posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 09:06 AM
American's are allowed to vote for whomever they chose. Not just those 'on the ballot'. This is a reality that political parties have been
trying to undermine. They have created 'rules' and 'regulations' that restrict who can be on a states ballot, even at the national level. There
are many presidential candidates who will appear on NO ballot.
However, from its inception the point was supported that people cannot be 'restricted' in their choice of candidate, so they can (or are supposed to
be allowed to) 'write-in' whomever they want.
In today's world of electronic automation and bureaucratic controls, many will not see any method for 'writing' in a candidate as they will be
facing a pre-programmed machine, or a machine form, that will offer no opportunity to do so. But I know the law is still in place allowing a citizen
to demand, and receive, the tools for which to do that. Many will be told some bureaucratic nonsense about how they had to 'register' that intent
earlier, or mail in their vote by some separate mechanism, and most will believe it.
But in America, if, by some miracle, the majority wrote in Jimmy 'the ice pick' Randino..., the law is supposed to coerce the establishment to
accept that as a valid decision by the population.