posted on Oct, 1 2008 @ 12:26 PM
Hmm, Plaquemines was underwater, no worry about prisoners there, Lafouche, same, St. Bernard, same. Kenner prisoners were okay, so I guess the only
prisoners left would be the New Orleans ones.
They did get out of the jail, and the one bridge out was blocked in both directions, to maintain the prisoners in one area and to keep civilians away
from harm. This is known fact.
People who got violent did get shot, this is a known fact.
Blackwater Mercenaries also went a bit overboard and played the shoot first ask questions later game, heck they were even shooting the cops - AFTER
they called them out, but that's another story.
I lived through Katrina, never leaving the area. I was also an instrumental part of getting medicines and food products to many neighborhoods after
the storm. I know for a FACT that the official death count is absurdly low, as it was with Andrew in Florida. I cannot fathom the reasons for lying
about how truly devastating a disaster is, but then again TPTB probably consider me a worthless eater anyway.
If the person in question really was under DOJ orders (strange) then it was probably hiding the handiwork of Blackwater Mercs. It would have been way
too obvious if the bodies were prisoners, it wasn't like there was anywhere nearby to get a change of clothes at the time, everything was flooded, so
they would have remained in the prison uniform.
Plus, How exactly do you collect 5000 bodies with a single specific type of wound, then transport them to the facility (there were a couple of mass
morgues) to be "processed" and then, some how manage to get the bodies out of there without anyone noticing them missing so you can travel in to
Flooded areas to dump bodies into "the Swamp."
There ain't any swamps around New Orleans folks!! West Lake Pontchartrain, yep, central Louisiana, yep, coastal Louisiana, you betcha But not
around New Orleans.
Unfortunately, the McKinney story is #1 Heresay, #2 never investigated and #3 very typical of the stories that were being spread by many people at the
time (as well as many others, you know how they "Blew up the Levees and such)
I still live in the greater New Orleans area and personally know a few of the people who worked at the morgues, many law enforcement personnel and
private security, as well as many of the first responders that work here.
It's been 3 yrs since Katrina, the skeletal remains would have been showing up by now if this was in the least bit true. If they were allegedly
dumped in the swamp during a time when the tide could have pulled the remains far out to sea (from a swamp? yeah , right) How did they manage to haul
'em there when the area was that deeply flooded?
Were there at least 5000 bodies with single gsw to the head? Maybe, but even that number seems way to high for the one small jail that had a known
prisoner population that actually made it out.
No one would have bothered to shoot prisoners BEFORE the storm, or even right after, the levees hadn't broken yet. When they did, there wasn't
enough time to waste to shoot that many prisoners, even if the entire jail staff was doing the shooting. The water rose THAT FAST.
So just another rumor getting life 3 yrs later. And we still have no homes in many areas. Wish the rebuilding got the same attention the rumor mill