posted on Oct, 1 2008 @ 01:54 PM
I just wanted to point out something interesting, IMO. There seems to be alot of info and predictions out there that seem to all connect to what's
going on in our lives.(Global Meltdown) If anyone has others that connect to whats going on right now, please add it to this thread.
I'll start off with this thread about Micheal Ruppert, if you check here.
This is also were I originally posted this. I thought I'd start a thread about it, since it all kind of connected.
There is a connection with what he says (The Oct 7, 2008). With what the web-bot has just predicted.
If you don't know what the web-bot is:
Then there's the connection with Child Goodblossom. She says there will be a visit from the Galatic Federation of light on Oct 14th, 2008 and will
stay in orbit for 3 - 24 hour periods and then leave. Leaving it up to us to figure out the truths and lies.
Yada yada yada, but the interesting connection is the Military action that the web-bot predicts on Oct 15th! Also that our emotions will run high for
5 to 6 months. I think an alien ship 1000's of miles wide would do that, and also finding out the decpection put upon us from 1000's of years ago.
Just a thought.
All I can say, is that is will be an interesting end to 2008! Hopefully we as a race come together to defeat evil and live in harmony in 2009. Very
doubtful but one can always wish.
Love and Light to all!!
[edit on 11/13/07 by Spaxz]