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SETI Conspiracy

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posted on Mar, 23 2004 @ 06:58 PM
I'd like to address something that I find to be troubling to say the least.....

I believe that SETI was created to distract the public into thinking that aliens actually use radio waves and what-not to communicate. The goverment already knows that this is not the case which is why they created SETI to distract the public. We know that aliens exist, too many people have had enounters already. Too many pics, too much video....

SETI is a distraction, one that gives the public hope that one day we might receive some kind of transmission... But what if the government has already been in communication with aliens using advanced technology that has nothing to do with the radio waves SETI searches for....

I believe that SETI will never find anything of use, why would an advanced civilization that is far ahead of ours use such ancient technology. We should demand the truth, for there's much more being hide from us...



[Edited on 26-3-2004 by John bull 1]

posted on Mar, 23 2004 @ 07:02 PM
i couldnt agree with u more!!!

how fast do radio waves travel???

it is a distraction

there already here ....we need not look for them .....just wait

posted on Mar, 23 2004 @ 07:03 PM
They are here, read my other post "Change the World"

You will agree even more after you finish!!


Originally posted by watcheroftheskies
i couldnt agree with u more!!!

how fast do radio waves travel???

it is a distraction

there already here ....we need not look for them .....just wait

posted on Mar, 23 2004 @ 07:09 PM
if it is a distraction its a big waste of time and money in my opinion.
i think somebody said this on another thread (sorry if im butchering it), but someone said nasa is saying its major discovery was that the crater where discovery is used to be submerged in water. its a big deal. but on the other hand we are secretly meeting with aliens. he made a good point, and it made me think. only problem is now im even more stumped. if aliens really are here and they are hiding them there must be a good reason.

posted on Mar, 23 2004 @ 07:09 PM
dont some "resources" say that aliens communicate telepathically anyway?

If that's really the case, I'd say you do have a point

posted on Mar, 23 2004 @ 07:12 PM
Take a minute and read my other post...

Thinking is GREAT! Its your right to think about the world we live in, think about all the bull# that has been fed to you!!!

The reason the aliens have not made their presence known is because either they have been repressed by our "government" or because the timing isn't right yet. Once the majority of humans on earth begin to realize that organized relgion is repressive and that the time to accept aliens has come I believe we will be in for a time of ENLIGHTENMENT!


Originally posted by ihatethisplace
if it is a distraction its a big waste of time and money in my opinion.
i think somebody said this on another thread (sorry if im butchering it), but someone said nasa is saying its major discovery was that the crater where discovery is used to be submerged in water. its a big deal. but on the other hand we are secretly meeting with aliens. he made a good point, and it made me think. only problem is now im even more stumped. if aliens really are here and they are hiding them there must be a good reason.

posted on Mar, 23 2004 @ 07:13 PM
i have thought about this many times b4 and never thought about bringing it up.

i was thinking maybe they did use radio waves at some point in there past but they are now way ahead of this in technology and we are only just finding new ways of doing things. i think weve missed wotever was out there but we are still scanning for any other life form that maybe at the same stage as us.

good post psd_1

posted on Mar, 23 2004 @ 07:14 PM
EXACTLY!! PLEASE READ MY OTHER POST!! I can't say it enough!! "CHANGE THE WORLD" is the name of the thread!! READ IT NOW!!


Originally posted by UnknownOrigins
dont some "resources" say that aliens communicate telepathically anyway?

If that's really the case, I'd say you do have a point

[Edited on 23-3-2004 by psd_1]

posted on Mar, 23 2004 @ 07:16 PM
A link to your other post would be helpful psd_1

posted on Mar, 23 2004 @ 07:16 PM
true. it seems as though this surpresion of info is just another way to keep us sheeps at bay.

posted on Mar, 23 2004 @ 07:19 PM
yes interesting...

posted on Mar, 23 2004 @ 07:20 PM
The only problem I have with seti is we are listening for a whisper when we should hear a shout.

I mean any planet within about 70 light years could not HELP but know we are here just from the noise we have pumped into space since the inevention of the radio

posted on Mar, 23 2004 @ 07:23 PM

There u go!

Originally posted by pantha
A link to your other post would be helpful psd_1

posted on Mar, 23 2004 @ 07:29 PM
If SETI was created as a distraction then it hasn't really had that much of an impact, I think that the number of people that are involved is quite a small percentage of the worlds population.
I think that madmartinez has got a point about extraterrestrials using a more advanced means of transmitting signals , but that is assuming that all life out there is advanced to a higher level than us on earth.
some may still be using radio waves , some may not yet have discovered them.
If we do find a signal, the chances are that whoever sent it is long gone, and it has taken thousands of years to reach us. who knows.
I just know that there is a chance , however slim that we could find something.
Until we have aliens landing on the whitehouse lawn ,or outside 10 downing street
or wherever they chose to first make them selves known, this is the only part that I can play in trying to find the truth.
I don't think that SETI has distracted me from looking elsewhere for alien life, even here on earth already, I just like to keep all my options open thats all

posted on Mar, 23 2004 @ 07:33 PM
but even if we were to recieve a signal, thousands of years old, wouldnt seti have done what it was intended to do?

posted on Mar, 23 2004 @ 07:35 PM
SETI provides a false hope, one that you adopted.

