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China's 'space' walk filmed under water?

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posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 12:36 PM
If you are this interested in the fake chinese rocket launch and space walk, then why have you not commented to my post on the other chinese fake thread? Here is the link and I would love some analysis on what I discovered.

posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 12:44 PM
the inside of the craft didn't decompress right not enough ! and still some air inside the craft when door opens ! air gets sucked out with other small objects, there was small problem with door not opening right. that's

its pretty weird that i dont see stars ! yet you see stars on almost all space based photo taken by third party companies

i think NASA, China, japan, UK, Russia are all doing the same thing

air brushin the background for unknown reason

posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 01:38 PM
Very intriguing.

The flag seems to be moving as it should do in space. The only time the actual flaghead moves is when the handle is moved.

If the Chinese are guilty of anything it is having a dirty capsule (Ooer misses!) and dropping litter in space.

It looks like small debris exiting the capsule as this video demonstrates.

If there is debris exiting the capsule then it is plausible that a piece of debris came out and hit the astronaut's suit and moved away. The size and shape of the object may have given the impression that it was a bubble.

Edit: Actually, it could be a bubble. If the guys had been playing around with liquids in zero gravity, as you do when you're in space and all excited, some of the liquid could have been trapped in a fold of the suit and we are seeing it released when the guy is outside.

Personally, I do not think that what we are seeing is happening in water due to the expected movement of the flag and the object most likely being debris exiting the capsule.

I doubt that the Chinese would have the need to fake a space walk. It is hardly a technological breakthrough given the fact we are moving rovers around the Martian landscape!

[edit on 2/10/2008 by skibtz]

posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 01:49 PM
I don't think anything is faked, there is no need really. The Chinese have made a huge push towards space projects.. they certainly have the economic oomph to do it. Their projects have been rivaling and even surprassing ours, Russia's, etc. If you have enough $$$, you can do almost anything.

posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 02:18 PM
air in space with moisture will look like bubbles... most likely the space suit had some moisture\air trapped somewhere... this was definetly filmed in space..

posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 02:27 PM

Originally posted by GodForbid
I don't think gasses would bubble in space though.

It's really really odd, and hard to explain.

So what you're saying is there IS an explanation, it's just something complicated to understand.

Edit; If this is fake, then so are the US missions to space. Or, Hollywood has competition in China.

[edit on 2-10-2008 by Tomis_Nexis]

posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 04:22 PM
Space debris, water?

That space # if traveling pretty damn fast up there, inertia will give up in close orbit for small objects like that.

Or someone rigged the video?

That flag looks pretty normal to me.

[edit on 10/2/2008 by die_another_day]

posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 04:36 PM
wow lol
thats crazy. there's no stars and many instances of bubbles floating upwars. plus since there's no gravity in space he wouldn't have kept floating upwards like he did he would've just stayed in one place unless he pushed off the ship

posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 05:27 PM
reply to post by Shocka

their is gravity in space, just not how it is down here, they are in orbit round the earth which is all about gravity, and they are moving quite fast!

posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 06:28 PM
...and another thing, that flag looks like it's made of some thick rubber material.
It almost moves just like you would expect it to move under water, like a heavy rubber flap.

posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 09:19 PM
reply to post by Alxandro have seen EVERY possible iteration of EVERY flag you've ever seen waved, by hand, both under-water, and also in a vacuum.

So. that makes you an expert??

posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 10:16 PM
This was filmed with a high speed camera, so their sluggish movements underwater would look much better sped up a few percent. The speed of the air bubble at 1:05 gives this away perfectly. Stop focussing on the flag, it is very easy to get that kind of motion happening between their tricks with the camera speed, a little frame stuttering/fill, and the right material used underwater.

All you guys who are convinced this video was shot in orbit, please support your argument by providing evidence that bubbles can form and act like that in a vacuum micro-gravity situation. Not inside the vomit comet, not inside the space station, IN A VACUUM.

posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 10:24 PM
reply to post by KaiBosh

for one thing... where are you seeing bubbles.. ??? if your seeing bubbles.. it must be on your computer screen.. I cant find any bubbles.. anyhow.. im seeing a very clear film.. with the light shining bright on the space craft. and the suits.. there isnt one iota of a clue.. suggesting that there is water any where near them... well if you look at the earth in the background.. I suppose you might see some water.. but thats about as close to water that they ever got.. while they are in space... space walk filmed under water??? I dont get it..

posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 10:31 PM
I'm not sure how you can MISS the bubbles. As for the underwater concept, you think the Chinese don't have a tank to do this stuff in? Don't assume you can 'see' water when a shot is made underwater, it is other clues that give it away normally like reflections from surface, objects behaving like they are underwater (like hair, etc). If water is clear enough, and the camera is high quality... You won't 'see' the water.

posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 10:45 PM
reply to post by KaiBosh

id like to see that kind of water???? if they were in water you would see it clearly.. you cant hide it.. no matter how clear the water is... light reacts different in water.. you cant hide that.. and any movement under water still cause swirls and eddys to form.. sorry.. i cant take this thread serious.. like my signature says..

posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 11:15 PM
I was questing the video for about a minute, but after reading a few responses with some reality like phage and a few others it's clear what we have here. It is indeed bubbles, but it's bubbles of H2O in space not Air underwater.

I wouldn't of considered the suits venting the condensation outside if not for a few intelligent people here - thanks.

I feel dumb momentarily for falling for this crap as I've seen H2O in zero gravity at least a few dozen times.

Here's the best video I could find quickly where you see Dr. Greg Olsen drinking water in zero G. Now I couldn't find one with bubbles with NASA astronauts during spacewalk, but I haven't really looked too hard yet.

Like it or not the Chinese did go up in orbit and they did do a space walk - they have plenty of money & tech from us to help them get there.

Hmm, it looks just like those mysterious bubbles, doesn't it?

[edit on 2-10-2008 by verylowfrequency]

posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 11:32 PM
I just got a question to thouse who tink this is in a watertank.

What happends to a air bobbel in water that migrates from presure up to surfes. Dosent it get bigger and bigger! And would a air bobbel move that fast in water!

The only thing that could explain that those are air bubbels in water is if this is in a presureised tank. But then again the air bubbels would move realy slove. And the suites would have to be solid.

[edit on 27.06.08 by spy66]

[edit on 27.06.08 by spy66]

posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 11:36 PM
I gotta say, if that wasn't a bubble coming off of his visor I don't know what it could have been. It looked very fake, but if it weren't for the bubbles I probably would have dismissed it. I think you are correct and this was staged in a pool.

posted on Oct, 3 2008 @ 12:00 AM

Originally posted by verylowfrequency

Hmm, it looks just like those mysterious bubbles, doesn't it?

[edit on 2-10-2008 by verylowfrequency]

That's a nice video, and the bubbles do look like bubbles of h2o in space, but they move like bubbles of air escaping through water.

I'm not sure if the speed of their orbit would account for the rapid movement of the "bubbles", but I do know what air bubbles escaping under water look like, and that's what it looks like in the video.

My 2 cents.

posted on Oct, 3 2008 @ 12:00 AM
reply to post by verylowfrequency

I was thinking about the possibility of it being water bubbles in space as opposed to air bubbles in water after reading something about how the "astronauts" or rather "taikonauts" were no longer required to wear adult diapers, since the orbiter is equipped with an onboard toilet.

So maybe it is legit afterall.
But if it is legit we are back to another point I made early on, that the Chinese are now polluting space.

Thanks to China we now have cosmic pee and poo, and don't forget about all the scraps of paper escaping from the hatch too.

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