posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 03:01 AM
The last news I remember hearing about Galveston was that thousands stayed behind and part of the town was completely washed away. I heard a story on
the news of a man who stayed and watched his neighbors being washed out to see during the storm.
Then the next day: BOOM, the economy is about to implode and for WEEKS now news has been bulging from the front pages about the bailout and the US
Presidential elections.
Just as with Katrina, I feel we will never know the true death toll and it is far higher than any of the numbers put out there to sugarcoat the truth
and make the failures of FEMA that much more visible.
Wiki: Hurricane Katrina
"Fatalities 1,836 confirmed, 705 missing"
"At least 1,836 people lost their lives in the actual hurricane and in the subsequent floods"
I would like to point out for emphasis that the numbers say "CONFIRMED DEAD" and missing. Also look at the wording: "in the actual hurricane".
Makes me think anyone who died after the storm passed is being left out!
Where do they get the 705 missing from? Well these are just people lucky enough to be looked-for by family. Imagine the far greater number of people
who have no one to look for them.
Wiki: Hurricane Ike
"Fatalities 116 direct, 34 indirect. 365 missing"
This being a recent event even these official figures are sure to rise but still...
These numbers are bogus, people!
Where's the news coverage? News coverage is vital also to charity and relief efforts! The poor Galvestonians must feel forgotten!