posted on Oct, 1 2008 @ 12:41 AM
Okay... I was doing a little research on the Pentagon Strike durring 9/11 and I have found a descrepency on multiple sites. I found a copy of the
passenger manifest for the aircraft reported to have been the one to strike the Pentagon. However, the passenger manifest reads "Flight 11". When
you Google "Pentagon Strike" most everything shows up "Flight 77" and there are even some news broadcasts saying "Flight 77" and not "Flight
11". I for one do not buy into a Boeing 757 hitting the Pentagon. However, I am looking for answers to why there is a descrepency of information. I
understand that a simple typo could have been propogated by the masses, but could it realy be that simple. And if it was a typo, wouldn't someone
have caught it by now? Also, I have been trying to find a tail number that would have been assigned to the flight number. Can't seem to find that
either. After years in aviation, I know that aircraft tail numbers are generally public information. Help?