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premonition or dream?

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posted on Mar, 23 2004 @ 08:37 PM
A few people have posted lately about strange dreams involving EBEs. Here is mine from about 4 weeks ago.

I was in a large open field at night. We were camping at some festival-type concert. Though it was pitch dark I don't remember seeing any campfires. Some tables were set up where people sold food, drinks and various merch.
Something in the sky caught my eye and when I looked up I saw a host of strange looking craft streaming overhead. I immediately thought 'these are not ours' and believed them to be of ET origin.
I said to whomever I was with 'Holy S**T! Did you see that?!?' A few seconds later another host of craft streaked across the sky pursuing the other ships. These I classified as 'ours' feeling they were from the armed forces. Even so, not all of 'our' ships were typical aircraft. Many were oddly shaped and looked alien.
Soon after that someone came up to us and said' you have to get out of here NOW! Everyone has to leave at once. There was no panic in their voice but a definite sense of urgency.
We packed our stuff quick and headed out. I recall everyone leaving orderly-no huge traffic jam like Independence Day when everyone fled the cities.

The next thing I remember was being in an old New England style town with old brick buildings, stone churches and narrow streets. I was a passenger in a car when Suddenly a dogfight broke out overhead. It was daytime now. Alien craft were crashing and burning around us but I don't recall seeing anyone hurt. I don't remember feeling panic it was more like being in awe of the spectacle.

I was then either in a bar or someone's apartment watching the news coverage of the event. The talking heads were saying the predictable "the question mankind has asked since the beginning has been answered..we are not alone" With that they cut to commercial.


As they cut to commercial, the graphics on the screen said something like Aliens Attack, or Alien Attack and then the date!


Thats when I woke up feeling creeped out and excited at the same time. I felt like I was actually seeing something real happen.

I don't know of any signifigance to that date nor does it have any in my life.
Has anyone had similar dreams or know anything about that date?

I guess the good thing about the dream was that I didn't see any bloodshed, no one was panicking, and it looked llike we were winning.

Thanks for reading this long post I look forward to your replies.

[Edited on 23-3-2004 by lostboy]

posted on Mar, 23 2004 @ 09:27 PM
I'd have to say that's very interesting. As for the feeling of overwhelming sensation, it can be explained through psychology. the reason for these emotions, feelings, sensations is that your mind is asleep, but your body is not, it happens to everyone, whether due to stress, exercise, etc., so as your mind begins to wander, your body feels as if it is actual in motion, feeling these things. as for it being a premonition, it could be, i guess we'll just have to wait and see. but i'd most likely put my money on in being a dream, a really intense yet interesting dream. i hope this helps out a little bit.

posted on Mar, 23 2004 @ 09:59 PM
The very powerful dreams that occur like these should not be ignored. This dream could indicate your ability to "sense" an upcoming event for humanity and it's possible that you will actually see something like this in your waking life.

The date is interesting because the year 2012 is when the Mayan calendar ends, in the month of December, which is the twelfth month and the 21st day. The is relevent because there is expected, among groups like ATS, that there will be many upcoming changes before 2012, like alien disclosure, microchipping the human population, etc.

But if you have those feelings of your dream being "true" to yourself, then I wouldn't discount them.

posted on Mar, 23 2004 @ 10:45 PM
interesting dream/premonition whatever it is.. I have some strange ones too. Don't know what to make of it except that you should mark that date 12/19/2004 on calendar and see what happens least you don't have that long to wait.

posted on Mar, 24 2004 @ 06:26 AM
Dream or whatever, it does illustrate a very interesting point. The only way we could conceivably defeat a serious invading (or just attacking) force would be if it were a Wag The Dog style special news event. Oh, a few cities may get blown up, but that's just good TV! Seriously, though, with a technological edge of just a decade or two, Coalition forces managed to utterly whip Saddam in the First Gulf War. December the 25th... The Day We Fight Back!!

posted on Mar, 25 2004 @ 01:09 AM

Originally posted by lostboy
A few people have posted lately about strange dreams involving EBEs. Here is mine from about 4 weeks ago.

I was in a large open field at night. We were camping at some festival-type concert. Though it was pitch dark I don't remember seeing any campfires. Some tables were set up where people sold food, drinks and various merch.
Something in the sky caught my eye and when I looked up I saw a host of strange looking craft streaming overhead. I immediately thought 'these are not ours' and believed them to be of ET origin.
I said to whomever I was with 'Holy S**T! Did you see that?!?' A few seconds later another host of craft streaked across the sky pursuing the other ships. These I classified as 'ours' feeling they were from the armed forces. Even so, not all of 'our' ships were typical aircraft. Many were oddly shaped and looked alien.
Soon after that someone came up to us and said' you have to get out of here NOW! Everyone has to leave at once. There was no panic in their voice but a definite sense of urgency.
We packed our stuff quick and headed out. I recall everyone leaving orderly-no huge traffic jam like Independence Day when everyone fled the cities.

The next thing I remember was being in an old New England style town with old brick buildings, stone churches and narrow streets. I was a passenger in a car when Suddenly a dogfight broke out overhead. It was daytime now. Alien craft were crashing and burning around us but I don't recall seeing anyone hurt. I don't remember feeling panic it was more like being in awe of the spectacle.

I was then either in a bar or someone's apartment watching the news coverage of the event. The talking heads were saying the predictable "the question mankind has asked since the beginning has been answered..we are not alone" With that they cut to commercial.


As they cut to commercial, the graphics on the screen said something like Aliens Attack, or Alien Attack and then the date!


Thats when I woke up feeling creeped out and excited at the same time. I felt like I was actually seeing something real happen.

I don't know of any signifigance to that date nor does it have any in my life.
Has anyone had similar dreams or know anything about that date?

I guess the good thing about the dream was that I didn't see any bloodshed, no one was panicking, and it looked llike we were winning.

Thanks for reading this long post I look forward to your replies.

[Edited on 23-3-2004 by lostboy]

Hey check out my vision: Preminition

I always held a certain degree of belief in what I sense, so follow your gut instincts, I believe it's a Sixth Sense or what not.

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