posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 08:17 AM
reply to post by Vanitas
Does fate exist?
... I really want to hear your thoughts - YOUR thoughts, not your guru's, church elders', other people's thoughts - about it...
You ask a question and then hold a knife to our throat to prevent an honest reply. That seems a little odd from someone looking for answers and, if
you don't mind my saying so, a lot like purposeful avoidance of the same.
We can live a long and fruitful life and still never come close to understanding everything within it. We actually depend on the thoughts of others to
fill in the billions of gaps that we ourselves will never have the opportunity to fill. In fact, that we can communicate here, in this forum and on
this thread, runs counter to what you are asking because whatever you yourself may accidentally glean might well be someone else's ideas.
Religions have have been around for millennia and some have been compiled over that time by those who undertook the journey to understand the universe
or reality around them. Do we simply dismiss them because we think we can do better alone in less than a century of a single life?
A mother tells her child not to touch the oven door because it is hot. The child's curiosity demands to know what hot is so, there is the touch
followed by the pain and then a lot of tears. If we were capable of learning from those who are wiser than we are, we could avoid a lot of discomfort.
Humans are mostly born stupid and arrogant. This condition remains constant through the first several decades of our lives. By the time we finally
figure out that we are no longer young enough anymore to know everything, it is we who are being dismissed. Thus, we never take the lesson that we are
offered and never avoid burning our fingers.
That my friend, is the fate of mankind; to ignore history and then repeat the process over and over as if we were characters on a stage playing for
the benefit of the universe.