suffering.
My older sister is in those shoes right now.. She is so far into debt that she will never get out! However as much as it pains me to say this.. She
is a snob. And she lives the high life, and thinks of me as a lowlife because I dont have tons of stuff.. Well I didnt get in credit card debt, I
live within my means. I was smart about my money, and I did what I did right.
I wasnt a snob.. Nor did I look down on people with less.
So many people just couldnt eat a TV dinner.. No they had to go out to have steak dinners, and be the BIG man or girl on campus!
They went far beyond their means, and now they must pay the price of their actions.
Thus she has to go bankrupt! Shes going to lose it all.. And you know what.. Me the loser, is helping her out right now.
The person who she looked down on all this time is giving her money.
This comes down to the age old, grasshopper and the ant.
To many grosshoppers and not enough ants in this country, and they put themselfs in this mess..
Thus I suggest those with the high debts, go bankrupt.. Keep paying taxes and prehaps they can bail us out for once..
But those guys up there know.. Most of us did this to ourselfs.
They wont bail us out for our foolish actions.
Yet we turn around and bail them out for their foolish actions..
Here are some thoughts by me and Mikesignh.
I think anyone who has payed in atleast 10k a year in taxes should get that money back! Just 10,000$ dollars to help with the pain! Thats not
asking for much back, when they expect each of us who work our jobs to pay them, and bail them out.
$700 billion! To bail out erring FIs and their CEOs? From the tax dollars ordinary Americans are paying? That’s obscene, to say the least! Thank
God, good sense has prevailed and it's fallen through.
If the treasury could cough up the $700 billion to bail out the very institutions that have grounded the economy by greed and rampant corruption, why
couldn’t it have spent this amount on:
* Infrastructure,
* Health care,
* Stabilizing green house gasses,
* Education?
And let’s not forget the almost $1,000,000,000,000 spent on the war in Iraq for its oil!
I belive we can think of something.. But people are going to have to come down from cloud nine, and eat a TV dinner or two.
Eat some roman noodles.. And become "losers" like me..
When I know deep down IM not a loser, I just dont have that much..
But then again I have ZERO debt!
Im just flat broke.
And I mean it.. I have 5$ in my bank right now.
But my bills are paided.. And I have a truck.. Hmmmm