posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 11:00 AM
Hi Jim,
I'm busy reading your book Rules by Secrecy, after which I will read the Terror Conspiracy and The Rise of the Fourth Reich that I already purchased
in December.
While I'm also reading a book by Wesley Tarpley called Obama - The Postmodern Coup, and have purchased some books by Daniel Estulin, Alex Jones and
David Icke, I feel that your sources are the most reliable and do not go overboard, as you always only keep to the proven and reported facts.
How do you feel about the likes of Wesley Tarpley, Alex Jones and David Icke who in my opinion tell the truth in an exaggerating fashion that makes
people simply look down on them as fanatic conspiracy theorists?
Lastly, what is your opinion on the situation in the Taiwan Straits? I'm a European married to a Taiwanese, and live in Taiwan. It has become
apparent that President Ma is a pawn of the US, China or being pulled into two directions by both.
It is also not surprising that the ex-President is about to be removed from the political scene after he refused to follow the apparent agenda, and
preferred to call for independence instead.
It is also possible that the US is controlling Ma by holding information back that would ruin him if it were released to the media.
How do you feel on these matters? While it is easier to figure out 9/11, the Mumbai Attacks and the Middle East Crisis (thanks to Brzezinksi), the
situation in the Taiwan Straits is rather difficult to comprehend. Who really wants what out of Taiwan?
Thanks for your replies. I look forward to receiving your opinions on the situation in the Taiwan straits.