I highly doubt that any really advanced civilizations that had advanced technology would try and send a message instead of using their space craft and just coming here to take a good look for themselves.

I believe that telepathy is the communication of the future and is only used by civilizations that are truly advanced and enlightened.

SETI is a hoax, see is for what it is and what it will be. People believe it will provide clues yet all it has provided is STATIC

I respect your opinion, but don't join the rest of the sheep that believe all of NASA's cover-ups and whatnot....


Originally posted by pantha
If SETI was created as a distraction then it hasn't really had that much of an impact, I think that the number of people that are involved is quite a small percentage of the worlds population.
I think that madmartinez has got a point about extraterrestrials using a more advanced means of transmitting signals , but that is assuming that all life out there is advanced to a higher level than us on earth.
some may still be using radio waves , some may not yet have discovered them.
If we do find a signal, the chances are that whoever sent it is long gone, and it has taken thousands of years to reach us. who knows.
I just know that there is a chance , however slim that we could find something.
Until we have aliens landing on the whitehouse lawn ,or outside 10 downing street
or wherever they chose to first make them selves known, this is the only part that I can play in trying to find the truth.
I don't think that SETI has distracted me from looking elsewhere for alien life, even here on earth already, I just like to keep all my options open thats all

posted on Mar, 23 2004 @ 07:51 PM

Originally posted by psd_1
I highly doubt that any really advanced civilizations that had advanced technology would try and send a message instead of using their space craft and just coming here to take a good look for themselves.

I believe that telepathy is the communication of the future and is only used by civilizations that are truly advanced and enlightened.


but I don't think that SETI is particularly trying to find advanced civilisations, just a sign that we are not alone.
It might not come in the form of a message that is sent out to make contact but simply just the sound of their existance, in the same way that we have inadvertantly littered space with the sounds of our communications systems.
Alien life may well use telepathy to communicate, but let the psychics of this world try to tune in to that, SETI is the only way that I can attempt it. But as I say, I still have an open mind about the whole alien issue.
All I'm doing is letting a little screen saver run on my PC, while I keep an eye on this forum to try and discover whats really out there.

posted on Mar, 23 2004 @ 07:57 PM
What I believe is that "humans" are already in communication with aliens and that SETI is a way of covering it up. SETI makes it seem like we are looking for a way, or looking for clues... But the clues have already been found, the communication has already been made!! Soon enough the truth will arise from the layers of crap the government has piled on... then we will all learn that space is teeming with life!


Originally posted by pantha

Originally posted by psd_1
I highly doubt that any really advanced civilizations that had advanced technology would try and send a message instead of using their space craft and just coming here to take a good look for themselves.

I believe that telepathy is the communication of the future and is only used by civilizations that are truly advanced and enlightened.


but I don't think that SETI is particularly trying to find advanced civilisations, just a sign that we are not alone.
It might not come in the form of a message that is sent out to make contact but simply just the sound of their existance, in the same way that we have inadvertantly littered space with the sounds of our communications systems.
Alien life may well use telepathy to communicate, but let the psychics of this world try to tune in to that, SETI is the only way that I can attempt it. But as I say, I still have an open mind about the whole alien issue.
All I'm doing is letting a little screen saver run on my PC, while I keep an eye on this forum to try and discover whats really out there.

posted on Mar, 23 2004 @ 08:26 PM
psd_1, it's quite possible that you are right , but until I am let in on the big secret I will continue to run SETI.
you say that you "believe" that we are already in communication with aliens and I do believe that it is possible, but if that is the case then until they decide to disclose it , why not try to discover proof for our selves?I personally don't think that the government encourages people to use the SETI program to pull the wool over our eyes. In fact I don't think that I ever saw it plugged until I joined ATS. I think that if that was the case then there would have been a lot more money ploughed into it. As I said, SETI users are a small minority of the population, if anything people who know that I run it kind of look at me as if I'm a bit of a sad case. So if it is covering up the truth then it's not hiding it from most of the people I know.
If I find out that I have been wasting my time looking for something that is already here, I'm sure that I'd get over it.

posted on Mar, 23 2004 @ 08:29 PM
didnt the gov stop funding seti and then some rich guy somewhere kept it going?
i maybe wrong but im sure i saw that on tv

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